News Briefs – 09/03/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

No official story to link to, but Jake Corman has announced on Bannon’s war room that he has scheduled a Sept 9th hearing to examine Pennsylvania voting irregularities. His claim was Mastriano was slowing things down, but Mastriano was about to issue subpoenas, and now all we are getting is a hearing, with maybe subpoenas later on. He seems to be trying to time it to see how things shake out, and which side he should take.

The Associated Press whines – “A monthslong campaign by the Republican Party, fueled in part by the false narrative of widespread fraud in last year’s presidential election, has led to a wave of new voting laws that will tighten access to the ballot for millions of Americans.”

Just the “lost” ballots in three states exceed Joe Biden’s margins of victory.

Lawyers representing the Republican-controlled Arizona Senate, in a review of 2020 election results in the state’s most populous county, released a slew of communications between GOP lawmakers, their audit liaisons and others under a court order obtained by a watchdog group that is fighting for transparency in the election recount.

Meanwhile Maricopa County, once again has not responded to a Senate FOIA request for communications.

Florida is getting a bill filed to do a full audit of the 2020 election.

Gun company Remington has subpoenaed any and all educational records, including the report cards, attendance records, and disciplinary records of five kindergarten and first grade students murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. They want records on four teachers as well. I can’t imagine Remington intends to reveal anything. But the game of Chicken is quite intriguing. The clear implication is those kids and teachers might not exist.

Beto O’Rourke launches a tool allowing Texas voters to register at home.

Mike Lindell on Lindell TV said the story yesterday that he had sold a company plane to pay for his election integrity efforts was entirely false, that he has spent $15 million already, and he is ready to spend every penny if he has to in order to eliminate the election fraud.

Biden says he visited ‘tree of life’ after 2018 massacre, but synagogue says ‘no.’

The Hill claims a bellwether California poll shows Newsom surviving the recall. I take it to mean they think the fraud operation will be in full effect after all.

Biden’s brain freezes again as he tries to remember his own daughter’s wedding, as he says, “My mind is going blank now, what’s the song that is played, where everybody is around the chair, you know, what – what, I can’t remember – anyway… so you know, what the hell’s going on here?…Look, I’m taking too much of your time.”

Biden aims to sign on to the UN’s global gun registration treaty.

Australia could force citizens to report their location on demand via a government tracking app. They will actually give you a message, and you have to immediately take a geolocated selfie and send it back, or you are in big trouble. I guarantee you surveillance targets will get “random” calls the moment they are 30 minutes out from their house, where they left their cell phone. Like I said, people are going to find out that human beings, even the nicest, most socially adapted individuals, are natural, programmed, instinctive killers who quickly become addicted to killing those who annoy them.

Australian government plans a Chinese-style ‘social credit’ system for social media users.

An account of drive-bys from an anon on 4Chan here:

In 2017 I sold everything and moved into a cabin that would normally be a rental, in a national monument. No one was living around the unit but some nearby ones were rented. A month later two Jews moved in next door to me, were always friendly and talked to me.

One day my sister visited me and was standing on my porch. She remarked about the insane number of cars that drive past my cabin, up to the dead end, immediately turn around and drive away. I confirmed that this happens literally every day, even when no one is staying up here, and then mentioned suspicions I had about my neighbors. Within one week of that conversation they had packed up everything and moved out, apparently divorced.

Probably just paranoia. The cars never end though. Just last night a guest that was staying nearby remarked on that to me.

Drive-bys are SOP. I don’t know what they are doing with them. I assume the car is painting the house with some sort of radiation to see inside it, based off disruptions in TV reception I have noted. God only knows the long term health effects of that. And my impression is the cars don’t just pain the targets house. They are driving around, painting all the houses and gathering the imagery. Notice also, everything he said was being listened to at all times. That is normal too. The divorce was interesting. I have a family friend, which this thing has apparently moved in on, I assume because of me. She even caught them doing a trash pull. She had two new neighbors move in right after my situation heated up. What was interesting about it is I looked them up and found a Facebook page, which featured a picture of the two of them, with a new baby. The wife was smiling, but the husband was clearly physically uncomfortable in the photo. When I saw it, I instantly thought it looked as if they were not married, and I wondered if they were just paired up for the surveillance op, and a baby happened, and they went with it for their cover. They could have even faked the baby, though I would think there would be logistical difficulties with that. In the above account, I would not be surprised the marriage was just a part of their cover. This whole thing operates outside of our ability to comprehend it. Who here would agree to set their own life and dreams aside, to haunt some random person at the direction of somebody like Andrew McCabe? Who would violate the Constitution completely, or even just screw with people who weren’t bothering anyone? Who would target children? Who would know their organization allowed 9/11 to happen, maybe was behind it, and would continue to be loyal to it? I don’t think we can imagine what is possible or not with this thing.

Kevin McCarthy among GOP lawmakers whose phone records January 6 select committee asked to be preserved.

Matt Gaetz says it was Paul Ryan who was behind Fox News firing Lou Dobbs.

Healthy Florida woman took the Vaxx, and suddenly came down with the human form of Mad Cow disease. People had speculated the prion-like domains on the spike protein might have the ability to do this, but I didn’t know enough about that to speculate, so I assumed they likely didn’t either. This is curious. Only time will tell if this was just an unusually fast moving case, and others will show up months and years later, or if it was isolated, or unrelated. Another article from an RFK-associated group.

Any death that the vaccine causes within 2 weeks will now show up as the death of an unvaccinated person, because the CDC has declared you are not vaccinated for purposes of adverse reactions, until two weeks have passed. Of course I will bet a week in, your Spike Protein production is at its highest rate. Just insanity.

ACLU comes out in SUPPORT of vaccine mandates. If you want to know if an organization is infiltrated by Cabal, just ask yourself if the organization would pose a threat to Cabal’s illegal intelligence operation if it were run honestly, and honestly pursued its stated goals. If so, Cabal then saw that too, infiltrated it with their agents, and turned it into a honeypot to give them a heads up on anybody who wanted to take them on.

The vaccines are 9.5% effective.

Majority of population likely has pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2, claim researchers.

AMA, APhA, and ASHP call for an immediate end to prescribing, dispensing, and the use of Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 outside of clinical trials.

Amazon to block some autocomplete search results for ivermectin, amid misuse for COVID-19. Ebay appears to have quietly blocked the listing of the word Ivermectin as well.

No-lockdown Sweden bans travel from ultra-vaxxed, locked down Israel over Covid spikes.

One example somebody found on facebook of a woman who ridiculed vaccine skeptics, got the vaccine, and died in her sleep that very night. What was interesting was a video on the page of a pharmacist unboxing the vaccine and showing the product info inserts were blank, apparently one of many such videos making the rounds.

Climate Change to be treated as a public-health issue.

Democrats tuck the female draft into the Defense bill.

Man who exposed his penis to women and underage girls at a Los Angeles spa is a registered sex offender with a history of indecent exposure, so new felony charges were filed.

General Motors to temporarily halt production of nearly all US plants due to pandemic-related chip shortage overseas.

Candace Owens denied a Covid test by a deranged white female progressive clinic owner over politics.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signs troubling sex ed bill into law that will lead to the grooming of young children. They actually call it the REACH Act.

De Blasio’s Education Department takes its war on learning to a new extreme with a ‘no honor roll’ push. Cabal needs to wage war on any standouts, and create a situation where people don’t wonder why retards who are in the network soar effortlessly, while standouts who never heard of the network do not. Make everybody look even, and mission accomplished.

Feds reportedly lose track of thousands of migrant kids after release. There could easily be some horrifying stories in that one.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is set to announce sweeping changes to the way the U.S. government will verify homeownership for disaster relief applicants who lack certain legal documents for inherited property. No ID for voting, no documents needed to get government money.

California’s state pension invests millions in Chinese state-owned companies. Intelligence operations will tend to be territorial. If Cabal owns the United States, it will get its operatives infiltrated into the Pension Board, as well as wherever these investment decisions are made, and they will take all that money and put it to work fueling Cabal’s empire. If they ever saw China try to take it over, their supremacy on the ground would be used to throw China out immediately. That these funds are being used to fuel China’s machine is very interesting. Either Cabal is now using China, or China has taken over Cabal. I have said, whatever entity amassed evidence of the surveillance in the United States and had the power to expose it could trigger instant Civil War, and would have a very powerful bargaining chip. It is not impossible China has done that, and bargained or bullied its way into some relationship with Cabal. Either that or Cabal decided the best profit was in moving to China, crashing the United States, and shorting everything on the way down.

China bans ‘sissy men’ from TV as Communist Party asserts more control over business, society. They are learning from our mistakes.

Federal officials closed a portion of trails at a national forest in Northern California where a family and their dog mysteriously died last month, citing pending toxicology reports on nearby water.

Mark Milley told reporters Wednesday that it is “possible” American forces will coordinate with the Taliban on operations against the terrorist group ISIS-K.

Vietnam misses Trump as it struggles with China.

Antifa teacher is on the run, and claims he fears for his safety and job after Project Veritas blows his cover.

Joe Manchin won’t support spending another $3.5 trillion in the reconciliation bill.

Biden at 42% approval in the daily Presidential tracking poll.

Donald Trump says all U.S. states should go to paper ballots, and same-day in-person voting, with voter ID.

A group of patriots in Florida is planning on shattering the world record for the largest flotilla ever this upcoming weekend.

From Twitter – “Jim Jordan told me tonight in Iowa that Trump will announce he’s running “any day now.” A big GOP operative in the state later announced to the crowd that Trump will travel here imminently.”

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Record low morale for our American troops! Who can blame them?

Invite other people to because together, apes strong.

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3 years ago
3 years ago

Biden’s daughter married a Jew.

That will be of interest to some of the regulars here.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago


Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is Jewish, and his daughter Ivanka converted when she married him.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Biden’s mother = jew

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Under the Talmud that makes Biden a jew.

3 years ago

CDC study finds over 80% of US adults have some immunity to COVID, notes prior infection offers similar protection as vaccine

Xi Jinping the Aussie
Xi Jinping the Aussie
3 years ago

What the hell is happening to Australia?

Australia has been for many years by no means heading in the right direction. There’s been plenty of sneaky legislation creeping through.

Yet many of us here still lived with a sensory illusion that Australia is a free country.

It still felt that way… until suddenly… !!!

Something happened. It’s not going on the in the background anymore. We have shifted to open-totalitarianism.

It seems we are now leading the charge.

“What happened!?”

Can we just get China in here already? Hurry up and take Taiwan.

Reply to  Xi Jinping the Aussie
3 years ago

tasmania will also be used to supply below the table heroin. aus = narcostate

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Xi Jinping the Aussie
3 years ago

“What the hell is happening to Australia?”

You shut your whore mouth! They’re busy saving America right now. Ask Dawg.

Reply to  Xi Jinping the Aussie
3 years ago

According to Corny and Crew from DA US of A its all because we gave up our gunsies!

Those yanks are in full control of their country because they own GUNSIES!

NYC has mandated Jabba the hut passports just to eat some stinking deep fried, high cholesterol garbage that makes its way faster to your a$$hole than a used car salesman for your wallet.

Of course, don’t talk about the gunsies!

We aint got no passport mandates here bra despite the lack of gunsies.

So in the timeless words of Josey Wales “are you gonna pull those sixguns or whistle Dixie!”

Or perhaps anticipating a response from Corny “Do you feel lucky punk?! Well do ya?”

Aint much good having a gun if it never gets used. I used to always tell that to my ex girlfriend.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Even in the worst hellholes like NYC we do not see the kind of insanity that is happening in Australia because the rest of the country has guns.

Could the Aussies have kept their guns? I don’t know.
But they could have fought harder for them and they could have hidden them instead of turning them in.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

TheDawg strikes me as a shill, self-deluded, or a Vox-style gamma. Little to no dialectical replies. Grandstanding pseudo-alpha “I can beat you up” talk (this is the internet!). Corny jokes with obvious target but no real content. No substantiation of points.

Prove me wrong with a detailed account of how exactly Australians both have been and will be saving Americans. Also by providing a rebuttal to AC. How will you save us without guns? Either TheDawg is a fake, deluded, or have information you can’t share. Which is it?

In the end, I recommend you pray to God regarding Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for our sins so we can go to heaven. Believe that and you’re saved. That’s the true gospel.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

> TheDawg strikes me as a shill, self-deluded, or a Vox-style gamma. Little to no dialectical replies. Grandstanding pseudo-alpha “I can beat you up” talk (this is the internet!). Corny jokes with obvious target but no real content. No substantiation of points.

I have known many Australians. I am unsure if the Aussies I know are network, but all of these just seem like typical Aussie traits.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I’m with the kid. That’s just Australia’s group pathology, the same way the black community (as a whole) exhibits NPD.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Thanks for the intel, guys. The only Aussie I’ve ever befriended nearly always carried a 24-pack (once a 36, must have been a rough week) box of beer and an open can around with him with lit Marlboro Light whenever I ran into him. Never again saw anyone set down an open box of beer before a long run on a treadmill, only to open a lukewarm brew just after finishing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Don’t forget, the 3d printed firearms are now a thing. You can make the FGC-9 in restrictive places like Europe with entry level printer. You can get parts kits and build your own rifle and pistol for emergency. That fun part, the Cabal can only guess how many people were able to get plans, make firearms and buried them somewhere for the future.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I tend to think more along the lines of the rout needs to be done up close and personal AC. You want to enjoy their fear.

The dudes up the chain need to be caught alive and be given the encouragement required to give up their handlers further up and so on. These events need to be televised so that we can all enjoy them and the rest crap their undies.

I haven’t fired a gun in years and the last time I did was blazing away with a 410 at a 4.5 meter plus shark.

But as you say AC, something to acquire. If things get worse here I will be heading out into the countryside and getting armed to the teeth in case Corn Pop should turn up wanting some help.

A banjo and a jewsharp might be other worthwhile additions.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Gun company Remington has subpoenaed any and all educational records, including the report cards, attendance records, and disciplinary records of five kindergarten and first grade students murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.”

Sheesh do these major companies with assets in the billions have any intelligence?

Why yes, yes they do.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Who here would agree to set their own life and dreams aside, to haunt some random person at the direction of somebody like Andrew McCabe? Who would violate the Constitution completely, or even just screw with people who weren’t bothering anyone? Who would target children? Who would know their organization allowed 9/11 to happen, maybe was behind it, and would continue to be loyal to it? I don’t think we can imagine what is possible or not with this thing.”

Qui. Qui. (((Qui))).

5% of any human population is narcissistic or some type of cluster B (sociopathic/psychopathic). Add in a tribe or two that specialize in this thing, and you’ve got 5 to 10% of any society susceptible to this. By the way, 5% of the U.S. Population is over 15 million people. What was the size of the Red Army in WW2? Manpower ain’t a problem for them.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“5% of any human population is narcissistic or some type of cluster B (sociopathic/psychopathic).”

Criminal executions when done right suppresses their prevalence.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Democrats tuck the female draft into the Defense bill.”

But how can the females be drafted if they are supposed to stay in the kitchen? Oh, right, they can be cooks and maybe nurses.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signs troubling sex ed bill into law that will lead to the grooming of young children. They actually call it the REACH Act.”

Hey, AC. Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

3 years ago

>Either Cabal is now using China, or China has taken over Cabal.
“Whatever the price of Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and educated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the Unite States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

— David Rockefeller

*Stillwell in the Burma-China theater WWII; physiognomy is real and his record & relations with the Roosevelts suggest cabal; a Peter Principle patsy

Silvermaster Spy Ring, Kissinger’s tech theft foundations, ect.

Mao’s handler was of that frenulum deficient, formally Pinko persuasion; Pol Pot Sorbonne educated . . . one might justify it, if there were a hard ecological catastrophe reset timeline necessitating a strife maximizing technology thrust to drive civilizational reboot & rebuild – already undertaken, and possibly not for the first time – just to survive much less gtfo the place. The Rofschild thread says a bit too much with “it would be bad for us if [they came back for you]”; hard to say if they meant yeeting ‘their’ cattle, or punishing them for their perversion

Earth Versailles: War In Heaven hypothesis

China, Dogon, Nummo, Antediluvian cosmogonies (Elohim interlopers vs. Aquatic life seeder terraformers)

Possibly a bit on the nose

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

What that bastard Stillwell did to Merrill’s Marauders was nothing short of treason and murder:

In slightly more than five months of combat behind Japanese lines in Burma, the Marauders, who supported the X Force, advanced 750 miles through some of the harshest jungle terrain in the world, fought in 5 major engagements (Walawbum, Shaduzup, Inkangahtawng, Nhpum Ga, and Myitkyina) and engaged in combat with the Japanese Army on thirty-two occasions. Battling Japanese soldiers, hunger, and disease, they had traversed more jungle on their long-range patrols than any other U.S. Army unit of the war.

On March 29, [Brigadier Gen.] Merrill suffered his first heart attack [age 41] and command returned to then executive officer, Colonel Charles N. Hunter. In their final mission against the Japanese base at Myitkyina, the Marauders suffered 272 killed, 955 wounded, and 980 evacuated for illness and disease. By the time the town of Myitkyina was taken, only about 200 surviving members of the original Marauders were present.

On August 10, 1944, a week after the town’s fall to U.S. and Chinese forces, the 5307th was disbanded with a final total of only 130 combat-effective officers and men (out of the original 2,997).


3 years ago

News: “The Hill claims a bellwether California poll shows Newsom surviving the recall.”

AC: “I take it to mean they think the fraud operation will be in full effect after all.”

I mentioned that a couple of days ago. Voting is NOT secure in this country.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

“If voting actually did anything, they wouldn’t let you do it.”

They weren’t paying attention in 2016, and look what *that* got them. They’re not going to make that mistake again.

3 years ago

News from the Soviet State of Michicaun (Michigan, for those not savvy to know the Hispanic transformation of amerika is ongoing)

The old Congressional Third District Representative Justin Amash which served Grand Rapids/Battle Creek, Michicaun, held townhall meetings with his constituents twice or three times a year. He would have OPEN forums, people would broach subjects openly to him.

Now, we have Rep. Peter Meijers. I have been complaining that he has not come to the Marxist town of Battle Creek to hold town meetings. He has been on a 30 day recess from congress here in Michicaun.

But last night he held a Virtual Townhall via Zoom. The chat was closed down. His admin chief, a Terry Truer, called on six people, Three questions on Afghanistan and the other three on the Hyde Amendment, and the last two on government programs that provided some services.

It lasted an hour. To register for the event—-YOU HAD TO POST YOUR QUESTION TO PETER.

The fallacy of “””democracy”””. This thing was scripted, scrubbed, sanitized. The guy spent 12 hours in Afghanistan—CAN’T SPEND One hour in Battle Creek talking to JUST the people of Battle Creek—the guy is kept in a Bubble, far from us peons. Can’t challenge him.

We couldn’t ask follow up questions, no one did. You are NOT allowed. I even think all those people were pre-chosen. They’d ask a question—he rambled on–and then NO opportunity for follow-up.

This whole “democracy” thing is a scam. It is all a set-up.

3 years ago

More news. Remember the Ukrainian call?

Fox News reported that for the Biden/Ghani call—NO mention on CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC.

Just like the Hunter Biden Laptop–the US Media is engaged in Cover-up for Biden.

America is a failed state—because there is NO unity, which means No society in America. Trump is treated like shit—and Senile, girl-sniffing, Chinese Bitch Biden gets a pass.

You can’t live in a society like this where there is this much subterfuge, double standards, covering for evil. Face it—It’s ALL Gone. The whole of America is riven by hate, the evil hate the good and the good hate the evil. Civil War is coming.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

> Fox News reported that for the Biden/Ghani call—NO mention on CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC.

That’s Fox’s poison pill – they’re the “one ray of hope” via the carefully scripted stories targeted at their assigned demographic. Because they’re the only one saying what some people want to hear, those same people overlook that they’re just another piece of a unified news media.

They probably get approached several times a day with information that would rattle the District of Columbia to its foundations, but they’re never going to use any of it. It just lets their controllers identify the leakers, untrustworthy, and discontented.

3 years ago

Re: the Remington/SandyHook story…
I can’t speak to the buildup or the aftermath, but the massacre happened.

I worked with one of the child victim’s parents, told her to go to the school when she said there was a disturbance at the school and wasnt sure what to do, and was texting with her all day when she left to collect her kid. Throughout the day the news got worse until 11:30 or so when the body count jumped from 1 or 2 to 26. She waited at the firestation designated as a pickup point and got progressively more despondent as other people got their kids and she didn’t. It wasn’t an act on her part. I saved all the texts, and the phone; not sure why, maybe the same reason Ike shipped all those people through the concentration camps.

I knew the kid before the massacre, he existed. And he was gone after the massacre. I was at the parent’s house multiple times, the kids room was a shrine. I went to the wake and the funeral, and it was open casket.

Side note #1: The victim’s (estranged) dad was all over the media bellyaching and agitating for gun laws. Left unreported by the media: his numerous felony convictions and pending cases for drunk driving, cocaine, fraud and bad checks. It all disappeared after the governor got his nazi gun law. And I have the case #s printed off the judicial branch website; they are GONE. quid pro quo.

Side note #2: there was a full court press to enlist the mom to push gun control. She was a gun owner and wouldn’t play ball.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Gun company Remington has subpoenaed any and all educational records, including the report cards, attendance records, and disciplinary records of five kindergarten and first grade students murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. ”

THAT is heap big news. There’s a lot of oddities that are not even close to being real world about Sandy Hook. I’ll tell you a couple that really caught my eye(there’s a ton of them). I’ve worked on vents for buildings in the past. I noticed where it was likely the school cafeteria was on top of the building one of the vent hoods covers was off. The way this works is the vent has a mushroom top and just below it is a fan. No one, and no mean no one, takes the vent top off and just leaves it off. Looking at the one in place it would allow rain to fall down into the vent and possibly land in an oil fryer. It’s just not something done. All you have to do it place the lid back on that it was off is very extremely odd. Another is the guy who looked just like one of the parents. The same guy seems to have been on the scene as a national guard or some sort of officer. One he is supposedly a sniper but…the guy is carrying two guns. An AR and a bolt action sniper rifle. I can’t ever see this happening. Snipers normally have a partner. It’s pointless to carry two guns like that. And the same guy later on is shown carrying an AR…by the magazine,. I’m dead serious, the magazine, upside down and with his shoulder strap dragging the ground and the barrel waving around pointing backwards. Can you imagine if you went to any sort of marksmen, shooting, anything school and you carried an AR by the magazine? They would crawl your ass so bad, it would be a major…they might even kick you out of the school as being too stupid to carry a gun. That guy was no soldier or sniper. And what looks like the exact same guy ends up on TV in the white house. People matched his ears, freckles, it sure looked like him. Not to mention when TV cameras were around he was seen ducking behind others. There’s a ton of these.

I wonder what they will do. So far they have just stalled and denied to release any sort of documentation. They will either have to lie or to cough up some super damning information. This will be interesting. I won’t hold my breath until they comply for sure.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Try finding anything on that fake sniper specifically. I just did and Startpage returned NOTHING useful. Youtube has completely removed anything exposing Sandy Hook crisis actors, and even Bitchute is light on it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I found one, on a debunking site, HHAHAHHAHA they can’t even get their debunking right because the guy can NOT possibly be a sniper. It’s impossible . No one that is a sniper would carry an AR by the magazine. It’s impossible. No one would allow this. It’s too damn stupid. Here’s the debunking site link. Look closely at the pictures of Wheeler, or who ever he is, now look at this idiot carrying a sniper rifle AND a AR by the magazine. No way this guy is a sniper or FBI or anything but some Dufus that knows nothing about guns.

Look closely.

There’s better pictures than this one I linked where his shoulder strap for the AR is almost dragging the ground. Have any of you EVER carried a gun so idiotically like this supposed sniper…hell no.

They also say of the debunk site that the guy is “FBI agent identified as Special Agent Bill Aldenberg” but the pictures they show don’t look like the same guy to me.

This fake FBI guy is just like that stupid Negro that was stopping traffic in Atlanta. One of them was carrying two AR’s because, well if one is good then two must be better right. Big dummies.

They also go on about the ears being different but I’m not seeing it as the strap for his helmet seems to be pushing on the ears.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I hadn’t seen the angle of how he is holding the bolt. No. Just abso-frakking NO.

Also, there’s ZERO reason that man is carrying two rifles. No reason at all. It’s one or the other. Even if he was carrying both, with the threat eliminated he would have had the bolt back in a drag bag, and the AR would have been either slung or carried directly by the magwell, so that the mag was pointing DOWN, not up.

But seriously, the other two have slung AR’s, but not the SNIPER? Just looking, it almost seems lie they WANTED gun guys to look at that and know that it was a lie, and be able to do nothing about it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

If you take fake snipers, fake priest, signs in front of the fire station that say “check in here”, the stupid Jew(registered as an actor at one time) who “sheltered the children whose teacher was dead”, the blocked drive to the school so ambulances can’t get through, not allowing helicopters to land and take children to the hospital, known fake pictures of children being evacuated that were shot at a time different form the event then said to be shot on that day, the refusal to give researchers documentation on anything including who cleaned up the blood(a federal mandated type action that had to be documented), the parking lot handicapped paintings not up to recent code, the pictures of the school with supplies and stuff all packed in the halls, pictures of the children clearly and absolutely photo-shopped, web pages to support the children up before the event, ambulances from close by cities blocked form helping, big cash rewards in the millions given to the “grieving” parents, etc., etc. etc. I could go on for a LONG time with this and it looks like this is nothing but bullshit, false flag made up crap.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“General Motors to temporarily halt production of nearly all US plants due to pandemic-related chip shortage overseas.”

I don’t know this for a fact just speculation but I bet the Chinese have plenty of chips for their cars.

These idiots have totally sold pout the country and their own companies to line their pockets. Now they have nothing. No batteries for their electric cars. No chips. Even most of the steel. We should confiscate all the loot they took and put them out on the street.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The Koreans haven’t slowed automobile production, because they get all their chips from Samsung. The silicon shortage has raised their costs, but not by enough to matter.

Intel has yet to be able to catch up to either TSMC or Samsung, and at this point I don’t think that they care. The company is fully converged and management has gone so far as to implement a two-tiered employee/contractor system that has the employees at each other’s throats – the contractors are paid peanuts and excluded from company functions so they resent the hell out of the full fledged employees, while the full fledged employees have noticed a trend where they are getting replaced with contractors. Intel is in a death spiral similar to Apple.

NVIDIA now owns ARM, so they own the future of lightweight computing design, but they are dependent on either TSMC or Samsung to produce the actual chips.

AMD sold off Global Foundaries years ago, so they are ALSO dependent on TSMC or Samsung. Now AMD has announced in no uncertain terms that they are going to 3D chip designs, meaning chips stacked on top of each other. It’s entirely possible that this takes off some of the pressure to have to use the smallest node possible for the chiplets as they have to do with Ryzen/EPYC/RDNAx. TSMC might also have the Phoenix foundry up and producing within a few years. Their chiplet design was a stroke of pure genius – it allows them to use TSMC’s most expensive process on the chiplets themselves, but all the other guts of the CPU/GPU can be made on previous generation nodes at Global. Very lean and efficient.

China now has China ARM. They have stopped just short of nationalizing the company, and they can if they really need to. That’s all the computing power that they need for any weapons system I can think of that they would be able to produce. Or a commuter car for that matter.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“…China now has China ARM. They have stopped just short of nationalizing the company…”

It’s much worse than that. ARM sold a piece of ARM to China for cut rate prices to get into China’s market. Then the Chinese put some guy in charge. This guy screws ARM so they fire him. He doesn’t leave. Refuses to go. Then he opens a new independent China ARM using ARM tech. Then ARM sues the new company but the same ARM guy is representing the old and the new ARM in court. Guess how that will work out.

The Chinese just stole outright their tech. All these imbecile executives thought they would just outsource everything and sit around, drink coffee and rake in the cash and now they have…nothing. Not a damn thing. They don’t have the smarts to produce anything and their companies are packed with trannies, Pargeets and other diversity that couldn’t innovate their way out of a paper bag. We should find a way to tax them into such a state that they are living under bridges.

Notice Tesla is not a pile of stupidity and try to move all tech indoors if they can.

3 years ago

> Biden says he visited ‘tree of life’ after 2018 massacre, but synagogue says ‘no.’

Dopey Joe is living in the past, when he could say things like that and it would be harder than it was worth to fact-check him.

That’s one of the reasons the Democrats are so determined to “control” the internet. In their ideal world, it would all be Facebook and Twitter, subservient to the Narrative. Independent news sources and bloggers are anathema to them.

3 years ago

> Gun company Remington has subpoenaed any and all educational records,

The implication from last week’s headlines was that Remington had rolled over and was going to shower its attackers with money. If so, subpoenaing the records makes no sense.

Remington is a bunch of idiots and has done some shady things just in the not-so-far past, and I have little sympathy for them, but their capitulation would make it very hard for other companies in the firearms business.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Remington is pretty cabal adjacent if not part. Remember, as things get worse, they have to pony up more and more limited hangouts for attention. What is more important, an election stolen a year ago or a fake massacre 9 years ago? Which one damages them more?

You want to suck all the air out of the media cycle for weeks? Drip out news about one of their prior false flags.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…It is not impossible China has done that, and bargained or bullied its way into some relationship with Cabal. Either that or Cabal decided the best profit was in moving to China, crashing the United States, and shorting everything on the way down.///

I can tell you what I think is extremely likely to have happened. Nuttyyahoo of Israel was supposedly caught on tape saying that when the Jews were through with the US it could dry up and blow away for all he cared.

We know for a fact a big brain trust held a meeting deciding if the Jews should leave the US and move to India or China and it’s likely they picked China. The Chinese not being idiots sweet talked the Jews. Fed them full of lies that would make a Jew blush and got them to move all the US tech and manufacturing to China, and fund it.

Then the Chinese told them to “fuck off”. I think we have gone far past peak Jew. Look at how the Chinese are just taking all the companies that the Jews swiped from us and showed the Chinese how to do all these operations that took generations to work out the manufacturing of. Elon Musk remarked on an interview with “everyday astronaut” the other day that design is nothing. It’s the smallest part. He said that until he got into it he never realized just how hard and how much knowledge was need to actually manufacture something. He said it was by far, far, far the largest impediment to make things. Well the Chinese had this knowledge handed to them by the Jews.

Notice lately the Jews are totally cutting off the Jews. At the same time the Jews are so polluting the water they swim in here that they will end up choking in it.

I have said over and over and have not changed my mind that the Jews set up the Chinese over corona and were the people responsible for releasing it into China but the Chinese went into super overdrive and killed it off. Later as it broke down to be less dangerous they had already crushed the most virulent part while we are still being tortured by the Jews nasty business.

The Jews meant to murder the Chinese. It’s just what they do. You stand in their way they kill you off. Now they have a wealthy, smart, really pissed off competitor in the Chinese who no doubt have come to the same conclusion that I have except they have much better info.

I hope they fuck the Jews. Even if it hurts me any damage done to me will be less harmful than it will be to them because they are running out of time.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Ever seen a Pajeet or Chink manhandle a Jew in business? I have. Jews had the best thing ever in the USA and they screwed it all up – to their detriment- again.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Jews had the best thing ever in the USA and they screwed it all up.”

Truer words were never spoken. They were accepted here, welcome here, treated better than they have been anywhere.

But it’s not enough for them to simply make money. They absolutely must rule. They would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. And they’ll murder without the slightest hint of remorse anyone who has even the potential to stand in their way.

And now the US is collapsing all around them. While people are waking up.

If China turns on them it’s going to be an astonishing thing. Where will they go? Where will they hide? There’s many countries that they can operate and network from. And I’d presume bio attacks will continue to be a dangerous thing. I can’t imagine the horror they’ll put countries through that threaten them. Which of course will just lead people to hate them all the more.

But if Russia, China, and the US turn on them it’s going to get unbelievably ugly. Because they absolutely will not back down.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Conmen always go too far. It’s their nature. They aren’t able to leave the con at “making tons of money.” They have to push for more and more and more, because, in the back of their minds, they know it is always going to eventually fall apart, and they will be stuck with what they can take with them on the run.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“If China turns on them it’s going to be an astonishing thing…”

I just read today China is mass producing nukes now. I expect they know the US is run by the Jews and they letting them know they will not let themselves be ruled by them like we are.

3 years ago

> Biden aims to sign on to the UN’s global gun registration treaty.

Clinton said he would do it. Obama said he would do it. It’s no surprise the Usurper says he’ll do it.

Since I doubt the first two had any consideration for their citizenry or sovereignty, it makes me wonder if there’s some other reason they haven’t followed through. It looks like their supporters would be all over it. Waiting for a time when they need the ratings? Some poison pill that’s not obvious, but they still get to use it as a threat? I didn’t notice anything when I read it back during Obama’s first term, but someone more politically savvy might see something.

3 years ago

> Australian government plans a Chinese-style ‘social credit’ system for social media users.

Australia sounds like it’s essentially a Chinese province. If they decide to remove the immigration restrictions on China – that has been a huge political issue for decades, akin to the Mexican border in the US – we’ll know.

The citizens who oppose wholesale immigration of Asians and islanders are, of course, reviled as racists and Nazis. But the Australian government *wants* those people, despite what Australians think.

3 years ago

> Matt Gaetz says it was Paul Ryan who was behind Fox News firing Lou Dobbs.

Fox backed Biden after the Steal, as corporate policy. Anyone who worked for them is, if not an outright enemy, at least complicit with them.

3 years ago

> Democrats tuck the female draft into the Defense bill.

Actually, I’m 100% for this. I missed the draft by *this* much, and still had to register. Meanwhile, the girls who were prancing around certain their “Equal Rights Amendment” was going to pass were laughing their asses off, because they weren’t going to be *that* equal.

The joke’s on you, bitches.

3 years ago

> Feds reportedly lose track of thousands of migrant kids after release.

That came up in another post a while back. At that time I hit all the major search engines because there were multiple reports of that going back at least since the Bush administration, but I got nothin’.

3 years ago

> Joe Manchin won’t support spending another $3.5 trillion in the reconciliation bill.

Manchin’s a weasel. There’s no chance of getting another $3.5T, so he’s just posturing.

The Fed could simply tap a few keys and “make” the money by the same method they’ve been using since the 1940s, but there’s nothing behind it; it would simply be more inflationary debt piled on every citizen.

3 years ago

> Donald Trump says all U.S. states should go to paper ballots, and same-day in-person voting, with voter ID.

My state *was* that way. Got all the voted tabulated and filed before midnight, too. Not like those fancy electronic systems that take a week.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I watched this movie the other day “The Turin Horse(2011)”. The movie is very very bleak. About a couple in a stone house on a severely wind swept, the wind never stops blowing, plain, they subsist off of potatoes and their old horse they need is close to falling out.

There’s almost no dialog the whole movie except by a neighbor that comes over to get vodka that totally knocked me between the eyes. The rest of the movie there’s almost no talking at all but there’s this long dialog. I’m going to post this but I feel maybe some people will not really get it(and I wouldn’t blame you a bit). It really struck me in this bleak dragging forsaken movie.

Set up neighbor comes over to get vodka. Sets down and then gives this long talk. No prompting he just starts blabbing this.

“I’ve run out of palinka. Would you give me
a bottle? (Hung. fruk. vodka)

Why didn’t you go into town?

The wind’s blown it away.

How come?

It’s gone to ruin.

Why would it go to ruin?

Because everything’s in ruins,

Everything’s been degraded, but I could say that they’ve ruined and degraded everything.

Because this is not some kind of cataclysm, coming about with so-called innocent human aid.

On the contrary It’s about man’s own judgement, his own judgement over his own self, which of course God has a hand in, or dare I say: takes part in

And whatever he takes part in is the most ghastly creation that you can imagine. Because, you see, the world has been debased. So it doesn’t matter what I say, because everything has been debased that they’ve acquired. and since they’ve acquired everything in a sneaky, underhand fight, they’ve debased everything. Because whatever they touch -and they touch everything- they’ve debased. This is the way it was until the final victory.
Until the triumphant end. Acquire, debase, debase, acquire. Or I can put it differently if you like: To touch, debase and thereby acquire, or touched, acquire and thereby debase. It’s been going on like this for centuries On, on and on. This and only this, sometimes on the sly, sometimes gently, sometimes brutally, but it has been going on and on. Yet only in one way, like a rat attack from ambush. Becouse for this perfect victory, it was also essential that the other side think is, everything that’s excellent, great in some way and noble, should not engage in any kind of fight. There shouldn’t be any kind of struggle, just the sudden disappearance of one side, meaning the disappearance of the excellent,
the great, the noble. So that by now these winning winners who attack from ambush rule earth, and there isn’t a single tiny nook where one can hide something from them, because everything they can lay their hands on is theirs. Even things we think they can’t reach – but they do reach – are also theirs. Because the sky is already theirs and all our dreams. Theirs is the moment, nature, infinite silence. Even immortality is theirs, you understand? Everything, everything is lost forever! And those many noble, great and excellent just stood there, if I can put it that way. They stopped at this point, and had to understand, and had to accept, that there is neither god nor gods. And the excellent, the great a nd the noble had to understand and accept this right from the beginning. But of course, they were quite incapable of understanding it. They believed it and accepted it but they didn’t understand it. They just stood there, bewildered, but not resigned, until something – that spark from the brain – finally enlightened them. And all at once they realized, that there is neither god nor gods. All at once they saw that there is neither good nor bad. Then they saw and understood that if this was so, then they themselves do not exist either! You see, I reckon this may have been the moment when we can say that they were extinguished, they burnt out. Extinguished and burnt out like the fire left to smoulder in the meadow. One was a constant loser, the another was the constant winner. Defeat, victory, defeat, victory, and one day – here in the neighbourhood – I had to realize, and I did realize, that I was mistaken, I was truly mistaken when I thought that there has never been and could never be any kind of change here on earth. Because, believe me, I know now that this change has indeed taken place. Come off it! That’s rubbish! (response of the house owner)…”

I mean what the hell… note I looked it up and I’m fairly sure this director(Béla Tarr) is Jewish. Hungarian but his parents are all in the theaters and he has all sorts of self identifying Jews working with or for him. If this is not a Jew telling exactly what is going on I do not know what is.

I haven’t told you the ending. Another group comes and visits and what they do is very illuminating.

I’m going to watch more of his movies and see if they are the same. They are supposed to all be wretched misery movies which suits me fine about now.

My apologies if this is all too esoteric. I know it is, but on the off chance someone happened to “get” this I thought I would comment on it.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sounds a lot like the MO of “The Protocols…”. The logic of these sources that employ the Invisible Enemy is awful to consider – we have been so entirely vulnerable. That it has been thoroughly successful is self-evident, inevitable and all the more chilling.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sounds very interesting. I don’t generally like super arty films but that monologue is fascinating, very Nietzschean (i guess the film’s title is referring to the horse N saw being whipped in Turin). One of the enemy’s tactics is to paralyse us into a passive, shrugging acceptance of our defeat, so we either say it’s not defeat but mere inevitable change if Western civilization disappears, or we say it’s terrible but best to just accept it and not even hope to fight back.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

“…super arty film…very Nietzsche…”

Yes it’s both. I’ve watching stuff like this lately. They are not always entertaining but…it’s tough to say they are worth watching but on the other hand you run across some truths and sometimes great imagery in these.

I don’t mind myself watching them or regretting it but I would feel remiss telling everyone you should run out and watch this sort of odd stuff.

Here’s one I don’t think would piss people off to watch. It’s a black and white artsy film. I won’t give it away but it’s very apropos about some of the stuff we talk about here. Namely how people who are “r” when they go through great stress are likely to turn “K”. This film is a great example. It’s not bad. I would say worth watching.

Shame 1968

And to make it clear I’m not in any way representing myself as any sort of learned art or film critic. I just watching some stuff that people say are classic films. In many cases they are not really entertaining in the Superman or Batman way but they just talk about the human condition.

I’ll tell you another film I liked that didn’t do so well at the box office.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)

It’s a not a happy ending everything works out in the end kind of movie but I thought it was really good.

3 years ago

I wonder how Oz handles people like myself who do not own a cell phone, let alone a smartphone. Issue one to us? Require we buy one, learn to use it and maintain it? What? I’ve been landline-only for pretty much ever. Might be a fun convo to have with one of the drones. “What’d’ya mean, you don’t own one? Left it at ‘ome, eh? Wait, wut? You mean… how do you get on wi’out one?”

Reply to  rolfnelson42
3 years ago

So it seems it is for everyone. Afaik, in Central Europe, something similar happened when the borders were semi-closed. When you came back from a red country or similar(perhaps yellow?), you had to give your contact details to authorities and when you were quarantining they had the right to call you at any time to confirm you were actually doing so. Now it would suck if you had to do this even if you were not quarantining(presumably after traveling/coming into contact with sicks)

3 years ago

> *Stillwell in the Burma-China theater WWII; physiognomy is real and his record &
relations with the Roosevelts suggest cabal; a Peter Principle patsy

Marshall sent Stilwell to the Far East; Roosevelt added “envoy” duties to that, then unpersoned him when he actually tried to follow orders. A case could be made that Stilwell was pro-China, which he was, and that he supported Mao, which he did. Stilwell was the go-between between Mao and Roosevelt. Mao’s revolutionaries were more numerous and more effective than Chiang’s regulars, and Chiang’s policies had made him widely hated. Mao promised to establish “a republican form of government” similar to the one in the United States and establish alliances and treaties, but Roosevelt was fixated on Chiang, so Mao turned to the Russians, because he needed *somebody*, and they were all that was left. Stalin jumped on that deal. Chiang, as Stilwell had predicted, lost the conflict and sloped off to Taiwan.

Stilwell told Roosevelt a bunch of things he didn’t want to hear, and in almost every case he was right. We don’t actually know if Roosevelt was the one who recalled him from China since Marshall was effectively President at that time, answering Roosevelt’s mail and issuing orders in his name while Roosevelt was dying in a rest home in Georgia, but both considered Stilwell the bearer of bad news and wanted him out of the picture.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Both Mao’s revolutionaries and Chiang’s regulars were Triad dominated. Factional war with globalist sponsors. Cabal always plays both sides.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

It was my understanding that we were supposed to give a very large amount of supplies and arms to Chiang and…he never got them.

“…Atkinson, who had visited Mao in Yan’an, saw the communist forces as a democratic movement. After Atkinson visited Mao, his article on his visit was Yenan: A Chinese Wonderland City. The Nationalists were in turn viewed as hopelessly reactionary and corrupt, a view that was then shared by many of the US press corps in China.[99] The negative image of the Nationalists in the US played a significant factor in President Harry Truman’s decision to end all aid to Chiang at the height of the Chinese Civil War…”

Stilwell also routed a large proportion of lend lease supplies to Burma instead of China. Hard for Chiang to fight a war with no supplies and after the commie Jew press got through with Chiang his supplies were cut off all together.

If what I read was true Stilwell demanded that all Chinese forces be taken from Chiang’s control and put under Stillwell and that was what got him dumped. I say rightly so. Who the hell is he to say all Chinese forces should be under his control and refuse to work with the actual forces run by the Chinese?

3 years ago

As I have been saying since the start of this Kabul bullshit story……..where the fuck are all of the people?

3 years ago

“If you want to know if an organization is infiltrated by Cabal, just ask yourself if the organization would pose a threat to Cabal’s illegal intelligence operation if it were run honestly, and honestly pursued its stated goals.”

I’ve spent some time thinking about how to spot controlled oppo and converged operations.

I think the biggest tell is the Swerve, when an organization, such as the ACLU in this case, suddenly comes out and starts promoting things completely opposite to what it promoted early in its history. The organization was converged at some point before the Swerve, but it becomes obvious then and you have to do some detective work to find when the takeover happened.

An example of this is the entire country of Australia, as pointed out above. A big swerve happened in the Spring of 2020 when almost every church, there may have been a few fringey evangelical churches that were exceptions, agreed not to run services on Easter and Pentecost. Among bloggers, only Bruce Charlton and Francis Berger seem to have picked up on the significance of that. They basically admitted they were not religious organizations.

I think the method of operation of Cabal is to take over existing independent organizations, and gain control of individual people of interest, and not to start fake organizations from scratch. When they do do the latter, the tell is that they get lots of attention and publicity without really contributing anything new to the debate. You are told to pay attention to them, but there is nothing there you can’t get from elsewhere.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

“I think the method of operation of Cabal is to take over existing independent organizations, and gain control of individual people of interest, and not to start fake organizations from scratch. ”

Cabal is basically organized crime. It never seeks to go out into the desert to build a civilization. It ALWAYS steals, murders, rapes. It always genocides. The Conquest of Mexico was a cabal operation. And so is Mexico’s conquest of the United States.

These people create nothing, build nothing, are nothing. They have nothing to offer the world other than thievery.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Yes you’ve nailed it.

3 years ago

Very off topic, but this comment on Denninger’s blog is worth reposting here in full:

“Legally speaking, the Texas law is blatantly unconstitutional as it clearly violates Roe V. Wade’s ban on preventing abortions in the first trimester. Texas’ attempt to “deputize” non-government actors to enforce the law in equity is also nothing more than BS writ large. Upholding it will only lead to the elimination of all rights by setting various groups of the population at each others’ throats over enforcement actions. This will not end well.

“The fact that the USSC punted on issuing/upholding an injunction shows how far Justice has wandered from reality. Their ruling inflicts serious damage on innocent people without thought for their rights as outlined in prior and settled cases on the matter.

“The right way to handle the issue would be to issue an injunction and let those who intend to apply the law to defend it’s constitutionality.

“At least now we know that more than half of the USSC are afraid to do the right thing in a legal sense, which has moved us one step closer to a bloody civil war. May they all rot in Hell for abandoning their posts like this.

“And … FWIW, I am not saying this ‘because abortion’. I am saying it “because Rule of Law”.

“We just moved one step closer to anarchy, and not in a good way, IMHO.

“For those who support this decision, wait until California or New York uses the same enforcement scheme to close down gun stores, shooting ranges, etc.”

Yes, abortion is a red meat issue, but commentator Tonythetiger discusses a different issue, that I have been concerned about since March 2020, which is the courts refusing even to here cases about pretty blatant violations of law by the other branches.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Roe V. Wade is not law or Constitutional.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

““We just moved one step closer to anarchy, and not in a good way, IMHO.

“For those who support this decision, wait until California or New York uses the same enforcement scheme to close down gun stores, shooting ranges, etc.”

Denninger is a smart guy and I mostly agree with him on most topics, but, frankly, I am tired of this kind of reasoning. Denninger is stuck in the dialectic, as Vox Day would say.

That the Right should not do anything because the Left would use that as a “precedent” is all weak sauce. The Left does not need any excuse to close down gun stores or ranges. Hypocrisy is their bread and butter and they don’t need precedent to do anything. So just go ahead and remove Leftist policies from your immediate environment. The sooner you chase Leftists out of your territory, the better, because the only freedom that matters is freedom from the Left.

3 years ago

TRX has a good post on Stillwell, and I tend to agree that once you are cabal aware, you see cabal activity where it is not warranted. My suspicion is that the origins of the western cabal can be reasonably traced to the 18th century, but they really started converging western institutions in a big way after the Cold War ended, in 1990. Trying to speculate which historical figure was cabal or not is not very productive.

Stillwell was a corps commander who knew China well and was the only US general who could speak Chinese. Roosevelt and Marshall hoped that China would be as effective against Japan as Russia was against Germany. So sending Stillwell to China was an obvious move, and the problem as in most of these things was logistics. The Nationalist base of support in China was in the industrialized eastern provinces, and the Japanese overran these before Pearl Harbor. The Nationalists had to retreat to an less developed warlord dominated are to the west, and could do much more that survive. That is mainly why they lost to the Communists later, the Japanese had already effectively defeated them. Japan cut the main supply route to the outside world when they occupied Vietnam, which prompted the USA/ UK oil embargo to begin with, and then cut the other supply route when they occupied Burma. The recall of Stillwell was more of a belated recognition that the China strategy could not succeed, he was later sent to command on Okinawa, so Marshall seems to have still valued him.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

How Roosevelt manufactured an enemy out of Japan throughout the 1930s, forced a war on them, and then positioned China for Communist takeover is another Cabal venture in real history.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Japan was preparing for war against the USA long before Roosevelt. When General Mitchell toured the Japanese military academies in 1922 they were proud to show him their plans for attack and invasion. When Mitchell got back he was told to STFU, and when he wouldn’t, they court-martialed him for talking out of turn.

DC knew full well what was coming, but they chose to ignore it and shoot the messenger too.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Exactly. We have two instances of the US backing communist forces against their nationalist rivals: Russia against Germany and China against Japan.

3 years ago

The “respond immediately or else” thing South Australia wants to introduce is literally a cult brainwashing technique. Compare

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Good point.
Part of the overall psychological warfare campaign being waged against us.

3 years ago

> They basically admitted they were not religious organizations.

Some American churches run credit checks on new members to make sure they’re tithing “appropriately.” Somehow, I doubt religion is a big factor there, eithere.

3 years ago

“Any day now”
I’ve heard that for too many days.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Australia

Hey Aussies, you guys are responsible for this thing. Trust me, it’s the simplest 5.56 rifle that I’ve ever seen. It can use the magazines and ammunition your military uses. If the Kyber-Pass crew can set up to produce AK47’s with files from scrap steel, you can set up to start clandestine production of these.

Then it’s your turn for 1776.

FYI, it’s a future goal of mine with BOOTSTRAPPY to be able to cut up an old car, forge the high quality steel from the transmission gears, camshafts into a barrel/trunion/BCG, and use the sheet steel from the body work to produce the receivers, and the nylon6 plastic panels to mold into the pistol grip, buttstock, and other furniture. The Leader T2 is simple enough that this is entirely possible.

It’s going to take me five years because I have to make a living. Someone in Oz with an existing machine shop could be cranking these out by end of this year if they get cracking.

You need to start here:


Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

In case you are interested, there is quite a bit of info online about Open Source and DIY machine tools. They are much cheaper than buying the tools, but require a big investment of time and ‘sweat equity’.
I’m not a machinist myself; I just thought these were interesting. Hopefully someone finds these links useful.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  starets
3 years ago

Thank you. Though I am familiar with much of this, it is appreciated. The concrete lathe in particular was a VERY BIG PIECE of my future plans because it got me away from trying to figure out how to build machine tools strictly out of metal as industry had done up until the last decade or so. Concrete is not a good material for long term use, but it got the ball rolling

These days the heavy hitters in the machine tool industry have replaced cast iron bases with whatever proprietary epoxy, additive, and crushed rock mix they favor, and cast in incredibly precise molds. Seriously EXPENSIVE. You can find several DIY epoxy-granite milling machines on Youtube. This one is my favorite, and honestly if you’re reading this you should subscribe to him. This is the best overall DIY CNC mill on the internet as far as I am concerned.

Stef van Itterzon – Epoxy granite cnc mill walk around

Having my head in that space gave me an idea for how to do something like this, but much more cheaply than the epoxy, and saying more would give it away too soon.

Just trust me, nobody is gonna believe it, not because it’s actually amazing, but just because nobody thought of it before when it was right there. I am not giving it away yet because 1) I can’t be sure it will work, 2) I am afraid someone reading will patent it before I can opensource it. Once it’s prototyped and cuts hardened steel I am doing exactly that.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

You might be interested in this super strong concrete mix link.

I wonder just how level is self leveling floor cement??? Could it be used as a surface plate when it dries???

Another idea. I think the cheapest, lightest most versatile machine can be made is one like this one company made once(I don’t know if they still exist or not. It was a good while ago and I think the idea was just too weird for the average machinist but today with computers to figure the movements I think this could work). It was like an aircraft simulator. Here’s a picture so you can see it but not the actual machine.

comment image

Now if you had one of the same actuators on the top and another on the bottom with a horizontal rotary motor on each then the whole contraption could turn almost any way you needed. So you would have five big actuators for the main frame connected to two platforms. One top, one bottom. Then on the platforms top and bottom you would have a repeated platform with five more actuators just like the whole framework. On top of them would be rotating tool holder or holders for what you are machining. You could also just have one rotating platform on the bottom with the tool holder, actuator, on the top.

If the screws were very large around, (We’re talking 12″ dia. or so), then the threads could be very fine giving it great accuracy.

There’s a type of screw, ball screw, that has really good accuracy. They use them in semiconductor plants. If these were your actuators then the accuracy would hold. Combine that with super hard cheap concrete and cheap micro-controllers to move it about and you would have something accurate and cheap.

Of course how the hell do you make molds or get the concrete to form this??? How do you possibly lap the concrete to improve accuracy??? One thing going for it is it’s a bunch of repeating units. Could be one or two screws. One big one for the main frame and little ones for the platforms or you could just make them all the same. Also the screw nuts, all the same, the swivels the screws ride in, all the same. So if you could get one good screw, one good nut, one good nut swivel holder the two platforms and the turntables super accurate you could cast these in really fast time. Ball bearings would be a big problem. Roller bearings maybe like car axles???

The screws could possibly be extruded. Use that clay that hardens in the oven as long as you have one set of threads you could extrude while spinning to make a whole screw. That would be a mold for the concrete. Once you have the screw then you also have a mold for the nut, etc.

Another idea is to use rigid conduit or cast iron pipe for the screws and then machine threads in them.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The problem with concrete is not the physical strength. Concrete is hygroscopic, meaning it sucks water out of the air like a desiccant. 3D printer enthusiasts who print in PETG or nylon know all about it. Concrete is AMAZING for cost, mass, and vibration deadening, but is not stable with regard to dimensional shift over time. That’s why industry embraced epoxy instead. For the DiYer, working with the two is very similar. Same molds, same skeleton inside the castings for rigidity, similar total cure times. But epoxy doesn’t suck water out of the air.

Pat Delany found all of this out when he was researching it. Lucien Yeoman didn’t need his concrete machines to last beyond WW1 to win his engineering prize, and they didn’t.

The epoxy-granite machines will outlive us.

My machines? What I’m working on is something that takes a few things while departing from anything that I’ve seen anywhere else. If they they work then they will be able to be rebuilt from known standards for the rest of the owners life. I think that it’s going to work, just have to keep pluggin’ away at it.

P.S> Nylon and 3D printers, that is something else that we will be visiting on BOOTSTRAPPY. Nylon is my favorite thing to come out of the space race.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“…The problem with concrete is not the physical strength. Concrete is hygroscopic…”

I’m not saying I’m right about this but I believe this is not a problem. The Navy coated four inch thick, 66 inches in diameter hollow balls of concrete and took them down to 3000 feet and some that were coated had no water in them after being left at depth for years. From the test,

“…Two coated spheres
retrieved after five years at depths of 2630 and 3140 feet had no free water inside…”

Long-term, deep-ocean test of concrete spherical structures

Deep-Ocean N Test of Concrete Spherical o Structures -Results after 13 Years

There are chemical water coatings for concrete that stop water infiltrating and since they are for buildings the cost can’t be too high.

Off the top of my head you could paint the whole thing with super glue and let it soak in. Any water infiltrating would harden the glue.

What I’m getting at is the cost to screw around and find some way of stopping water entering is far cheaper than epoxy or large metal which cost a fortune. I find it hard to believe there is nothing that can block water.

On shifting one technique would be to add basalt enforcement. Very strong and last forever. Another is to set up several points on the machine, have it “feel” those points for reference every time you use it. Any movement would be fed right back into the correction circuit so the whole thing would be constantly calibrated.

Thinking about production if you could get one high quality nut/mold with only a limited set of threads, inject concrete of high quality with fast drying. As soon as it sets up spin out the hardened part and inject another set of the screw threads. You would never totally eject the screw until it was finished. you could add sections of rebar as it was done to tie together each section. [or just pack it in the mold from the top with the bottom closed. Add rebar then let set. It dries, spin out partially the dry part and pack more concrete and rebar, repeat until part done.]

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Ran across a link that’s very much the same idea as I was going on about to make the,”…the cheapest, lightest most versatile machine can be made..”.

These things are very rigid and can be made very fast.

I think the reason you don’t see more of this kind of thing in machine shops is inertia in machinist minds. Not picking on them as all humans mostly have the same mind hang up. Anything far off from what they are used to is just too far outside of their experience to even look at. Probably why these sort of machines are largely used in new tech like pick and place machines, surgery and other esoteric fields that didn’t exist before.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

That is really cool, thanks.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Rather than machining the barrels, you can get excellent results with electrochemical machining. Not only do you not have a massive multi-ton incriminating machine there, but all the gear can fit into the bucket that it’s done in and whisked away whenever the revenuers come sniffing around.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I looked at the EDM stuff. One problem I see is accuracy. I wonder…if you could make a ceramic tool the size you wish to machine and have a smaller EDM electrode below it. The tool could be made out of many things besides ceramic. I just picked ceramic because it wouldn’t conduct electricity and was stiff and hard. Hard to explain this but a simple idea. The electrode pulls away the metal but the ceramic tool guide behind it will not allow it to proceed further unless enough of the metal is taken away by the electrode to pull the tool through the hole made by the electrode.

A small example. You have a ceramic tool the size exactly of the rifling you want to do. In front of it is an electrode the shape of the rifling but it is smaller. The whole tool has a hole through it so salt fluid can be pumped through it and the metal removed. So you turn on the electrode and pull it through the barrel but…notice the ceramic part will not let the tool advance unless the electrode has taken off all the material needed for the ceramic tool to move forward.

I wonder is the rate of material taken off consistent or does it take off a little more in one place or another??? If it’s not consistent this would not work. If it was consistent then you do all kinds of machining. You could make flats or any kind of surface you wanted as long as you had an electrode and a guide.

I read a paper on this in Machine Design magazine or one of those type industry magazines long ago. They were using EDM to made long channels in hard metals for heat exchanges. Stuff that was almost impossible to machine in any sort of decent time frame they could go right through it.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

So I haven’t used ECM. but I know far more than I should about electrolysis (from all the cathodic protection cases I’ve done for pipelines.)

(Ceramic tool stuff): I think you are over complicating it. This isn’t a mechanical process, it’s an electrochemical one, so when you keep thinking about it from a mechanical frame of mind, you’re just introducing unnecessary epicycles. It’s staggeringly accurate because, if you controlled the current well enough, you can do it molecule by molecule.

I wonder is the rate of material taken off consistent or does it take off a little more in one place or another?

It’s actually self-correcting. It will correct for deviations in the underlying material. You are removing material from the barrel to the mandrel. So, as the material on one part of the mandrel is removed faster, the resistance rises on that part. That slows your rate of material removal, and that excess current now takes the path of least resistance to the closer (more proud) part of the barrel, which now starts removing material faster to catch up. Eventually they equalize until something else (maybe an impurity in part of the metal, etc.) causes some part to electrolysis slower, and then the whole correction cycle starts again.

It’s like being worried about water in a massive tank getting out of level if the holes you drill in the bottom to drain it are different sizes. Different amounts are going to come out at different times, but your water is going to stay level the whole time it drains.

This is one of the primary concepts in cathodic protection. You don’t need to know where the corrosion is to repair it with an anode — the ions will seek the corrosion as the path of least resistance, and patch it. You just need enough current to make that electric path through the soil/water/whatever media.

They were using EDM to made long channels in hard metals for heat exchanges. Stuff that was almost impossible to machine in any sort of decent time frame they could go right through it.

Right. It’s amazing if you think about machining as a moving tool. It’s simple if you think of machining as an electrical process. Your cutting head is as long and wide as your wire. You just have to have a new tool for every single process — but once you have that tool, the whole job happens in one cut.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

“…(Ceramic tool stuff): I think you are over complicating it. This isn’t a mechanical process, it’s an electrochemical one, so when you keep thinking about it from a mechanical frame of mind, you’re just introducing unnecessary epicycles…”

You sort of answered my question but not really. I don’t think I made myself clear. I fully understand it’s not mechanical but my point was you could combine a mechanical stop or form or mandrel or die to regulate the exact sized hole no matter what the other parameters might be.

I’m going to babble here because this is hard to explain.

Removing material depends on the time the electrode stays in one place, voltage and electrolyte. Let’s say you leave it there for an hour as opposed to 10 minutes. You can readily see more material will be removed.

The glitch I see is that without a LOT of experience of removal rates it would be very difficult to understand how much material has been removed. (notice how in the link he had to do it several times to get the depth he needed)With a mechanical sized mold of some sort that is sized exactly like the hole you are making as soon as the electrode removes enough material it(the mechanical die or mandrel or mold behind the electrode), having some small force pulling it through, advances the electrode and the precision mold/mandrel/die/whatever. Now if it didn’t have a mandrel or die then the only thing that controls the size hole is time, current and the electrolyte and understanding that is far beyond something you do in your garage. You could do it but it would be trial and error. My point is this is a mechanical self regulator. Remove enough material and the die gets pulled through. If enough has not been removed then it’s stuck there until enough is.

I’m saying make some sort of cheap guaranteed size to pull through out of whatever non-conducting material you have and it would allow you to have accuracy no matter what the other parameters.

Now my saying ceramic was just a idealized super material. It could be plastic, or concrete or whatever as long as it doesn’t conduct but it would be better if it is hard. I just picked ceramic as an ideal that doesn’t move or distort easily.

The tool will not advance UNLESS it will fit through the hole made by the electro-machining electrode. So for any set shape when the electrode removes enough material to get to the exact size that you need(the size of the ceramic or whatever mechanical sized tool you have) then it will pull through the hole. So you could make a very accurate tool that would only go through “if” the tool will fit and enough material has been removed. Don’t remove enough material it doesn’t advance. As soon as enough is removed a lite force on the whole tool, electrode tied to tool, will advance it and you have a shape that perfectly follows that of the ceramic or whatever tool following the electrode.

And yes I do realize the electrode would have to be the same size if smaller.

One of the reasons I’m adding the tool part is couldn’t the electrode either wear away or be gummed up by materials removed from the piece you are working on?

By making the electrode smaller it makes it easier for the material to be washed away.

In fact I’m speaking of the same sort of idea as a die you pull things through or a mandrel that you press something on except there’s no (strong) pressure to drive it through it’s only the electrode removing material so the die or mandrel can pass through. Until enough material is removed it can not, obviously, be pulled through.

Sorry so long but I explained this from several different directions so it could be understood. The chief idea in all this is super accurate electo-machining with the electrode “combined” with a mechanical tool or die to do really accurate work while not caring about removal rates, chemistry or a whole host of highly variable factors.

The non-conducting tool behind the electrode is a mechanical feedback device to regulate the hole size.

Let’s say you wanted to do plunge cuts you could use electro-machining without a die then add the non-conducting size feedback device tool for a final cut and the hole made would be “exactly” like that of the non-conducting tool. Better and more accurate than mechanical machining.

The chief advantage of this is if you could make any sort of complicated surface you wanted and cut the electrode out with metal shears, maybe file it a little for perfection then as long as you have the same size mechanical die, (non-conducting tool), pulled behind it you would always have the exact shape of the die. Machining is not easy and requires a mass of experience but with this one off pieces could be easily made with advanced accuracy.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I have looked at that. I’m not much of a chemical guy, but I probably will set up this sort of thing in the future if only to play around with. I’m honestly not sure how consistent ECM can get, of if it would even matter in this application. But the thing is, the machine needed to drill the hole straight in the bar stock can also be setup to cut the rifling. Would have to play around with it and compare.

And this is probably 2023ish. Plans for this year has me HOPEFULLY adding aluminum casting by November and having the the CNC Router V2 up and running by Christmas, just in time to make myself a brand new AR15 pistol out of an 80% to ring in the New Year. The V2 will be made out of aluminum castings using the lost-foam method, as will V3.

V3 of the CNC Router is hopefully Spring-Summer 2022, and that”s the last upgrade planned for that for anytime soon. The cutting area is going to be almost double what V1 can do, and it should be as rock solid as I can make, it among other features like 4axis capability and safe to use with coolant when cutting aluminum.

V1 of the benchtop CNC Mill is penciled in for Christmas 2022. 2023 is when we start using the benchtop mill to make anything in metal that I want, because if it works it will be able to handle steel & Titanium.

And I already have the spindle picked out:

FM Series Spindle Packages

Now I only need $4000 and I’m set.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

But the thing is, the machine needed to drill the hole straight in the bar stock can also be setup to cut the rifling.

The idea for ECM rifling is that you are starting with a hardware store pipe as your barrel, so the boring isn’t part of the process.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

“The idea for ECM rifling is that you are starting with a hardware store pipe as your barrel, so the boring isn’t part of the process.”

I’m aware, which is why I haven’t made it a priority to play with. That approach works for say, a 9mm pistol. It doesn’t work even for a small rifle round like 5.56. The barrel and bolt need to stand up to 60-70,000 PSI.

Now, it may be MUCH more efficient to bore the barrel and then run it through an ECM cycle and achieve acceptable results. Don’t know yet. We will find out.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

It’s kind of funny seeing him do manual EDM. All of the EDM I’ve seen, the point is that you make a specialized tool (like the rifling mandrels) that does it all in one go, so you can repeat the operation over and over, or its one of those crazy boring machines that punches holes through whatever you’ve got. In my mind I call it the “fuck you you’re getting a hole” machine.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE:OZ followup

The website I posted seems to be a ghost site from which you will receive no answer. This is the entire video:

I’m ripping a copy of the entire playlist via youtubedl. I have been wanting to build one of these for fifteen years and I am going to do it once I have a machine that can cut steel.

This process on the other hand seems much easier, but as of yet I have not seen anyone set this up for a rifle.

Ivan’s Special Place – ECM v2 0 Barrel making Overview

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Lowell, here link to gatalog:

Direct link to crtlpew:

That should help anyone navigate and start the process of arming themselves.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Thersites
3 years ago

Thank you.

3 years ago

Vinegar Joe Stillwell died a bitter, disappointed man but the frustrations and failures of the last several years of his life were not of his own making. FDR’s administration pretty much wrote the play book for both Vietnam and Afghanistan: pick the wrong horse, double down with massive economic and military support, stay at it long after it’s apparent that your policies aren’t working, keep going even though you know your “allies” are not only incompetent but corrupt. Read Barbara Tuchman’s Stillwell and the American Experience in China. Highly recommended.

3 years ago


I know someone who took 12mg Ivermectin on the day of his (mandatory) AZ shot, hoping to head off spike protien production. Would this work? Would you want to take it for two weeks after to make sure? What about the non-Mrna shots-would Iver help? How about Cloroquin? Thanks for your advice.

Reply to  Ash
3 years ago

Head over to this Telegram. Read pinned protocol based on niacin & melatonin.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: 3D printed guns

I check back in on Ivan’s Reddit page every other month to see if he’s dropped the 3D printed Hi-power frame yet. I’d like to do a Plastikov V2 build, but I REALLY WANT to do a 3D printed Hi power with some 15 round Meggar mags.

Some other future BOOTSTRAPPY gun builds:

1) I am going to use the V2 of the CNC router to machine out an 80% AR15 lower, as well as HOPEFULLY be able to thread and crown the barrel after I cut it down from 16in to 12.5in. This one I actually want to have accomplished by end of this year.

2) CONSIDERABLY more difficult- A Beretta 92FS/M9A1 frame based on this:

I paid $250 for the parts kit with no frame. It’s been sitting in my project pile for six months. I could dump $1000 into custom parts but I think I’m just going to use the existing. Also not sure what I am going to machine it out of yet, as even 6061 is pricey. This one may end up being something you haven’t seen before.

3) This may seem odd to you, but I LOVE the 1911. Hilarious, because currently I do not OWN a 1911. That’s why when I got a look at a disassembled Tokarev I was FLOORED – it’s a 1911 with none of the 1911 drawbacks and a really awesome modular trigger design. Add a thumb safety to the frame like some importers have already done(not on the slide, slide mounted safeties SUCK), and Series 80 1911 trigger modification for drop safety and you would really have something. Now add an STI style frame, and perhaps lengthen and rechamber it in 5.7mm and you would have a really neat handgun. Bonus if it could swap between 5.7mm and 7.62×25 with a barrel swap and a mag change. This is one I have slated for 2023ish, because by them I will hopefully have the benchtop cnc mill cutting heat treated 4140.

That’s one of the things that I eventually want to produce, I WANT to begin making Tokarev aftermarket parts, including 80% kits with slide, barrel, all little parts and partial frame.

This is where BOOTSTRAPPY is heading. Learn by doing, and eventually set up small scale production.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

If you do a Tokarev kit, I’m in.

I love the 1911, but like most of Browning’s designs, it’s complicated and expensive to build. The Soviets simplified the hell out of it and optimized it for production; a lot of things the Tokarev engineers did, Colt *should* have done.

As far as the lack of a safety, that was fairly common with Soviet weapons, and as you said, it’s easy enough to add one.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

God willing, because that’s the goal. I’m not doing this to one day live comfortably. I’m doing this because I genuinely believe that I can bring down the cost of metal working in a way that makes it cheaper to industrialize an entire country, but on the micro scale rather than a macro.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it to my dying breath, the goal is not a widget in every hand, it’s a factory in every garage.

What is the only actually EFFECTIVE form of gun control? Barrier of entry to manufacturing.

When I said “custom motorcycle parts”, it’s because I want to build a cafe racer from a 1980’s Honda CBR750. That’s a side project that I’m hoping to eventually get around to just show versatility, but cheap DIY machines that can cut hardened steel with .0005 precision is all you really need to undermine every single gun control law in the world.

One rifle, one pistol. An entire technical data package on not only the guns, but all the tools need to make the guns, a recipe for smokeless powder, a recipe for primers, all the tools needed to press & load the cases. All of that in one zip file, sent around the world.

Think about it. Because I have thought of little else for fifteen years.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“…cheap DIY machines that can cut hardened steel with .0005 precision is all you really need to undermine every single gun control law in the world….”

Here you go. Have you seen this? I’m not sure why you haven’t??? Maybe I misunderstand, very possible, but this seems to be exactly what you are talking about.

The 3d metal printers are a killer too. I saw one the other day that was like $4,000??? maybe, can’t remember but it was a substantial price reduction. I can see these coming WAY down in price. Say you made all the parts from cast aluminum mold injections or something cheap. It’s possible that someone will come up with a way to combine a bunch of cheap infrared lasers and point them all in the same spot to get power. This is the exact way that DARPA is using to try and make lasers to shoot down planes, missiles, etc. It could just as easily be used to melt layers of powdered metal.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I was part of Pat Delany’s Multimachine group on Yahoo before Yahoo shut groups down. I’ve lost the ability to contact Mr. Delany. Not even sure if he’s still alive. His health had been declining.

The multimachine requires that a person be apprenticed as a machinist, because it’s a traditional manual machine. Not gonna work. I know because I apprenticed at a manual machine shop and only lasted a week. I was dangerous, even managed to walk away from a running machine because I was in such a hurry that I didn’t take the time to properly press the off switch. Even if you can overcome that it’s years to learn and then you’re skilled labor. So that’s out.

As for 3D printers… NOPE.

Especially as far as rifles are concerned, they just aren’t there yet. You’re looking at six figures for one that can print you up a working 1911. This is not a viable solution for a resistance movement.

On the other end of the spectrum, a $250 Ender 3 knockoff can print up furniture, or even most of the parts for an FGC-9, magazines, but nothing that needs to wear. Still need a steel barrel. Still need steel fire control group, firing pin, etc.

Take the DEFCAD project – it’s great as long as you can get manufactured gun parts and 80% lowers. The majority of countries control all gun parts, making them just as rare as completed guns. Cody Wilson is a lawyer who figured out how to challenge US gun laws, not how to arm a resistance movement. I appreciate what he did for what it is.

That’s why the Leader Dynamics T2 was such a revelation – It’s two blocks of hardened steel – trunion&BCG, a cheap barrel which could be made with homeshop makeshift rifling, and sheet metal bent on $30 bending brake. Welded up mostly with SPOT WELDERS. You have no idea how easy it would be to setup to produce even in the third world. The missing piece is a benchtop cnc mill that can cut hardened steel.

The CNC mill is important because it’s just less work to learn to use than a manual milling machine. Honestly, they are almost as easy a a 3D printer, even with open source software.

Imagine this with a 12.5in barrel, 3D printed lower, and sheet steel silencer – perfect resistance weapon:

Masterpiece Arms here in the states made a knockoff of the T2 called the MPAR-556. They ruined it. Awful muzzle brake, clunky &heavy aluminum handguard that made cleaning the the piston a chore, complicated the charging handle, but they redesigned the lower, and that they actually did pretty good there. I’ve got ideas for how to take it further.

I am in the market for an MPAR556 because I need to reverse engineer it, and I can cut one of those up with no worries. I never see them come up for sale.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Lowell Houser says,”…The multimachine requires that a person be apprenticed as a machinist…”

Thanks, I didn’t know that. The impression he gave was that the precision machining was done by the machine shop on the block.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Lowell Houser says,”…I was part of Pat Delany’s Multimachine group on Yahoo…”

I figured as much. Just to ,ale clear I wasn’t insulting you or assuming you didn’t know. I thought it very likely you knew about this already I just added it for completion and in case others hadn’t.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

You sir are staying on my prayer list indefinitely.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Thank you. I need all of the prayers. ALL of them.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

GOD bless, keep, and speed you.
You are the hero we need but don’t deserve.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  map
3 years ago

St. Gingery of the Makers? Yes, he was my first discovery on this journey.

I have a copy of his books and I think that they are a great way to introduce teenagers to using tools. Say, start the kid in woodshop at 13ish, and then progress through the book series.

Here’s a guy that started doing that but seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth:


Not going to work for my purposes because 1)manual machines, and 2)the tools are just too small. Even if you cast them out of a different metal like zammac instead of aluminum, or even cast iron, you’re still left with a lathe equivalent to what you can already buy at Harbor Freight, and it will actually cost you about the same amount of money if you keep track of all your casting expenses and assorted parts purchases. A harbor Freight mill/drill will also be preferable to the horizontal mill and shaper in the Gingery series.

There is a caveat to that – horizontal mills were common up through WW2, so an awful lot of mass manufactured things were designed around the tooling geometry of a horizontal mill. I know, you wouldn’t think that it would make a difference, but it’s a HUGE difference. These days manual machine shops are still around and they have found their optimal place in doing BIG jobs, because remember, a CNC machine basically exists to spit out finished parts, so if it doesn’t fit inside the CNC enclosure the CNC can’t do it.

Starting A Manual Only Machine Shop

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

“David Gingery collection”

I got that set from Lindsay’s Technical books. I wonder if anyone has heard of him? I have a LOT of books from him. Stuff on old tech, steam engines, old electrical, all kinds of weird stuff.

He did reprinted of old technical books mostly concerned with tech back in the steam engine days.

Lindsay retired but he has some stock left of various books here’s a link to them. He had the greatest catalogs where he explained what was in the books. They were very entertaining. I used to buy lots of weird books from catalogs of weird book companies.

I started looking at the link and there’s a book called “Deep Hole Drilling” for $2.78

I love these old books.

Here’s another “The Amazing History of Early Weapons”

I’ll stop I could go on forever. I really love books.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: even the nicest, most socially adapted individuals, are natural, programmed, instinctive killers who quickly become addicted to killing those who annoy them.

No matter how r-selected a person appears, I believe that to be within a framework of human beings being a K-select species. Fractal. Hit the right buttons and it will emerge.

It’s like even people on this blog talking about how they have zero faith in any sort of plan on part of Q/Trump/etc. You want to find out in a hurry? I promise you that all you need to do is get together about a platoon or so and start hunting Antifa, or even government employees. School administrators, state level bureaucrats, etc, say anyone involved in pushing the vaxx or mask mandates. You’ll provoke a response really very quickly because The Plan is supposed to AVOID a bloody civil war. I’m a lone gunman nutcase who would be a blip on the news and forgotten the next day. What’s your excuse?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago


You can download the supplemental notes on BILL WEBB’S RIFLING MACHINE here:

Also, lately I’ve had Icehouse and 1927 in my playlist. The Great Southern Land can pull out of this. You just have to remember how to say NO. We’re all praying for and rooting for you guys. God bless.

3 years ago

German Companies Cannot Ask Employees About Covid Vaccination Status, Labor Minister Says

3 years ago

New Zealand Market Terrorist Was Under Full Time Surveillance, Had a Tactical Team Near Him When Attack Occurred

3 years ago

Russia, Ukraine: Moscow Refuses to Extend OSCE Mission on Border in Donbas

3 years ago

I found this on WikiSpooks.
An article from March 12,2020 says that a Canadian company developed a Covid vaccine 20 days after receiving its genetic sequence. Not an mRNA vaccine, but a traditional style vaccine of virus proteins. Their technology allows them to produce the vax using plants rather than eggs as a bioreactor, and gives them a speed boost in developing their vaccine and responding to new variants.
So WarpSpeed was likely not necessary right from the start.

3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago

Liberal Judge Dismisses 9 Unvaccinated Jurors in Elizabeth Holmes Fraud Trial

3 years ago

NY Health Commissioner repeals mask mandate for unvaxxed after federal lawsuit filed

3 years ago

Maybe Ida won’t devour the news cycle like I thought:

DHS came to Louisiana and told the Parish council to stop talking about Ida aftermath

3 years ago

List of 30 studies showing face masks are useless against COVID-19

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

If we get some super killer flu come up, and it’s not an impossibility that they do so to kill us all off, I’m damn sure wearing a mask because they do stop some viral particles. At the very least they stop you from touching your face because the mask is in the way.

3 years ago

FDA Fast-Tracks RSV mRNA ‘Vaccine’

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
September 03, 2021

Story at-a-glance

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — a respiratory virus that causes typically mild cold-like symptoms — is emerging out of season around the world Most children have been exposed to RSV by their second birthday and recover without incident. In rare cases, RSV can progress to pneumonia or bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways of the lungs)

August 3, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to Moderna for an mRNA-based injection against RSV As with coronavirus, previous efforts to develop an RSV vaccine have met with failure as test subjects have a tendency to die or become seriously ill when exposed to the wild virus, thanks to paradoxical immune enhancement (PIE), also known as antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)

Moderna’s RSV shot uses the same lipid nanoparticle as its COVID-19 injection. The mRNA will encode for a prefusion F glycoprotein, a protein that mediates the RSV virus’ entry into your cells and is known to elicit a neutralizing antibody response

3 years ago

“NY Health Commissioner repeals mask mandate for unvaxxed after federal lawsuit filed”

This was a lawsuit in federal court under federal law, for those keeping score.

3 years ago

Biden aims to sign on to the UN’s global gun registration treaty.

Will never get past the Senate, so therefore is just grandstanding.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Unless they steal 60 Senate seats.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Well, then at that point we don’t care what is “legal” anymore, do we?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I have heard of EDM but I had no idea you could do it in a bucket of salt water with a battery charger. Thanks for the link.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

If you are looking at EDM, look here:


This will do what I want, it just does it too slowly.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Epoxy based machines

Sam, I never said I was going to build epoxy machines. I said that I think I can make machines so cheap that they are disruptive to industry, just like Lucian Yeoman. Cheap enough that they can be a game changer for small business and cottage industry. Unlike Yeoman, I am not targeting mass production, industry already has that covered and likes things the way they are, which is why his concrete machines disappeared right after WW1 instead of filtering down to small machine shops and automotive repair shops, high schools, etc. Industry didn’t want to be disrupted.

Cottage industry is a completely different story. I’m not aiming to compete with HAAS, or DATRON, or MoriSeki, or whoever, I’m looking at going up against Harbor Freight, and eventually Tormach. I can’t explain why I am not going with concrete without explaining the rest, so you’re just going to have to trust me for now.

However, if you’re interested in going that route there is exactly one concrete lathe working that I know of:

Concrete Lathe – Part 1 Intro