Zuckerberg The Soulless Bugman, And The Narcissist Eyes

I was struck by this picture on Reddit:

You could create a villain in a comic, call him Bugman, and he wouldn’t even have to be drawn like a bug. Just caricature Zuckerberg, and it would be a grade a villain, like Lex Luther, running SJW social media operations for the global government. People would refer to him as the soulless bugman, because of his creepy inhuman appearance, despite having a human body.

That is the glassy-eye’d narcissist look, and it is more of it than I have seen anywhere else but for a couple of spots. You usually see this in times of high stress, when the narcissist tries to smile with everyone else as if they aren’t embarrassed at what everyone is laughing at. It is kind of like Narcissist Masking, only this is the version of it done when a smile is required, and when the performer is young enough to have sufficient reserves of cognitive horsepower to be able to still effect some sort of smile on top of their stress.

Much of what I see is in the area just under the eyes, which is in some sort of spasm-like muscular contraction from stress, like you would get if you looked at something horrific and shocking, and in the tightness in the outer cheeks, along the line running from the outer corner of his mouth to the outer corner of his eyes. It makes the entire rest of the expression look to me like a plastic mask, forcing the face into a shape it doesn’t want to be in. My guess is the stress is the muscular force pulling the mouth from Al Franken’s stretched out position, to the smile.

Whatever is happening in that picture, Zuckerberg does not want to be there, and the sort-of-smile is entirely for the camera. I don’t know if his reception was noticeably cold when he arrived, if he heard people grumbling about him fucking up their service, if he felt out of place among black Christians, or if he just broke wind audibly, and now he has to pose for the camera and smile as if nothing happened. But something was stressing him when that photo was taken. Then again he is a narcissist who is so triggerable that he created an entire multibillion dollar multinational because of the stress of an amygdala hijack from his girlfriend dumping him by sitting him down and telling him not to think that people don’t get him, because people do get him, it is just that he is an asshole.

There is only one reason I see that guy, who could be doing anything at that moment, forcing himself to endure something so uncomfortable, just to get a photo-op of himself in a black church. He is thinking 2020 will be his best chance to grab the Presidency, and he is laying the groundwork.

Not surprising if you know the mentality, but it is surprising such a smart guy could not grasp the amazing combination of talents Donald Trump has amassed, or the formidability of him as a political leader and candidate. President Trump is the last guy I would want to face in a run for office.

It is our good luck he is our guy in the Oval Office.

Spread r/K Theory, because Soulless Bugman is funny to say

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Faces, Liberals, Narcissists, Politics, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

It’s Dunning-Kruger. He’s such a bad politician, he doesn’t realize he’s bad and has no chance.

7 years ago

I’m reminded of the following clip

Mamas & the Pepes
Mamas & the Pepes
7 years ago
Daniel Ream
Daniel Ream
7 years ago

Just caricature Zuckerberg, and it would be a grade a villain, like Lex Luther, running SJW social media operations for the global government.

That’s precisely what they did in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

7 years ago

2020. best chance to grab the Presidency. l just can’t stop laughing.

7 years ago

Swiped this from MPCdot.com (which has a Small Souled Bugman thread:)

comment image

Joe Katzman
7 years ago

I think Zuckerberg is campaigning for something else: continued leadership of a Panopticon social network that will soon afford him almost as much power as the President, if not more – just as long as people continue to trust it. Plus immense wealth, of course.

How do you help them trust Facebook, when your actions give them full reason not to? By making it convenient and helpful in various ways… and by doing stuff like this, showing that you’re trying to connect. Whom do you hire for this? Political consultants, obviously.

That won’t help with the Aware, but how big a segment is that, really? For everyone else, even bad outreach is going to help a lot by making him (and hence Facebook) feel less remote. It’s like, you can speak a local language badly in another country, and people will appreciate the fact that the obvious tourist tried. Especially if you don’t overtly ask anything of them, so it isn’t SEEN as a quid pro quo.

Zuckerberg may be many things. Stupid is not one of them. My bet says he’s playing the long game.

Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Joe Katzman
7 years ago

There are different areas of stupidity. If you know anything about how Zuckerbug stole the idea for Assbook, you would know that he is appallingly stupid when it comes to human interaction. In fact, he really doesn’t understand human beings at all. And this will sound superficial, but the guy is just creepy. He looks like an android. He reminds me of Subway sandwich’s Jared Fogle, who eventually came out as a pedophile. Compare the frozen expressions on their faces and their expressionless eyes. And, surprise, surprise! They’re both jewish.

Robert What?
7 years ago

My guess is that the other people are thinking: What is this lizard being doing here? We don’t want to be the token Black people in his scam.