Zika – Also Known As Infectious Rabbit Sterilization

Linked in the comments, this is amazing:

Scientists in the US discovered that mice infected with Zika had shrunken testicles, low testosterone levels and low sperm counts.

Although the findings have not yet been replicated in humans, experts say that the virus may also have worrying conseqences for men who become infected.

Dr Michael Diamond, of the University of Washington, who co-authored the study, said: “While our study was in mice, and with the caveat that we don’t yet know whether Zika has the same effect in men, it does suggest that men might face low testosterone levels and low sperm counts after Zika infection, affecting their fertility.

A sexually transmitted disease that passes from man, to woman, to child if she has one, which then passively infects the testes, weakening and sterilizing the men. Any woman who sleeps with a male rabbit will see her male children born weak, sterile, and possibly retarded. Any male who picks up the virus from a woman sees his reproductive abilities vastly diminished, and subsequent male lines gradually eliminated.

It is a K-selected world.

The reviewers on this page love r/K Theory precisely because liberals hate it.

This entry was posted in K-stimuli, Liberals, Pandemic, Politics, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Zika – Also Known As Infectious Rabbit Sterilization […]

8 years ago

Sounds suspiciously like a designer virus specifically for a depopulation adgenda. But that’s just tin foil hat talk.

8 years ago

Scary stuff.

8 years ago

OT, but here’s a (now deleted) article on John “Spirit Cooker” Podesta’s relatives:


Note how much they enjoy shocking normal people with their degenerate “art.” I think the disgust level of the American people is beginning to rise. If it turns out that actual children were abused by these maniacs, anything goes.