Would Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh Have To Recuse Himself On Any Matter Associated With A Senator Who Attacked Him?

Just a random thought. There are clearly suspicious rumors Diane Feinstein may have exchanged herself allowing a Chinese spy to shadow her as a part of her closest staff, for Chinese favoritism of her husband in highly lucrative investment matters. Altogether her family has gotten quite wealthy as she has occupied her position in the Senate, and on sensitive committees.

Might she be attacking Kavanaugh’s nomination in hopes she can argue that he should have to recuse himself in any matter concerning her which might come before the court, like, say, her being shipped off to Guantanamo and tried for treason by a military tribunal?

I am wondering if some of these Senators may be trying to use the nomination process as a tool to offend Kavanaugh personally and establish grounds later for Kavanaugh to have to recuse himself in their cases. The whole process seems so strange and insane that it would almost require an alternative explanation beyond the simple.

Kavanaugh seems as straight an arrow as there is, and none of these accounts seem the least bit credible. As Laura Ingraham pointed out, if Kavanaugh had any of this in his background, the old Bill Clinton War Machine would have dug it up back when he was targeting Bill as part of Ken Starr’s Special Counsel team.

The latest accusation implies a girl knew the punch was being spiked by rapists at the parties she was attending. She saw “trains” of men line up waiting to rape innocent girls, and yet she still attended the parties and even drank the drinks, until she was drugged and gang raped by a train herself. Presumably she still attended the parties after that. And then all the times Kavanaugh was mentioned as a Supreme Court pick, she never said a word.

Either way, it is clear that something has happened that has the left willing to do anything, say anything, and sacrifice all of their little remaining credibility to stop this nomination at any cost.

When Kavanaugh is approved, I hope Trump’s team recognizes that at that point, a left which has shown it is capable of anything in the pursuit of locking the Supreme Court up with a 4-4 left-right stalemate, will see assassinating a conservative Supreme Court Justice as the most common-sense means of attaining that end. Indeed, they may even try it before Kavanaugh is confirmed, if his confirmation appears apparent.

It is particularly frightening as given the means at their disposal, I would think a car cyber-hijacking would be the most desirable means, as unlike a poisoning, it would instantly imply an accident and not require penetrating a physical security bubble to gain access to the target. I hope the US Marshalls has hardened all of the Supreme Court Justices’ car’s electronic data systems, or at least blocked all electronic frequencies around the cars.

Something has the official, establishment left spooked beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime. And it is precisely that level of desperation that can produce the most illogical, insane behavior.

Hopefully it is always darkest before the dawn.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is going to get really, really, really ugly before it gets better with these leftists.

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6 years ago

Article III judges only park in controlled garages or at home garages that are monitored by the US Marshall service. That’s the sort of thing you do when you regularly hold criminal trials for mafiosos and cartel heads.

SCOTUS justices have to have at least that much security.

6 years ago

In line with what you have discussed on this blog before, the “therapist” this woman saw could be the key to this. Ford doesn’t seem like a willing actor but more like a programmed pawn. She may well have been assaulted by someone but 36 years after the purported events, no police reports or any substantiating evidence, days before a confirmation, this is not credible. All to protect the abortion of babies, sick and evil.

Reply to  Nick
6 years ago

Remember one of the things AC has stated: sometimes Cabal planning is done years before an asset is needed.

Ford popped on the radar screen in 2012, when Romney was hinting Kavanaugh would be his pick for a SCOTUS justice. That’s when she was activated. Who knows how long her background was known, but it could be when Kavanaugh started working his way up the judicial system and was ID’ed to be useful for their ends.

It is quite conceivable that she, with the rumored background in MK Ultra or Agency ties and natural sympathy for the Left, just needed only a little programming to show up in public today and appear credible enough. She didn’t need the full-blown mind wipe.

It’s frightening to realize that all of us may have witnessed today a MKUltra drone live and active.

Reply to  Nick
6 years ago

That high-pitched whisper-voice and that habit of hiding behind her hair seem like the
‘tells” of a severely disturbed personality. What say you, A/C?

Reply to  Nick
6 years ago

IMHO, Lindsey Graham’s heel-face turn is the most surprising thing to come out of this whole imbroglio. Ever since Johnny Wetstart went to his reward, Lindsey has been a different person, and he took it up to 11 today. Makes that mysterious video at McStain’s funeral look prophetic.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

I thought it interesting that Lindsey Graham and Pres. Trump are great golf buds. Strangely it’s something the libtard left media never fixated on. Wonder what their fairway banter is.

6 years ago

According to Mark Taylor, Trump will get five justices to the court. One will be to replace Scalia[Gorsch]. One will retire{Kennedy], Kavanaugh will be replacing him. Three will be caught in scandal and REMOVED. Something tell me that those three are part of all of this.

Rather Not
Rather Not
6 years ago

I would assume this relates to Graham’s question of Kavanaugh about the applicability of law of war/military jurisprudence to treason and Senator Feinstein’s relationships with the Chi-coms. Plural, not just the driver/aid who was a spy for a decade in the office of a member of the gang of 8 (gets to see everything, absolutely everything, no limits, for congressional oversight purposes) and ‘her husband’s’ miraculously lucrative investments with the Chi-coms as well.

Feinstein will sue to keep this treason in criminal rather than military justice system, and that case will go to the US Supreme Court, and that case will be 5-4 for military justice, with Kavanaugh being the 5th vote. She’s trying to get it stalemated 4-4, by either forcing his recusal, or keeping the seat vacant.

Applying military law to treason by a civilian requires the US to be in a war. (It is) Feinstein will argue that because her treason was to the Chi-coms, not the entity we’re at war with, military justice should not apply to her. She will lose that case with Kavanaugh’s confirmation and his interpretation of the text of the law.

Reply to  Rather Not
6 years ago

From your lips to God’s ear.

6 years ago

“And it came to pass a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭16:16‬ ‭

The Cabal playbook is thousands of years old.

6 years ago

These are truly dark days for our country. I feel like I did before the ‘16 election and it felt like evil would triumph. May God protect and preserve this great nation, may he be glorified in this and all we do.

6 years ago

Kavinaugh looks so pisssd. If he wasn’t red-pulled before he sure is now.

6 years ago

you are forgetting another “angle” to all of this…

What if (and this is just a story)…

All of this is Trump trying to establish something about the privileged class getting away with “activity” when they were young…

Bush fully supports Cav… and so did Romney… so much so that there was a strong belief that if Romney won… this is SC next pick…

And he is the highest you can get in DC proper… pretty much the first place that a need to protect Cabel is required… how could somebody really clean get that far up in DC proper.

What if all of this “dog & pony show” is to establish the habit of holding those in DC accountable for their actions in the late past?

What if this really was NOT Trump’s first pick… and he wanted to avoid “tainting” his real choice… his first choice…

And also get the benefit of forcing his “enemies” to bring up the one thing that they cannot afford to bring up.

Don’t take anything for granted…

Even if Q said to “trust” this one… remember that everyone is “listening”…

In the real old world… you keep what you kill…

Phil B
Phil B
6 years ago

(A)ssassinating a conservative Supreme Court Justice

The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia seems to me to be a little bit suspicious … remind me what his political philosophy and his attitude towards the constitution was again?

6 years ago

The left is desperate because the US Supreme Court is their last redoubt. And they will lose it with this nomination. The left has always fallen back on the courts because tney are unelected and unaccountable to the voters. The liberal agenda has been pushed onto Americans, not via congress, but through the courts because liberalism loses when put to the vote. If the left lose this one, it’s over.

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

“It is particularly frightening as given the means at their disposal, I would think a car cyber-hijacking would be the most desirable means, as unlike a poisoning, it would instantly imply an accident and not require penetrating a physical security bubble to gain access to the target.”

Remember that ole Cash for Clunkers program under obama?

From Wikipedia:
“..The Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS), colloquially known as “cash for clunkers”, was a $3 billion U.S. federal scrappage program intended to provide economic incentives to U.S. residents to purchase a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle when trading in a less fuel-efficient vehicle. The program was promoted as providing stimulus to the economy by boosting auto sales, while putting safer, cleaner, and more fuel-efficient vehicles on the roadways….”

Would have been a good [excuse] to get a crap-load of older model, simpler, un-cyber-hijackable vehicles off the roads, too, wouldn’t it?

6 years ago

It is an amazing public farce where alphabet agncies who hate President Trump have orchestrated this vile loathsome dislpay of arrogance on the US Congress, the US Supreme Court and the US citizens with collusion and ossification by the MSM.

Besides being a “Professor” at the off brand University, she
also at a major University down the street from Palo Alto. She just so happens to head up the
CIA undergraduate internship program at Stanford University.
This has been confirmed and is easily checked yet not reported in the MSM. Why?

Christine’s grandfather was Nicholas Deak, former CIA Director.
Former CIA Director William Casey lauded Deak’s decades of CIA service. Why is
this not being reported widely? Perhaps, because it is being blocked.

Reply to  DDragons
6 years ago

The CIA connection to Stanford’s psychiatric department are entirely MK ULTRA.

K is in serious, personal danger. When MK ULTRA folks are coming at you, they’ll send a drone eventually.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Thomas Wictor on attempted hit on Kavenaugh bt Milano during the hearing .


Dem staff provided signs and, in my opinion, camera.

6 years ago

There is also Trump’s recent EO targeting the foreign and other assets of anyone found interfering in elections or working on behalf of a foreign entity. Not only Military Tribunals but he now has the power to strip people like Feinstein of their ill gotten gains. That $94m may not be hers for much longer. Wonder what the final tally will be.

Q dropped a photo of Feinstein’s car in China. Been watching her for a while ‘cos an Anon referred back to an earlier Q post saying a final visitor had arrived at a location in China. Both cars in the photos the same.

6 years ago

Two other small points I noted. If McCain was executed, then every Senator in that room knows that, which would underscore the intense desperation.

Lindsey Graham referring to the Democrats, “they were my friends”. Past tense.

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
6 years ago

The idea that Feinstein was attacking Kavanaugh to make him recuse himself from any Supreme Court matter involving her initially made sense to me, until I remembered it usually takes years for any issue to work its way up to the Supreme Court, and she might not live that long.