Women Suffer Headline Stress Disorder

Yet another stress disorder, courtesy of President Trump:

More and more people suffer from ‘headline stress disorder’ – and women are the most affected, a therapist claims.

Continuous alerts from news sources, blogs, and social media have many people – predominantly women – feeling anxious, depressed, stressed and vulnerable.

Dr Steven Stosny, a Maryland-based therapist, has said this is because they are suffering from a kind of ‘headline stress disorder’.

He told Daily Mail Online: ‘It’s hard to escape headlines, they come up on our phones all the time and people just aren’t paying attention anymore.

‘I almost think of it as bombs dropping and you’re hoping it doesn’t hit you.’

I’ll bet it is more rabbits who have headline stress disorder than women, but this may hold since women tend to trend leftward on the whole.

Part of the problem for these leftists is that their amygdalae atrophied under Obama. Now their amygdalae are so atrophied that they are unable to cope with even the most minor stress. It is good, because they will increasingly look completely unhinged.

This is actually the path that leads to K. These people have rabbity urges, which when mixed with the headlines of today (ie realities of the day), create a stress disorder that is cognitively uncomfortable. That cognitive discomfort will grow as K expands.

At some point the cognitive discomfort will be unbearable. Something will have to give. Since reality cannot give, the only way that stress can ultimately give is if the rabbit urges go away. That can occur initially through denial, but at some point the individual may espouse a conservative ideal, feel total relief, and that will train their brain to accept, and even embrace the K-strategy. Suddenly the headlines won’t hurt.

We don’t experience this because as K-strategists, we are designed for prolonged amygdala stress, and will just bear up under the stress of profligate rabbitry. But rabbits are already apoplectic. As the stress increases, expect some to begin to convert to the K-strategy.

The irony is, as the Apocalypse takes hold, there will be some whose brains will take the message that if moderately embracing a K-position, such as disliking leftists offers relief, then really embracing an extreme overshoot K-position, like killing all leftists in concentration camps, will offer real relief. The extremists in any movement will almost always be the amygdala-damaged, and their extremism will almost always be a manic adherence to simple rules as a way of assuaging amygdala.

Ironically, by the time we get to that point, those character’s, and their little concentration camps for rabbits, will be little more than mildly amusing.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because there can never be too much K

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

“Do unto others, as you would have done unto yourself”. Good advice, one that requires amygdala. I have a theory that the modern Western woman is at more of a disadvantage than men. Biologically women are programmed to conform and in this society that means seeming “normal”. These days “normal” means BPA, atrazine ladened water and food, birth control and cats. All are endocrine disruptors/amygdala reducers. Coupled with feminism and materialism you have a recipe for a type of woman that is essentially a narcissist. Reality and a biological imperative to breed can bring them to hysterics, basically that their life was a lie. I worry that most Western women won’t “wake up” until reality is right in their face- by then it is too late to get protection from a man. This is probably by design.

G. Shuttleworth
G. Shuttleworth
Reply to  Pitcrew
8 years ago

There’s a few of us women out here who despair at the idiocy of our fellow gender. Not many, but a quiet few. The rest are like turkeys voting for Christmas.

8 years ago

[…] Women Suffer Headline Stress Disorder […]

8 years ago

….amongst other things.