Women Protesting Gangrapes In Sweden

At Breitbart:

Hundreds of women in the heavily-migrant populated city of Malmo took to the streets this week to protest the growing levels of sex attacks after a string of gang rapes.

The protests were largely in response to a comment from police in the city, who initially advised women not to go out alone at night in the wake of the gang rape of a 17-year-old described as particularly brutal.

The demonstrators were also protesting the fact that there had been three gang rapes in the city in under a month, the Daily Mail reports.

I really wonder if after this K-shift, when r/K becomes established intellectually, if this would be possible again. Once it is known migrants will tend to be sexually dysregulated by the standard of K-selection because of their r-selected natures, will it be possible for the left to import them, create the rape-crisis that will inevitably arise, and then deny any responsibility for it, or knowledge of its origins? Could r/K be hacked to trigger the amygdalae of K’s in the face of such treason, to make them willing to do anything to stop it?

For that matter, if r/K catches widely before the collapse, will anyone be able to stop the inevitable payback?

The shift is coming.

Spread r/K Theory, because payback will be a bitch – and she will be foul after everything done to her

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Betrayal, Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

They were the once who voted for leftwing policy in the first place. These dumb cattle people didn’t learn from the Case Elin Krantz, they won’t learn anything from this gang rape case eigther. These is no “k-shift”. The only thing that will shift is who rules over those cattle people. These people have always been the same garbage, but not untill recently they were beaten and locked away by the few K’s every society just has a few off and who enforce their own will on the rest of the herd. After they protested, they will go home and go back to their dumbass, meaningless lifes where signaling against things that actual protect them as racist and what not gives them a short dopamin kick. They all had the choice.

7 years ago

Anon for a long time I’ve been thinking about solving this recurrent and annoying trait of our species.

To me it seems that’s mostly deleterious to us, but I want to know way more about it.