Women Beginning To Reject Motherhood

r-strategists exhibit reduced rearing urges:

It’s unthinkable, and it’s definitely unspeakable, but women all over the world are coming forward to say it: I regret having my children.

Here’s the thing about realising that you shouldn’t have had kids,” says Laura*, 37, a journalist based in Los Angeles. “You can’t take the decision back.”

Laura once believed that she wanted to be a mother. She had little direct experience with children—no siblings young enough to need tending to, no babysitting jobs—and when she and her husband decided to start a family, she wondered if she knew enough about what that meant. “I asked some friends if we could get the basics from them and they ran us through the general infant care stuff in maybe 45 minutes,” she says. “In retrospect, it was laughably insufficient. I really didn’t know what I was in for.”

Laura got pregnant easily. But once her son was born, she was overwhelmed and frustrated, prone to lengthy crying jags, and consumed by boredom and dissatisfaction.

Some might call this postpartum depression, but the cloud never lifted. Laura knew there was a different force at work. “The regret hit me when the grandmas went home and my husband went back to the office and I was on my own with him,” she says. “I realized that this was my life now—and it was unbearable.”

As the r-strategy rises, the drive of women to rear children will diminish. As that shift occurs in either direction, women will see their brains spontaneously rewire to either love or reject everything about their babies. In a study, conservative women actually preferred the smell of babies to the smell of coffee, while liberal women preferred the smell of coffee to the smell of babies. This is all very deeply wired in the brain.

These are women who are programmed by the resource glut to be repulsed by their children. They will rear them, but in a state of nature, as soon as that child could be kicked out they would be, allowing the mother to begin mating again, and producing another offspring. This is what is meant by diminishing the investment in rearing, so one can maximize their investment in mating.

That every facet of r/K parallels the traits of political ideologues is just too coincidental to be by chance. Politics is r/K selection Theory.

Help r/K Theory spread, because we need to begin culling the rabbits – intellectually, of course

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8 years ago

[…] Women Beginning To Reject Motherhood […]

8 years ago

The first time I heard about “post birth abortion” I simply didn’t believe it was ‘a thing’. I was horrified to find out I was wrong. Doing a search on the subject turns up an alarming amount of material about it. The rabbits will go down this path if we let them. Unthinkable for us, but perfectly logical to them. They’re even writing scholarly papers on the subject: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/post/after-birth-abortion-can-they-be-serious/2012/03/03/gIQADgiOsR_blog.html

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

If the r/Commies ever legalize post-partum abortion, there should be no age limit.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

They are unredeemed.

8 years ago

To maximize the investment in mating is the key. It’s all about the state of their fragile psyches. This is why I contend that abortion is an r-strategist urge with multiple angles. Abortion = population culling stress which informs the r-strategist to enact a mate/abort cycle.

8 years ago

These women are clearly maladaptive. The female’s brain undergoes transformation to make them enjoy and be better mothers. It is evolutionarily selected.


These people are just biologically defective. The worst thing we can do is make their issues seem normal. Their not. They are defectives being weeded out be evolution (she only had 1 child? evolution is working as intended. Her defective genes have been halved this generation.)

8 years ago

You might find this post on the mouse utopia experiment from Bruce Charlton interesting. Seems to me that the experiment was about what happens in a highly-R environment and ultimately led to die off along the lines you indicate in your post.


Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
8 years ago

It is interesting to note that some pre-1970’s immigrants also have an r-style view of parenting. One has to notice the subtleties. Large families letting kids run wild, preference for the “free” public school system, the let them get a scholarship crowd, kick them out of the house at 18, etc. A lot of this sounds conservative and this is the head fake. There is nothing wrong with teaching children to fend for themselves, but it requires effort and guidance. These early r’s in the often Irish and Southern Italian communities benefited from the free resources of a booming society and municipal union jobs that were often vastly overcompensated. The children that they were tacitly interested in worked out due to outside forces and luck in the majority of cases. This leaves a vast scar in the form of a middle class in these communities that is very r even though it fancies itself conservative. r is insidious and behaves like a chameleon oftentimes. As a contrast and in gratitude, my parents achieved the independence results through active interest and responsibility exercises, high investment parenting. They could see the contrast themselves.