A quarter of straight porn searches by women are for videos featuring violence against their own sex. Five percent of searches by women are for content portraying nonconsensual sex. While men still search for significantly more porn than women, search rates for these more extreme types of sexual content are at least twice as common among women than men.
Those statistics make for fairly surprising reading, but are the facts Dr Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a former Google data scientist, discovered when he was given complete access to PornHub’s search and views data for his upcoming book. “If there is a genre of porn in which violence is perpetrated against a woman, my analysis of the data shows that it almost always appeals disproportionately to women,” he writes.
But why are so many women so keen to see videos tagged with, say, “painful anal crying”, “public disgrace” or “extreme brutal gangbang”? Or content marked as “forced” or “rape”?
I have said time and again that as the reproductive strategy shifts toward r, r-women are programmed to want to be raped. The rapists genes will make their children into little rapists who will pass on their genes easily in the r-environment.
They may not admit it, or even consciously be aware of it, but they will feel driven to engage in behaviors designed to get them raped. I’ve shown examples, like women who insist on protesting by walking around naked where radical Islamists frequent, ostensibly to show they can do that and not be raped. But they are really doing it because they are programmed to do things which will get them raped.
The embrace of the migrant hordes by the same women, specifically migrants from violent areas, who have a record of engaging in rapes, is a clear example of this deep instinct to crave rape, manifesting in outward actions designed to increase their chances of capturing some rapist sperm for their offspring.
It is interesting that as the r-cohort of our population reaches peak r, before the K-shift closes in courtesy of the economic Apocalypse, r women are sneaking off to actively search for porn which features women being violently raped, so they can vicariously indulge deeply rooted instincts to be violently raped, perhaps even by a large group of violent men.
It is a state of affairs which is wholly incompatible with a civilized society. Were I a K-woman, or worse, the father of a K-woman, I would really feel as if these r-women are best wiped from the face of the earth, and their rape-craving genes taken with them.
Perhaps in the K-shift, we can deport them to the middle east, and cleanse our gene pool of them.
Spread r/K Theory, because there’s no living with r-strategist women
Cleaning the gene pool? I’ll bring the chlorine!
It’s like this r-woman, a muslim pajeetess, showing up to an EDL protest. Her brain is seeing the signs of growing right wing sentiment in Britain so her hindbrain wants to throw in with the winners- the EDL. You can even see her smiling (almost aroused), because she is expecting to be raped and get pregnant. In India, she would be raped. One of her ancestors on the sub-continent centuries ago, carrying the same r-genes would have smiled just like that to an invading muslim army, been raped or “raped”, and had muslim babies. The EDL and Tommie Robinson, being K, would not rape her and are instead embarrassed that a woman would protest them in such a way. Human brains can tell that scarcity is coming, women are just trying to find the alpha’s (from their point of view) that will carry their genes through the turmoil.
In fact, look at her smile while being carried away by the police. She looks aroused, her eyes are saying “oh yeah time to get some alpha english genes” when nothing of the sort is going to happen. And that was her reproductive goal in showing up, to get “carried” away just like that.
I prefer deporting all Muslim men
Umm its the only sex they can get ?
I won’t argue with your central point, I assume full-r insanity as described is a factor.
How much of this could be attributed to more generalized female desire for a dominant male – a relationship with a hard-K male – rather than full-on, hard-r gimme-rapist-genes insanity? I have noticed many women both want to be dominated and fantasize sexually of same. I have assumed this is desire for more K-based male domination than is the current societal norm. Anecdotally, I have seen females shift in a bad way once they realized fully that I would never harm them physically, as in be stereotypically abusive – hit them. I have seen women turn bad after knowing they would not be hit, as in losing some kind of respect, being disappointed – as if some instinct that a dominant male that would beat them if they crossed a line was a positive thing and not getting that was a disappointment.
“I have seen women turn bad after knowing they would not be hit”
My beloved late husband always said, with a warm smile, that a wife, meaning (including all other women:) me, should always be just the tiniest bit afraid of her husband. NOT that he was going to hit her, or otherwise be cruel, but merely that, knowing he WAS a man, and nearly as far stronger than she as a chimp is stronger than a man, and with boundaries that did not allow careless ‘verbal trespass’ (much less anything more) — allowed her (me!) to relax into knowing that he was strong enough — and willing to be violent enough — to protect ‘wife-and-kids’ from attack. I am taken aback by women who castigate their husbands as if the man were a child. I am dismayed by a man who allows his woman to do so.
Was I ever afraid he would hit me? No. (I was as “K” as he was, even before I met him.) He felt — and made clear to me — that for a man to strike a woman was as embarrassing as appearing in public naked. However, I was conscious of his strength and willingness toward violence — his boundaries were clear and I had no desire to cross them (and don’t, actually, understand women who do). Respect — alas, a ‘skill’ that has been ground out of most people, and esp. most women — curtails careless trespass.
I expect the “K-ifying” we shall be undergoing all too soon will re-introduce both fear and respect. {shrug} Sad news for r-women looking for a protector.
I think of this dynamic as the same one as a child that craves boundaries subconsciously and becomes an unhappy brat when their parents are too soft. The case of the child – he or she wants to feel there are firm limits to their behavior so that in a sense they are protected from their own lack of knowledge of “right and wrong” and that they will be guided properly to a sense of right and wrong over time.
i wouldn’t be surprised at all if it were true but seriously?
>trusting that people who report themselves as women when they sign up to a porn site really ARE women
also amusing
>(((Dr Seth Stephens-Davidowitz)))
In biology and evolutionary psychology exists the concept of “sperm competition”:
Absolutely and relatively to their body size male organisms differ widely in the size of their testes.
Bigger testes produce more sperm, allowing for more voluminous or more frequent insemination.
Sexual selection can drive the development of ever larger testicles, because it can enhance fitness – in r-selection environments of frequent inseminations by different males those males who introduce more sperm and/or more often get an advantage in the “sperm war” and so fathering more offspring. In isolated populations runaway selection of larger testes has been repeatedly documented, for example in squirrels: Over just a few generations, the male squirrels develop ever larger testicles – until this sexual selection hits a limit by natural selection, when testes size became so big (around 20% of body weight of a squirrel) that the large testicles hinder the squirrel’s movement ability to climb trees for food and prevents escape from predators.
Sperm war, or “sperm competition” is also happening in primates, and so in humans, too.
Most think penis size would differentiate men meaningfully – wrong. To maximize reproductive potential, an average-sized penis seems best (and is therefore found on most men) – a too small a penis prevents the removal of sperm of prior inseminators (the pumping motion during sex and the glans penis exist to “shovel out” “enemy” sperm) and prevents deep insemination (depositing the sperm as close as possible to the cervix opening). After ejaculation, the pumping motion stops because a man would only remove his own sperm if he would continue.
What actually differentiates men (and other primates) is the size of their testicles.
There are two extremes:
Bonobos and chimps have large testicles for the sperm war.
Gorillas, despite their huge size and strength, have tiny testicles, hardly pea-sized.
Gorillas wage no sperm war; they instead mate-guard, that is, drive or kill off other gorillas who attempt insemination of female gorillas (usually they have a harem of females).
Because they prevent other males from inseminating their females, they have no need for big testes that produce large quantities of sperm in the first place.
(You can see how this is related to r/K already).
Now what about human males?
In the size distribution spectrum of testicle size we have two peaks at the ends:
Large-testicled men (LTM) have around double the testicle size of small-testicled men (STM).
These men are therefore differently prepared for the sperm war.
It turns out:
The STMs are typically mate-guarders – they have less sex, with less frequent partners over lifetime, but if they have children, they have more children with a single female;
STMs are more introverted, and much less social; they tend to stay away from parties, dances etc.
IIRC some of David Buss’ studies showed that STMs are over-represented among men who kill their woman and/or their lover in case of infidelity and among men who secretly spy on their women or demand that their women do not meet other men(mate guarding).
LTMs exhibit not much mate guarding at all;
instead, they tend to prefer orgies, swinger parties, have more sex partners over their life compared with STMs, and if they have multiple children, those then tend to be from different women; LTMs also are more interested in sex with prostitutes.
LTMs are usually the “life of the party” – they tend to be extroverted, seeking much socialization and new female contacts.
There seems to be a subgroup of men that can only get maximal sexual satisfaction by seducing women who are already in marriages or relationships with other men into sex with them – these seem to be only of the LTM variety.
It turns out the sperm war also happens in humans, and males are differently but fittingly prepared for it by testes size, and sexual and social interest instincts.
r/k seems to be related to this; LTMs seem to tend to be r, STMs more K.
Due to being too tired I missed a point in my previous comment.
Addendum to the end of the 2nd paragraph:
Too big a penis would prevent entering some of the smaller vaginae or even injure the woman.
Therefore, reproductive potential, and therefore optimal penis size in humans, is the averagely sized penis.
If you are interested in this topic – how biology, evolution and our evolved psychology interact to produce human behavior and traits – I recommend you read this book (and not just the wikipedia article):
Women crave dominance. Look up Rollo Tomassi’s article titled, “War Brides” & “War Brides of Europe.”
He discusses the evolutionary arousel to the violent invaders.
“…evolutionary arousel to the violent invaders…”
I think this is from tens of thousands of years of Men invading villages, killing all the Men and carrying off the Women, The Women that couldn’t stand this were killed off. The ones that could tolerate it, reproduced. These aspects also had side effects that some Woman want to get raped. It’s a glitch in the “tolerating rape” gene. All behaviors driven by genes don’t have to make sense they just have to persist or not cause enough damage to keep from being passed on.
Actually, this is not at all surprising. To me anyway, and if just want to get lucky we’ll call it. Advertise you’re an abuser and say you’re not a nice guy and what you really want to do is hurt a bitch. Your post may get flagged pretty quick, so you may have to put it back up a few times(depends on a lot of factors). But I think you will be surprised how much interest you get. I know I was.
Be aware these women wont likely be well adjusted, but they will be beautiful most likely too.
We have their social media, it’d be easy to sort wheat from chaff.