Will The End Of The Syrian War Bring The War To Europe?

ISIS fighters may simply return home, where a Muslim Jihad is waiting to explode now:

FRENCH security services have warned 700 French citizens who have pledged an allegiance to the Islamic State are set to return to the country imminently…

The “fighters” described as “executioners, gravediggers, suicide bombers and jailers” could be back in mainland Europe in the coming weeks…

Loic Garnier, the director of the coordination of counter-terrorism unit (UCLAT) told French newspaper Le Figaro the fighters have “learned to demystify the fight, to shoot unblinkingly on men or women, to show cold-bloodedness during the action as we saw at the Bataclan”.

He added: “They know the craftsmanship and the handling of explosives.

“They learned to [booby] trap a car, and use explosive belts.

“Finally, some continue to follow blindly the instructions of their emir recommending stabbing or the use of trucks like in Nice

“These jihadists are ready for anything and everything, the important thing being to kill ‘disbelievers’.”

Germany and Britain will have their own repatriating jihadi army as well, and I would expect still more to come over illegally, and as part of family reunification with ISIS family that have already gotten asylum.

I am not sure this is all bad, though, as I am sure some right wing political activists will see their own government attention diminish as resources are reallocated to cover these characters.

Of course once the Apocalypse hits, and government funding for security diminishes, this will become a much more serious problem. If you wanted to set the stage for a major war across the continent, you couldn’t have done better.

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8 years ago

[…] Will The End Of The Syrian War Bring The War To Europe? […]

8 years ago

I’m concerned about those little f*ckers getting into a nuclear power plant. Which, by the by they are already trying to do.

Reply to  Pitcrew
8 years ago

As opposed to Russian RBMK-1000’s the GE Mark 1’s in Germany have a safety vessel. And, their safety and security has constantly been improved over the years.

As to the potential theft of radioactive material…. the hint lies in the word RADIOACTIVE… You have no idea just HOW MANY Geiger Counters are just WAITING to locate you here…

So bar a bunker buster bomb, nothing much will happen with that.

8 years ago

My suspicion is that if they mean to do this, they will make their opening move in Rome with an assassination attempt on the pope. While having little actual military or economic effect, it would be a huge symbolic coup.

Mr Twister
8 years ago

“Suicide bombers”….. coming back….

Good they were!