Will Donald Trump Be Impeached?

One professor who was right about the election outcome is predicting it:

Allan Lichtman uses a historically based system of what he calls “keys” to predict election results ahead of time. The keys are explained in-depth in Lichtman’s book “Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House 2016.” In our conversations in September and October, he outlined how President Obama’s second term set the Democrats up for a tight race, and his keys tipped the balance in Trump’s favor, even if just barely.

At the end of our September conversation, Lichtman made another call: That if elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress that would prefer a President Mike Pence — someone who establishment Republicans know and trust.

Trump is a bright, wily guy who has played in the billionaire arena for decades, but on the other hand, this is a risk. It would not be the first time a public executive focused on doing his job competently, and before he knew it the levers of government were mysteriously arrayed against him, and suddenly he was convicted and being sentenced.

Donald has to hire a lot of Republican Establishment types. He will not be able to effectively vet all of them. That is tailor made for the Establishment infiltrating his operation with their actors. If they get a few of their operatives in the right places, they could easily create some scandal that would appear to have been a Trump Administration scandal. Maybe they sell weapons to some group they shouldn’t, maybe they get the IRS to blatantly attack Bezos and make it look like Donald ordered it.

Look at Christie and Bridge-gate. Low level staffers can do things and make it look like the boss’ idea. Even if the scandal isn’t directly attributable to Donald, just the association could be enough to facilitate impeachment with a corrupt Congress and rigged media.

It may sound paranoid, but this is the most powerful office in the world, and Donald’s decisions will literally guide the flow of trillions of dollars, which at present are flowing into the pockets of corrupt cronies and others who travel in intel-esque circles. To think somebody wouldn’t set him up is ridiculous. The only question is if circumstances and opportunity will meet the right person.

I hope Donald will have a talk with his head of security about setting up his own intel operation dedicated to keeping track of what is going on in all of his subordinate operations (monitored and controlled by a subordinate who will take the blame if anything goes south). Then he should try to find a way to preemptively insulate himself from being attached to any decision, good or bad, that he has not personally made. Just as mobsters never give the orders themselves, Donald needs to preemptively place willing fall guys between him and anyplace where such a scandal could be ginned up. Ideally, they are never needed, but if the establishment manages to create a scandal, they should be there waiting to take the fall.

The main area where he will need a fall guy running things will be in the area of domestic state security. The Obama administration had no respect for civil liberties. Obama himself said he wanted a domestic security force as well-funded and staffed as the United States Military. There were rumors that Hillary had Special Access Law Enforcement programs on her server which if they became public would ignite a civil war. I am certain that those programs exist, and they are not just targeting bad guys in such a way that the public will be understanding and tolerant. If they become widely known, they will be impeachment material.

Obama even had a history of weaponizing government agencies against innocent citizens. That all adds up to an impeachment waiting to happen, and Obama’s people know all about these various programs, as do probably, the GOPe. After a couple of years, Donald will inherit full responsibility for the existence of those programs, unless he has some fall guy who is willing to absorb the blow when it all comes out, claim he kept Donald in the dark, and then endure whatever punishment is entailed. Donald needs a true believer in that position.

Hopefully Donald’s head of security would also bring on an intelligence professional to do a general threat assessment with an eye to GOPe shenanigans, structure his defenses to any such action, and see if there are any glaring vulnerabilities which need addressing immediately.

One thing we know about rabbits, Republican or Democrat – they never play by the rules. And they will do anything to take down Donald.

r/K Selection will alter the world, because people who see it feel like the reviewers here

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8 years ago

[…] One professor who was right about the election outcome is predicting it: Allan Lichtman uses a historically based system of what he calls “keys” to predict election results ahead of time. continue […]

8 years ago

This is not paranoia. Governor of Arizona Evan Mecham was demonized like you stated. I think that most of the Trumpsters will not tolerate any screwing around with Trumps national fix. The MSM better watch their backs too. In warfare it goes both ways.

8 years ago

I don’t see it happening. These guys are obsessed with the history books and their place in it. Nixon set the GOPe back decades, and they are still dealing with the memory.

Four and out is a much better option for them. They’ll set him up for quiet failure instead.

Woke for 15 years
Woke for 15 years
8 years ago

Essentially what happened to Nixon.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

He needs to find all the material that the deep state or whoever is blackmailing congress with now and let them know he has it.