Wikileaks Indicates Seth Rich Was DNC Leaker

Wikileaks pointed to the message by Guccifer in a tweet:

Guccifer 2.0: his name is seth.he was my whistleblower
I suppose you know who I’m talking about

If you are ever in that position, you will need to immediately become wholly unpredictable, especially in your travels, and ultra-aware of anyone following you or paying attention to you. If you wait for the attack, exit buildings from predictable exits, enter by predictable entrances, or take predictable routes, you will be as good as dead if they’ve decided to hit you. And you have to assume everything, from text messages, to emails, to phone calls, are all compromised, and your historical movements have been recorded, giving a hit team an instant heads up to your plans and the ability to predict how you will execute them.

It is kind of unbelievable what is going on of late, but there it is. This is the decline, before the rebirth.

Our goal is simply to survive.

Spread r/K Theory, because you need to watch your ass these days

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7 years ago

[…] Wikileaks Indicates Seth Rich Was DNC Leaker […]