Why We Should Never Have Fought The War On Terror At Home

You can want your nation to win too much:

When it comes to cultural Marxism, Sweden is the canary in the coalmine. Here’s the latest from world’s most progressive country: the city of Oskarshamn is the first to implement a brand new policy for the sake of their citizens: sport aficionados in this tiny Swedish town will now have the option to require armed police protection for when they go out jogging. This sounds so unreal, I don’t even know where to begin.

How about just dealing with the real problem, then Swedes who want to jog at night won’t need armed guards. And for the rest of the world: This is what happens when your immigration policy fails you and you have no means of protecting yourself.

Now, getting back to our news story, according to Peter Karlsson, who is the police inspector in Oskarshamn, the aforementioned program was put into place in order to “ease the insecurities” of those folks who’d like to go out jogging after dark.

This is a conundrum. When your people face a threat, a patriot will want to defeat the threat and protect your own people completely. But you need to be careful about how you do it.

After 9/11 I would have green-lit anything by the government to defeat terrorists in America. The Patriot Act, massive in-person government surveillance, civil liberty intrusions, even harassment authority for the government to drive terrorist threats out of the nation. The 9/11-like hijackers who would have launched the next attack needed to be stopped, and the pricks who dropped those buildings need to lose in humiliating fashion. But sacrificing liberty for security was a totally r-selected response. It was a great short time-frame decision, but in the long time frame it will prove disastrous.

Those programs were all green-lit by President Bush, and they exist to this day. But they had a counter-intuitive effect. They so completely guarded against terrorism that we suffered almost no terrorist attacks. Moreover, they were so effective we could import millions of Muslims, and subsequence terrorist attacks would be non-existent. This taught the population that is was perfectly safe to import Muslims in large numbers, and that doing so offered almost no risk of terrorism.

Of course the programs only work so long as they can be funded, and we are approaching an economic collapse. What will happen when we no longer have the money to support massive in-person surveillance operations, and the infrastructure to support massive informant networks and intelligence operations, all as we simultaneously have millions of economically deprived Muslims floating around the nation? That will be an Apocalypse all its own.

The truth is the terrorists do a service with their attacks. They are like a vaccine that inoculates the nation against liberal stupidity. They show you why you don’t want foreigners from hostile areas in the nation. They teach the people that out-groups are best kept out for a reason. The terrorists are the canaries in the coal mine of the next civil war. They show you what the rest of that out-group will be like as soon as the economy tanks, and there isn’t enough money for everyone to eat.

Unfortunately now we will find that out all at once, with millions of Muslims, just as the economic bottom drops out.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because it can be an inoculation too

This entry was posted in Economic Collapse, Immigration, Intel, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, Surveillance, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

“The truth is the terrorists do a service with their attacks.”

And thats why we need a shit ton more of them. If the west should fight a war, they should fight it at home. Wars in far away lands are dysgenic, since the warriors go away and get killed and injured, while the lower lifeforms stay at home where they fuck their girlfriends for peace maaan.
The cops protecting females in sweden as quasi personal bodyguards is just an example once more how this gynocentric scandinavian culture shelters females from the consequences of their own ideology and rhetoric. We would be better off if the females stay at home to care for the offspring, if they do it because they think its the right thing or because they are too afraid to get raped and murdered outside the perimeter makes not much difference. Untill then the swedes should harden their hearts, since they need to be able to see a lot more crying and dying untill the real killing starts.

7 years ago

Every day I pray for another Islamic terror attack. There aren’t nearly enough yet to get the masses attention.

7 years ago

I’ve never heard “gibsmedat” in Punjabi, Arabic or Bantu. It will be very enriching.