Why Was Obama So Eager To Import MS-13?

I was thinking about this. First Obama opened the door to importing unaccompanied minors, and encouraged their migration. We now know this caused a flood of MS-13 gang members to enter the US, where they were quickly positioned by government resettlement agencies. Since then, there have been beheadings, mass murders, disappearances, snuff films, and on and on. And that is just the first page of a google search.

I was made aware of the fact years back there was what seemed FBI interference somewhere, in some local Police activity, which had the effect of protecting a large number of MS-13 members at great expense to innocent civilians. The totality of the case was more bizarre than that, but that is all I will say. It has always puzzled me, but I wrote it off as incompetence, or protecting sources, though I wondered at the time if Obama had sent word down to protect illegals because they were a constituency of his, or perhaps less likely, if MS-13 was somehow being used in the drug business, if some high-level government agency was profiting from it. As I saw MS-13 seemingly acting with impunity all over the country, my suspicions they had some sort of government support at the top grew.

When Trump took office, his first objective seemed to be taking out MS-13, even though ISIS was in full swing, he had FBI agents plotting to kill him, and a Deep State legal action looking to take him out, as well as a GOP Establishment that seemed it would have been all to happy to help take him out.

Sessions gave speeches on MS-13, LE swung into action, and in that old case, the interference was immediately gone and it was dealt with the way it should have been to begin with. All over the nation, MS-13 were scooped up and either charged, imprisoned, or deported – something Obama had never allowed, even as the body counts rocketed skyward and minority communities lived in terror. Why was Trump so focused on this first, when he had so many other problems?

I remembered, Q-anon had said that MS-13 was contracted by Deep State to take out Seth Rich.

It was brought to mind when I saw this probably-fake memo pop up on 4Chan:

I don’t think it is real. But I also think these things sometimes are designed to mimic reality to seem real.

The MS-13 idea popped out at me, and triggered a recall of Q’s old post, in light of the puzzling case from years back. What if the left and the corruption in the FBI had decided to use MS-13 as unofficial muscle, the same way the CIA used the mob to try and take out Castro? What if that was why MS-13 was seemingly above the law all over?

MS-13 would be superior to a more well-funded and powerful entity like the Cartels, in that lacking the resources, it is less of a threat if it gets out of hand. It would be better than a native organization like the mob, in that one call to ICE, if things got out of hand, and everybody involved would disappear into some ghetto in El Salvador, and nobody would believe their story. MS-13 could be forcibly positioned in communities as needed by government resettlement agencies.

Unlike the Cartels who hire professional spooks, the gang probably has limited intel awareness, so you wouldn’t have to worry about them turning the tables and gathering intel on the relationship to use against you later, and they could be monitored with limited resistance. The gang is not so rich that buying them off would break the bank. And all transactions could be done in El Salvador, or even better, they could simply be given confidential informant status, and allowed to deal drugs freely under the protection of American Law Enforcement. The FBI would not have even had to pay them cash, they could have just let them make drug profits freely, and if anyone ever asked questions, pull jurisdiction and say they were informants in an ongoing investigation.

It would make sense of why President Trump moved on them first. If the corrupt part of the FBI was in a relationship of any sort with MS-13, and had decided to try and take out Trump, all it would take is two million dollars from George Soros, delivered to EL Salvador, and at some public appearance a poor, unfortunate illegal immigrant could pull out a gun and shoot Trump, ostensibly for all of his “mean” immigration policies. The immigrant could even then be killed by an FBI agent at the event after the shooting, Godfather-style, and all the loose ends would be tied up nicely. A mean racist was killed by some poor unfortunate in a lone wolf event. As muscle for the corrupt elements of the FBI, MS-13 could have been a primary threat in Trump’s eyes.

Once MS-13 was out of the way, the FBI would need to hit Trump more directly, and risk a much more direct exposure. It would make it much more difficult, especially for desk jockeys who weren’t cut out to pull triggers themselves. And they would have to communicate prodigiously to set it up, perhaps opening themselves to eavesdropping and monitoring.

It is tough to say, but given Obama imported MS-13 actively, the FBI seemingly protected them during his tenure, Q implied their relationship, and Trump’s very first order of business was taking them out, I do wonder. This fake memo might be closer to the truth than we know.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because once you are dealing with leftist shitbags, anything is possible

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7 years ago

MS-13 were foot soldiers in the Obama/Hillary drug smuggling op. The drug smuggling was probably more distributed than most people realize-


Lordy only knows how many LE operations were ruined by Obama’s DOJ.

7 years ago

Interesting speculation. But if you follow that trail… why was Trump elected, why was he running?

Is Trump a front man for a covert op to save America?

I mean, if the speculation is correct, there is no way Trump could have known all this beforehand while being on the outside…

7 years ago

Now that I think about it, where is the CIA in all this?

I do recall listening to ‘noagenda’ podcasts a couple of years ago, and they would go on about a covet war between the FBI and CIA with the Clintons & Obama on the side of the FBI.

How is the relation Trump/CIA?

7 years ago

Unlike the Somali pirates and ISIS, there was no danger of the Russians stepping in and easily vincing our invincible enemies. Obama talks about the world’s problems while Putin solves them.

If Duterte were in charge, every Mexican with gang tattoos would be shot on sight and MS-13 would be gone in a week. The simplest, fastest, cheapest solution to most problems begins with “right wing” and ends with “squads”.

Cecil Henry
7 years ago

This is egregious r type behavior right here:

These people fully deserve any punishment they received in time:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I’m not even German, but that image makes me want to woodchip some vibrants.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Good God!

I was just thinking this very thought…..and then as I read down the replies….there it is!

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

That makes very good sense to me. It would not surprise me if the number of people willing to be a criminal hit Man in the US is drying up. They’re importing people for every other job on the US why not hit Men?

7 years ago

The FBI thought the same thing about the Irish mob. By the time it was all over Whitey Bulger was ruling Boston from Tamaney Hall down to the streets. He was a demonic nightmare. The Irish mob was the MS-13 of the the 70s-80s.
Nothing short of retards having been running the FBI…since its inception. They have a long and sordid track record of repeating the same thing over and over again while somehow expecting new results.