Why The FISA Surveillance Memo’s Details Are Momentous

Larry Schweikart is a well known Conservative author of books like A Patriot’s History Of The United States. He has an inside line into the Trump administration. I actually talked with him right after the election about how Trump should inoculate himself against being portrayed as a dictator and being blamed for any overreach on the part of government surveillance, by publically complaining he had been surveilled immediately, so if something bad came out he could claim it attacked him too, and he was not the one who created it. What I sent was more complex, but that was the gist of it. Maybe it had something to do with Trump’s tweet, or maybe not, I have no idea.

He had an interesting post on the FISA memo over on Free Republic:

I am buried in the Reagan Papers @ Reagan Library, so this is brief.

1) this FISA stuff is described ad a “threat to our democracy”

2) if the dossier was a blackmail doc on Trump, assigned & assembled BEFORE Trump was even the front runner

3) THEREFORE we can conclude such packages were already fully prepared for ALL candidates, especially those thought to be real contenders.

4) wait for it: “a threat to our democracy”:

5) I will leave you with one name: John Roberts

It is a natural conclusion. And from there, you could conclude all conservative SC Justices likely had surveillance, which would mean there were files assembled somewhere, and available to shadowy actors on the left, which would have made it very easy to take one out because they would have had all the prep work right there in one place. Just hire a private contractor and hand him the surveillance file under the table, and 95% of the hit is already done for him.

Note the FBI was sharing classified surveillance intel on Trump with the private leftist contractor Fusion GPS, to make the political intel more weaponizable. Which brings you back to Scalia, and him being found with a pillow over his head just in time for Obama to appoint his successor on his way out the door and shift the ideological balance of the court. When dealing with the intel world, coincidences are rarer than you would think.

Now my own perceptions of how things work. Congressmen naturally will give governmental Law Enforcement, of which surveillance is a part, the benefit of the doubt and a long leash. Nobody wants to take out an entire government skillset, and suddenly find that it was needed to stave off a terrorist attack that killed thousands. Imagine if Bush had decimated the FBI for being too aggressive right before September 11th.

And yet, despite the natural tendency to let Law Enforcement make its own rules, every conservative in Congress is unanimous that this needs to come out.

My assumption is this is because it details indications or individual instances of surveillance of conservative members of Congress themselves and their families, perhaps done with an eye to compromising them. Maybe I am wrong, but if it isn’t in the memo, it will only be because the memo didn’t go deep enough.

Now on the memo’s release. It is presently not being released because it is classified, and one report says all democrats are voting to withhold it. Have no fear, it is coming out. Trump undoubtedly has it, and as President he can declassify whatever he wants. He is letting it be withheld for now because in his genius, he sees a more optimal time to let it roll out, probably relating to the midterm elections.

I hate to beat a dead horse, but these types of tumultuous times, filled with palace intrigue and backdoor skullduggery (and a dead body here and there) tend to be indicators of peak amygdala deterioration, of a sort which usually presages a collapse. Only peak amygdala deterioration can simultaneously combine the panic of high triggering to drive action, with the reduced boundaries that prevent people from seeing that crossing those lines is going to be more costly later. This inevitably ends up with guys like McCabe and Strzok belatedly realizing they need an additional insurance policy, because they have left themselves incredibly vulnerable. There was a reason FBI agents would not have done this under Reagan, even to advance such a pro-American President. McCabe and Strzok literally lacked those neural circuits, and could not see why this was a bad idea. Now that one agent is reportedly singing like a bird, they will have those neural circuits installed, but at what cost I have no idea.

The only question I have is can President Trump restore sufficient amygdala to restore the functionality of society? That is the real issue, not some agency’s oversteps or politicization, or some crime here or there. The nation can survive its traitors, but not its entire populace being fools of a level who would elect a traitor to democracy like Obama and his clan.

Or does this level of amygdala deterioration indicate a terminal process, which can only be reset through the extended horror and deprivation of a real Apocalypse, inflicted on the whole of the people.

Only time will tell.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we need to get through to the Renaisance on the other side of the Apocalypse

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7 years ago

There may be a necessary neurochemical stimulus to make amygdala’s grow again. Lacking these behavior only changes slowly if at all. Cortisol, Adrenaline, Ghrelin, even the smell of decaying flesh, are probably required to open up the neural circuits in normal people. For example, just a few of those stimuli drive a woman to be monogamous and seek a single mate, or drive a man to focus on a job he can do, or fight.

Reading stories from the Yugoslavian breakup, it appears Ghrelin (hunger) and Cadaverine/putrescine are the quickest ways to quick start amygdala dominant neural circuits. Our brains are hardwired to fast track those into K type behaviors.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Interesting. I’ve read in other areas a question of if fasting can stimulate K behavior. From what you say here about Yugoslavia, it would seem to do so. Which means those religious which enforce fasting, and those more serious about their faith who do fasting are more likely to be K’d

7 years ago

LOL We should market the “K candle.”

7 years ago

Everything’s downstream from immigration. When you use phrases like “a nation can survive . . .” and “entire populace being fools . . .” you have to ask what nation? What populace? The majority of whites voted for Trump. The majority of non-whites don’t want America as America to survive, they just want to sponge off of the magical golden goose. No, it’s worse than that, the non-whites and the far left doesn’t care if they take a major economic hit, they just want to dispossess and destroy whites. They don’t care what comes after. They even support the takeover of liberal countries like France by Muslims, who oppose everything the left claims to believe in. There’s no voting your way out of this, no surviving a third-world population shift, voting can only postpone slavery or war for a few decades.

7 years ago

While it’s possible Posobiec could be stating a a truth here (broken clocks, etc.) he has a track record of promoting fake news and false rumors. Believe anything that comes from Posobiec without corroboration and you might as well be watching CNN.