Why Soros Is Fomenting The Refugee Crisis?

An interesting article on Soros, his present investment model, and why he appears to be pouring money into fomenting the refugee crisis:

In 1936, as Hitler was hosting the Olympics in Berlin, Tivadar changed the family name from Schwartz to Soros, an Esperanto word meaning “will soar.”

George Soros, who was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, benefited greatly from his father’s decision…

In the 1990s, Soros began a string of large bets against national currencies. The first was in 1992, when he sold short the pound sterling and made a $1 billion profit in a single day…

During the 1980s and 1990s, Soros used his extraordinary wealth to bankroll and fund revolutions in dozens of European nations, including Czechoslovakia, Croatia, and Yugoslavia. He achieved this by funneling money to political opposition parties, publishing houses, and independent media in these nations.

If you wonder why Soros meddled in these nations’ affairs, part of the answer may lie in the fact that during and after the chaos, he invested heavily in assets in each of the respective countries.

He then used Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs to advise the fledgling governments to privatize all public assets immediately, thus allowing Soros to sell the assets he had acquired during the turmoil into newly formed open markets.

The theory at the site is that Soros is betting he can collapse Europe, and that contagion will spread to the US where he has bearish bets waiting for the collapse. Most would think Soros is doing that for the money, but no.

People who have never met pure evil can never understand it. Evil actually enjoys the suffering of others. Each instance it engenders is seen as tangible proof that they are smarter and superior to the peons they have consigned to some horror or other. For a person who panics at the thought that they might be inferior, profit is merely a fortuitous byproduct compared to the self-validation and feelings of superiority.

Interestingly, after almost a decade of Obamanomics suppressing the US economy, Trump might be able to hit the throttle enough to completely stymie such a plan, at least for the time being.

One more reason to support his Presidency, as if there weren’t enough already.

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8 years ago

[…] Why Soros Is Fomenting The Refugee Crisis? […]

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

Why Soros hasn’t been assassinated, which I imagine would be easy for certain state actors to do, is difficult to understand.

8 years ago

Soros will get everything that’s coming to him. I’m a firm believer in that everything you pour out into the world will eventually comes back home to you, in spades.

8 years ago

Of course he’s funding it. He funds the BLM thugs in America. Both groups make up part of the Globalist Occupation Army in The West ( GOATW).Read here:


8 years ago

That’s an interesting take. Mostly when people try to figure out what Soros’s angle, they claim he is a Marxist and wants to weaken the US to bring something like a Communist revolution. I don’t know much about Soros or his ideology, but I assume there must be some merit to the notion.

But, if his intentions are more base. If he wants to wreck the west for personal profit or simply to satisfy his own nihilism, this is a different matter. I support Trump and and honest attempt to save our country. But if that isn’t possible, if Hillary is made president in spite of everything, then we will know our only hope for any sort of improvement will be collapse, the Apocalypse you talk about. And then, doesn’t Soros become something of an ally?