Why 97% Of Syrian Refugees Are Muslim

A good article here:

When Christians flee as refugees they cannot go to UN-run refugee camps because there they face the same persecution and terror from which they fled. If they are not in the refugee camps they are not included in the application process for asylum. The U.S. State Department knows this, but continues to allow the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to select refugees for asylum with no regard to the endangered Christians and other religious minorities. According to statements in the Sunday Express from an ISIS defector and aid workers in the UN camps, ISIS is sending teams of trained assassins disguised as refugees to kidnap and kill Christians.

And we’ve just learned that the State Department is poised to rule that Yazidis but not Christians are likely to be designated as victims of genocide in Iraq.

The blame is not just with the United Nations and the Obama administration. U.S. organizations who resettle refuges are also to blame. This includes Christian groups that resist any focus on Christian victims of ISIS, and oppose actions by Congress to welcome not just economic migrants but also Christians and other religious minorities victimized by ISIS…

Other religious minorities — such as the Jews, Yazidis, Mandaeans, Shia Shabaks and Turkmen — are also being targeted, and also largely left out of refugee resettlement. For instance, Nina Shea notes that only one Yazidi was resettled in the U.S. in the past five years of Syria’s civil war, even though thousands of Yazidi girls as young as 9 endure unspeakable horror and are often taken as sex slaves by ISIS…

The article does not explain that many of the “Christian groups” mentioned have been recruited by the VOLAGs that profit enormously from resettling refugees in areas they and the Federal government choose.

These organizations, which include Church World Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and World Relief, acquire an average of some 70% of their revenue from taxpayer-funded federal grants and contracts. In some estimations, they receive more than $4,000 per refugee resettled.

If you are a rabbit afraid of Muslims, it will quiet your amygdala to bend over backward for them. When you imagine Muslims going on a rampage, you can tell yourself you will be spared because you befriended them. They don’t realize this, it is subconscious, but that fear, and the lack of fear of Christians, is why they are driven to do nice things for Muslims, but not for Christians.

People say that Obama isn’t a Muslim, but clearly he isn’t a Christian. Hopefully Trump or Cruz get in, and when they do these “Christian” organizations will be stripped of all funding, and the Muslim importation plan will be put to an end. If I were Cruz and Trump, I’d be making an enemies list.

On a related front, Rubio is still pushing for more Muslim immigrants:

In the wake of the Islamic terrorist attack establishment Republican presidential contender Sen. Marco Rubio is standing by his support for bringing Syrian refugees into the United States of America, despite the evidence that the Paris murder-rampage involved at least one Muslim terrorist who had infiltrated Europe among the thousands of “refugees” now leaving the Middle East.

Rubio’s astonishing doubling down on his support for this policy of national suicide was documented in a weekend article by our friend Matthew Boyle of Breitbart.

This makes no sense, unless the establishment is desperately setting Americans up, so that in the lead up to the collapse the increased terrorism can be used to justify increased surveillance and control, and during the collapse real Americans are too busy fighting Muslim crime and violence to hold the establishment accountable for collapsing the economy and the government.

There is no other explanation, given how the Republican Party overwhelmingly supports the position of Donald “I’ll send them back” Trump, and Ted Cruz:

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz says he will introduce legislation banning all Muslim Syrians from the United States in response to ISIS’ hit on Paris.

‘What Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are proposing is that we bring to this country tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees,’ Cruz told CNN last night at a campaign stop in Charleston, South Carolina.

‘I have to say particularly in light of what happened in Paris, that’s nothing short of lunacy,’ he said.

Either all the Establishment Republicans have political death-wishes, or they have been ordered to take that position by elites who would rather lose trying to flood the country with Muslims, than easily win without flooding the country with Muslims.

Thank God for Trump and Cruz. As we set the stage for the Apocalypse, they couldn’t have come at a better time.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

[…] Why 97% Of Syrian Refugees Are Muslim […]

9 years ago

Here’s my question: what could the elite think they possibly have to gain from this, long-term? They have children too. Very few, but some. How do they think their legacies will continue if they collapse society for no reason?

When civilization crumbles, they lose too.

9 years ago

[…] Why 97% Of Syrian Refugees Are Muslim | […]

9 years ago

I’m with Calvin. The people responsible for this are not thinking rationally. I know most people don’t think rationally but you would expect some rational thought from the Powers That Be.

I keep wondering if it’s the Jews hatred for…just about everyone…that drives this but the White guys at the top must be collaborating with them and I can’t see their motivation. I know Whites can be separated by class but don’t they understand that in the end they will be categorized right along with the Rednecks they hate as just another White guy?

Let’s follow, what seems to be, their trajectory. In 10 years a $1000 computer will have the power of a human mind. They won’t be humans as the software is not written but the processing power will be there. Do they think they can do away with the Human masses and just get robots to do their bidding? The problem is a lot of the folks on the top are psychopaths with a serious mental aberration to dominate others. As soon as they get rid of the masses they will surely fall on each other. Even worse our lowly computer with one humans worth of processing power in 10 years will balloon to the power of a small village 5 years later. They can’t compete with that and any limit to free inquiry by the computers will leave the group using the controlled computers behind as other groups unleash the computers to freely create new strategies.

This just goes to show that even incredibly smart people are dumb in some ways. Average intelligence people sometimes have common sense that really smart people lack. I know the really smart don’t believe this but I see this sort of blindness all the time.

Reply to  Sam
9 years ago

“I keep wondering if it’s the Jews hatred for…just about everyone…that drives this but the White guys at the top must be collaborating with them and I can’t see their motivation. ”

Because these ‘Whites at the top’ are rabbits! They are selling out the rest of the (our) in-group in the hopes that they will be eaten last!

9 years ago

[…] crisis, Islam, and migration policy are running together (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Oh hell, there’s more (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), with still more to come. Speed […]