Who Is Trump Hiring – James Mattis

Trump hires quality:

For this unusual dinner, elegant tables were set in the hallway of the Pentagon’s E Ring. As immediate office staff, we were expected to serve the wounded warriors their dinner, help them to their seats, and attend to whatever they needed. A small Army band played at the top of the stairs and my Army friend—who years later became my husband—helped his fellow officers bring service members no longer able to use their legs up the stairs.

It may sound like a surprisingly festive occasion for a group of people who had little to be thankful for—except that they were still alive. But it was indeed festive. Then-Lieutenant General Mattis — who, as a two-star, had commanded the First Marine Division during the invasion of Iraq — was there among the senior military leaders, incredibly gracious spending time with all the young men (there were no women yet among the wounded at that point) and kneeling down to hear their stories.

I wasn’t supposed to eat dinner there—just help serve it—but General Mattis insisted that I sit at his table, probably to break up the all-male atmosphere. A young soldier, probably no more than 18, was at our table. He was starving and devoured his beautiful dinner in just a few minutes. I will never forget the moment when General Mattis took his own untouched meal, cleared the young soldier’s plate himself, and gave him a fresh plate of his food. Mattis went without dinner that night, not making a big deal out of it, keeping the table laughing, and making sure all those young warriors were attended to.

I can’t write this story without tears coming to my eyes.

I remember a Freeper who told the story of being in a mess hall when Wesley Clark came through, and threw a fit because all of the peons below him didn’t hustle out of his way fast enough when he cut to the front of the line. You can see that kind of amygdala in his eyes.

Rabbits do not have the circuitry for loyalty or real love. It just isn’t there. They can eat and live alongside a sibling for years, and then dine happily right along side its dead body. They just have no concern beyond their own immediate happiness. In the r-selected environment, where there is never conflict, there is just no reason to adopt a loyal psychology willing to sacrifice for others.

Organisms that evolved in an environment where their reproductive success depended on the success of their group and family will have individuals who care for the well being of their fellow group-members.

It is pretty obvious where Mattis falls on the scale, as well as it is with Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need to establish the battle lines for the Apocalypse

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8 years ago

[…] Who Is Trump Hiring – James Mattis […]

8 years ago

I listened to Mattis’ talks and interviews. He is loved and appreciated warrior and strategist. Yet, when it comes to Russia he seems to lack insight. He describes Russians as weak, due to alcoholism, abortions etc. Despite all that Russia and Russians have never been defeated, not by Turks, nor by Napoleon, Bolsheviks, Hitler, Cold-War, not even by Soros ‘open-society’ maneuvers. In that sense, despite all that and given the premises of your theory, they are a strong pack. Choosing to be friends with them is a smart move. Soros is doing his best to destroy that, look here: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/749267/George-Soros-EU-2017-forecast-democracy

8 years ago

Why would Mattis think an All-male atmosphere is a bad thing?

Reply to  infowarrior1
8 years ago

But I digress.

Robert What?
8 years ago

I voted for Trump and I like many of his appointments. However, I don’t understand his appointments from Goldman Sachs. Their primary loyalty will always be to Goldman Sachs and their cronies. I’m afraid they will be subverting Trump at every turn with smiles on their faces.

Reply to  Robert What?
8 years ago

They know where the bodies are buried. Can they switch loyalty to the U.S.? Who knows — but if you’re trying to dig up the ‘evidence’ — why not try to suborn those who helped bury it?! (And maybe the God-Emperor Trump has a grip on THEIR short-hairs! We’ll likely never know.)