White Genocide as Competitive Stimuli

I’ve always thought of competitive K-stimuli as arising from the aggressive in a population, but they can come from r-strategists acting out, and trying to irritate everyone as the collapse approaches to assuage their own insecurity. A French doctor calls for immigrants to rape conservative women so as to impregnate them with non-white children, and thus eliminate the evil white race:

His article titled “Impregnate the female of the National Front” says this:

“Right wing women do not appear less mammal than other women, even if they have a bigger than average reptilian brain . As any woman, it is subject to hormonal moods. With a feature that ethnology confirms to us : she gets especially wet for rough men.”

“These female FN sympathizers certainly offer us means to beat them. As each right-wing female appreciates the military and the macho, loathes feminist ideas, let’s play her game: Let’s take her at her own game, let’s take her and fuck her.”

“Since they give us the recipes for crossbreeding their pale race, use it against her side. Let’s sexually overcome these stupid right wing females, for the survival of a smiling humanity. Because they are stupid and easily tricked, like game going to the hunter, things should be easier. Let’s create a curly descent (not German mind you!) let’s curlify this “other-hating”, frightened France.”

“Refusing the advances of family planning, every pregnancy will result in a little half-breed or a mongrel, an artist that tomorrow she will eventually like.”

“Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends, in solidarity: bring up your hard dicks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered (unfortunately sometimes pretty!) Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.”

This is a good example of an amygdala trigger that can ignite violence, outside the realm of logic. I always felt logically that r/K was what was important, and that race was meaningless except as it relates to r/K, so I am a suboptimal target for this. And yet, this triggers deep emotional threat circuits in my brain. Made even more interesting is that I should logically want to vent my rage on this white leftist, yet I come away from it with a subconscious perception that the enemy is the non-whites he describes attacking conservative women. That is not by accident. Notice that he wrote it from the fictional perspective of a non-white seeking to rape white women and stick them with babies of the rapists. He is trying to elicit race hatred for minorities among the right, by pretending to be non-white, and then saying all of this enraging material.

It is almost a subconscious shift of the rage he elicits. If he, the fictional non-white leftist wants to attack innocent women with an eye to eliminating people like me, I feel an instinctive reflex to fight back violently – but against the non-whites which you subconsciously see as posing the threat. It is very cleverly crafted.

This is a rabbit with an uncanny skill for pitting different people in a game of “Let’s you and him fight,” and he is not the least bit ashamed to pretend to be a non-white in doing it.

Add in the coarseness, the descriptions of aggression and violence towards “our” in-grouped conservative women, the “punchable shitlib” tone of the piece, and the idea of creating lots of fatherless children of rapists and dysfunctional families and it actually hits the amygdala from multiple angles in the background, amping it up in other ways beyond the primary attack angle, magnifying the final effect. By the end of it you want to start the race war to get it over with. Only secondary, if at all, is the idea of walking this guy bound and tied to the edge of the resultant mass grave, and dropping him to his knees in preparation for the coup de grace, but even then it is a mental image of one of the non-white rapists he describes.

This call to action is worth much further scrutiny, made with an eye to gaining control over one’s own brain function, as well as the brain function of the idiot masses we wish to manipulate, to avert the destruction the left is so ardently trying to bring about. This is the cleverness we face, and why this rabbit problem persists. After the enraged whites killed all the immigrants, this guy would come out of a hole to find no more immigrants, and a whole lot fewer of us to compete with.

If we see more of these types of amygdala hacking calls from the left, expect the left to produce the race war that the white race warriors have been unable to produce as of yet. Ironically it will probably be good for them, as all the rage we should be focusing on them will have to be expended expelling the foreigners they imported. Again, that is by design. The rabbits are trying to get other people to kill us.

Apocalypse cometh™

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James Jones
James Jones
9 years ago

Thierry Lecoquierre a JEWISH doctor. Why are the jews behind all the immigration to the US and Europe but Israel wont take any in. Why is this. Is there a jewish agenda? Hmmm!

Reply to  James Jones
9 years ago

I would posit that the reason there sometimes might appear to be a Jewish conspiracy, is because being ahead of the curve in the r/K prosperity cycle put Jews in position to lead in the decline. But it would be incorrect to blame them for causing the decline; they simply happened to be the first to fall down the hole.

9 years ago

[…] White Genocide as Competitive Stimuli […]

9 years ago

Well that’s about as perfect an example as you can get, of the ‘homogenize the herd’ impulse.

9 years ago

You don’t think the overwhelming majority of homicides by African Americans against White Americans in comparison to the converse is insufficient K-stimuli given news suppression?

Jeff Fritz
Jeff Fritz
9 years ago

“by pretending to be non-white”
He IS non-White, he is a Jew. Jews are not White. They do not identify as White and they will never, EVER be loyal to Whites.

9 years ago

Looks like someone’s heeding his call.


(This guy has essentially rhetorically fucked the left in France. Everytime a racially charged rape of a white woman by a non-white occurs, they will point to his screed and the left will be tarnished with the blame for the rape.)

(Also, when I read screeds like this Pecksniff’s I don’t reflexively hate non-whites at all, I reflexively hate the leftist originators of this violence. I cannot understand where you are coming from at all.)

(By the way Pecksniff is my new favourite word. It describes the Left to a tee).

9 years ago

Taking on the comment by “James Jones”, a question that keeps me busy is, why do you state in your book that are joos K-selected when all their behaviors, as an individual and as a group, correspond to traits of the r-selected? IMO that is wrong. It is the only reason that keeps me from recommending it.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
9 years ago

Guy reminds me of what I read about the Jewish concentration camp capos. They were is possible worse than the guards and often as bad as or worse than some of the really rancid guys tried for war crimes

And while I agree with you on the issue of this being a “get K’s” to fight strategy, its a bit complicated by the fact many of the refuse-G’s are R types themselves.

Also Europeans unlike Americans understand collective punishment and reprisals for internal enemies and collaborators. People like this piece of merde would not be safe in such a time and all it takes is one leader among many angry people to bring hell’s wrath on them. All of them,

The French people would really prefer to enjoy good food, good women and better wine with other French people in their most excellent country while feeling smug about a small number of assimilated others. Take that away from them, threaten them and the French far from being nice will show just how terrible they can be. They don’t have mercy, compassion or pity and the church will not restrain them.

9 years ago

I don’t know about that. I assumed he was white, from the language, I guess, and wanted to stomp “his” face.

9 years ago

I think he misses the point, at least as related to r/K theory, which says that Conservative(K) women are likely to be a higher risk (to life and limb) for a would be rapist than a liberal(r) woman. While the strategy seems like it would create more potential r babies, it is likely to create a lot of dead rapists also.

Reply to  ACThinker
9 years ago

That’s a point. The plaintive cry, “You guys are supposed to hunt the wolves, not the rabbits.”


Solaire Of Astora
9 years ago

I always say people need to focus their rage on the media in Europe, not on the migrants. Whenever I hear about some migrant center being attacked I’m annoyed at the wasted energy.

9 years ago

This reminds me of an old comic in which someone had learned to “throw his voice”, and was using the ability to make it sound as if another person was saying offensive things. But the person he was trying to anger was hard of hearing so he had to speak louder and louder – and ended up giving away who was really speaking.

But I’m glad to see others pointing out what I came to realise recently – that the Sneering Left, as I call them, are trying to instigate race war.
I think they want other people to be too busy fighting each other, to deal with the real problem. Or maybe they’ve no conscious purpose in their toxic behaviour, beyond thinking that being sociopathic makes them clever.