Where Do You Draw The Line?

A reader read the article on Greek Protestors burning an Antifa building to the ground and asked, where should you draw the line between taking action and holding back to preserve your anonymity in government files.

It is a very complex question, which I think comes down to looking clearly at your objectives, and looking at the means available to you to advance those objectives. I will use an example here.

I was on Free Republic, and one of the posters was saying the entire FBI is corrupt and dishonored, because nobody in it spoke up to oppose McCabe and Comey using their domestic intel agency for trying to overthrow a lawful election. If that was the measure, you could say everyone in the domestic intelligence agencies is a corrupt traitor, who has betrayed the Constitution.

But suppose you were an intel officer in some agency, under some version of Comey and McCabe. You know there is treasonous leftist shitbaggery afoot, at the highest levels. You can round up every intel officer who thinks like you, go hit Sean Hannity, and reveal it to the nation. By the end of the day, McCabe and Comey will have you filing papers in a basement in Nome Alaska, along with every other agent, and all that will be left in the intel agencies of the US will be leftist shitbags committed to using their intel powers to implement a socialist state.

I view this kind of like joining the mob in an open, government-surveilled protest, and heading down to burn down a building in the open. Yes, you score the immediate, feel good statement against the betrayal of your nation by the elites, but that will probably be the last victory you will attain, and if everyone does it then your movement is doomed.

Now suppose you are an intel agent under Comey and McCabe who becomes aware of leftist shitbaggery designed to overthrow a lawful election. You kiss up to Comey and McCabe, appear to be with them, and quietly amass evidence. You chart their plots, and quietly align with like-minded agents to break into voting places to reprogram corrupted voting machines to give an honest result. You document the text messages between all the leftist conspirators before the records can be wiped, and you quietly approach the Trump administration and lend your expertise to creating a plot that will sweep all the corruption and leftist shitbaggery from the government in one swift motion. The election goes off, Trump is honestly elected to the shock of everyone, and he proceeds to enact the Great Awakening.

This is how intel would roll, if there were agents who opposed what Comey, and McCabe, and the rest of the swamp were up to. The immediate open show of force is for losers. The quiet long game that you fought so covertly that nobody ever even knows you fought it is where the real victory lies. It is why I can’t reflexively shit on intel as a whole for what went on. If they fought back, you would never know.

So when I say don’t join those open protests and commit crimes openly, I am not saying don’t oppose the government as it seeks to genocide you, or don’t protest. I am saying look carefully at your objectives, your means, and where things are going. Sometimes that analysis may say commit a minor illegality. There may times when your objective can be entirely accomplished with one minor action.

Back when Dan Rostenkowski screwed up Medicare, there were a specific set of conditions in play. There would be no greater civil rebellion. There was a single issue in play, and media attention given to a bunch of seniors rocking Rostenkowski’s car, and giving him a little amygdala was plenty of action to promote a reconsideration of the offending legislation. In that case, the minor illegality of blocking his car, and maybe giving him some perception of threat was a smart play.

But in my opinion, Europe is a more complex problem. My suspicion is the elites in Europe intend to use the Muslim migrants to violently subjugate each nation’s own citizens, or just subjugate them with the perception of threat of violence by the Muslims, with thee elites withholding protection. Between the elite’s strategy to use the Muslims as proxies, and the likelihood they will probably not be able to keep their Muslim pets on a leash when the real festivities begin, I think you need to take a look at playing the longer game there. Maintain your anonymity with the government by withholding action until violence is unavoidable for survival, and everyone is unified in their desire for it. Best of all, never associate with the resistance, tow the government line, and join the security services wherever you can. Imagine if the entire intelligence operations in Germany were covertly populated with Chans and Redditors.

I think the worst thing you could do now is act without thinking deeply about what your objectives are, what each action’s effects and consequences will likely be, and then weigh how the immediate effects compare with how those consequences will affect your ability to operate later.

I suspect it will be the later actions of the movement will have much greater effect as the majority of the citizenry begins to align with the right.

You can always act later. You cannot always undo what you have done, if you acted out of rashness.

Spread r/K Theory, because your plans should be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move you should fall like a thunderbolt

This entry was posted in Conspiracy, Intel, ITZ, K-stimuli, Nationalism, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

I have been thinking about this as well, and this is my current POV:

1) Realize what is going on (read EVOPSYCH) and stop giving emotional support to r-selected causes. This in itself will take time. You may be K select, but we all have been exposed ALL OUR LIVES to r-strategy dribble. You will need time to find the real K-you in all that mess.

2) Start cataloguing the people in your environment. Who is more r, who is more K. Let your connections with r’s crumble (slowly), and build out your connections with the ‘more-K’ people.

3) Do the same as in point 2 for commercial connections. Stop being a customer of r-dominated companies and replace them with more K-oriented companies. Yes this may cost more, but the return on this investment will come indirectly.

Only continue with point 4 & 5 once the above three points are in place. Because you will need that before you become more ‘offensive’. You need to have the personal fortitude and the supporting environment before you do that.

4) In the organisations (not your employer!) where you are a member, start opposing r-strategies in as far as possible. Either directly or indirectly. Indirect is usually better, and it is easier to gain support indirectly through voting blocks. I see big possibilities here in church related affairs. Most churches have swung far left. Time to bring them back. And the results from this are potentially way bigger than direct political action.

5) If you are employed in an r-dominated company, look for a different job. Or better, become an entrepreneur. As a minimum you should consider starting a side business.

And, imo, do NOT use violence. The problem with violence is that it strengthens the opposition, and puts you at risk. The K-cause needs you alive and thriving, not rotting away in some cell-block.

In short: Look for the K-side in your life and support that side. Look for the r-side and purge it. And this is difficult enough for most people. Being K is not free. Free is the r-trap. Realise that and act accordingly.

7 years ago

Greg Johnson wrote an Article for Counter Currents “Spend yourself, save the world”.
For what are you trying to hold back anymore. There is no apocalypse coming that frees you from the shackels of Government. You can dig a whole and hide, or you can take action. Those Greeks who burned down those occupied houses did good. Very good. Its not a question of “for what” anymore, this time is long past us, its about that something happens at all.

7 years ago

”You can always act later. You cannot always undo what you have done, if you acted out of rashness.”

One of the virtues of K-tianity is being slow to anger for this reason. If a man is too easily provoked he is prone to act rashly.

7 years ago

Stop paying for the noose that will hang you, if nothing else. It’s expensive for a euro government to go after tax cheats anyways. The sooner Germany is insolvent the better.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…quietly align with like-minded agents to break into voting places to reprogram corrupted voting machines to give an honest result…”

I really, really, really wonder about that. I rad once somewhere that the voting machines were full of holes, probably on purpose, could this explain the complete shock when Trump won? They had it all planed then…ooops.

As for violence. Let’s use one situation. You posted recently about the hand full of Muslims attacking everyone. It might be worth taking the risk to attack them if you thought you could get away with it. You’d have know where the cameras were, use mask and beat them or kill them. Might only take a few going down to convince the rest that they had better cool it.

One thing we and others in Europe have done is complain to the police or get them involved thinking they were for enforcing the law but the police seem to have given up on that. If the police are never called and it’s taken care of quietly then locals could do what needed to be done. The key is to not get some huge mob and give them TV time to prove how evil Whites are. Quietly.

7 years ago

“The immediate open show of force is for losers.”

Not entirely true. Just as the magician waves around his right hand, so you DON’T look at his left hand, the (unplanned, coincidental) ‘acting out’ by lone wolves — or sacrificial actors on the public stage — keeps the “audience” looking in the wrong direction. Sure, too many ‘bad’ ‘actors’ will create dislike and distrust. But we’re about at the boiling point… “Frogs” “jumping out” will both attract attention AND be understandable by the normies who feel the warming water but aren’t yet convinced to jump.

Wanna bet MOST (real) Italians understand and sympathize with the shooter trying to pay back for the dismembered Italian girl? (THEY wouldn’t go drive-by, but they can for sure understand WHY some young hothead would!)

Would that not be a useful amygdala trigger for r and lukewarm Ks?