When r-selection is in effect, there is no end to the insanity:
Chelsea Manning, the US soldier jailed for passing data to WikiLeaks, says she has ended a hunger strike because the Army has agreed to provide her with gender transition surgery…
The 28-year-old was convicted in 2013 of leaking secret documents.
“I am unendingly relieved that the military is finally doing the right thing. I applaud them for that. This is all that I wanted – for them to let me be me,” Ms Manning said in a statement.
The key is, when resources are free, it is easier to give them away in order to avoid any angst, than to fight, and people become programmed to do just that. Once that programming is running things, any level of insanity is possible. There are no limits, because the simple rules are avoid conflict, and sacrifice whatever you have to in order to do it.
The next thing you know a traitor can get himself a free $100,000 operation, and then be placed in the female prison, where he will able to shower every day with all the female inmates for the rest of his life. All he has to do is not eat his food, and call it a hunger strike.
r-selection is the only viable explanation for how such programming would offer advantage in nature, and why it should arise at this precise moment in history.
On the other side, once the rules change, it becomes destroy all the outsiders who have pissed you off, just to be sure you won’t have to fight them again in the future.
Not exactly an inspiring thought for the rabbits to contemplate, as sovereign bankruptcies approach, and the entire economic universe fixes to collapse.
[…] When Resources Are Free – Sex Changes For Traitors […]
I’m with you on paying for the “sex change” (clearly, he won’t be a woman, merely a man who decided to mutilate himself). If he wants that done, it should be paid for privately.
But you lost me on treason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0
The law of war is old as history itself, and for damned good reason. He brought violations of those laws to light, and is being punished for it, because *it serves TPTB for America to lose the moral high ground*. One sure way to do that is to allow violations of the laws of war, and punish those who bring said violations to light.
Manning’s persecution is clearly designed to discourage whistleblowers. Their sensationalizing and paying for his surgery is designed to make him less sympathetic and further marginalize him (it worked with you). This just furthers the interests of those holding the reins of Leviathan, as it normalizes punishing other whistlelblowers, notably Kiriakou and of course, Snowden.
Most women in prison are ugly as shit, and even if they aren’t, “Chelsea” won’t have a dick to fuck them with. Sometimes the cruelest thing you can do to someone is give them what they want.
Got a little disagreement here. If you learned of everything Manning went through at the hands of the USG, simply because they couldn’t get their grubby fingers on the big boys, you may start to wonder if this young man is not sacrificing his life to get everything he can out of his captors. In his own small way.
I admit I am not an expert on Manning, but I always got the impression he was just into spilling to screw over his Army compatriots.
Though I admit government is getting to the point that I don’t know what side is up anymore.
Got a little disagreement here. If you learned of everything Manning went through at the hands of the USG, simply because they couldn’t get their grubby fingers on the big boys, you may start to wonder if this young man is not sacrificing his life to get everything he can out of his captors. In his own small way.