When Resources Are Free – Dead People Redeem Foodstamps

Probably a lot of illegals, who are trying to stay off the books:

Dead retailers redeemed more than $2 billion worth of food stamps, according to a new audit.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s inspector general reviewed billions of transactions through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps. It found that thousands of stores authorized to accept food stamps were using the Social Security numbers of deceased persons…

Between October 2013 and June 2015, the inspector general identified 3,394 stores owned by 1,819 people who were using SSNs listed on the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File.

“These 3,394 retailers redeemed about $2.6 billion in SNAP benefits,” the inspector general said. The 193 businesses that reported child owners redeemed $41 million in food stamps.

There is a lot of government benefits turning into cash and flowing back to Mexico, as well as to other criminal enterprises. Pulling this resource stream will create a lot of K as the people and criminal enterprises presently being assuaged by these resources suddenly begin finding themselves resource deprived. The K it will stimulate will be second only to the full Apocalypse, when all of that resource stream is completely dried up overnight.

Of course timing will be everything. Whatever the cause, once real K begins in Mexico, we had better have that wall up.

Spread r/K Theory, because people need to recognize that the wall must go up

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8 years ago

[…] When Resources Are Free – Dead People Redeem Foodstamps […]

8 years ago

I was meaning to ask you: What do you mean by Apocalypse? Civil war? World war? Sudden climate change? My friends in California, all passionately anti-Trump in difference from me, feel that apocalypse has started for them the night Trump was elected. They call it Trumpocalypse. They feel that the world/their country has turned into a nightmare for them and they fight against it, none of them is aggressive really.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

I agree, not that mature. Yet, if such a devastation is inevitable, then Trump can hardly patch things up with deals like Lockheed Martin’s, don’t you think? Strengthening morals is good no matter what. Besides, the ‘new order’ prefers to remove all cash so e.g. they can devalue currencies forever (as it is the case in Sweden, with negative interest on savings) and no one can escape: https://www.amazon.com/Curse-Cash-Kenneth-S-Rogoff/dp/0691172137

8 years ago

He who votes shall also eat. Discriminating against the dead is Ableism.