This is how you handle a migrant crisis in r-selection:
(Reuters) – The European Union launched a program on Monday to issue monthly electronic cash grants to benefit a million refugees in Turkey, as part of a deal under which Ankara will curb the numbers trying to enter Europe.
The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) will give refugees pre-paid cards for food, housing, schooling or medical expenses in Turkey.Earlier this year, EU countries approved a fund of 3 billion euros ($3.37 billion) to help Turkey improve living conditions for some 3 million Syrian migrants on its territory. The ESSN is part of that deal.
“Today we launch the biggest and largest humanitarian project the EU has ever supported. It will provide a basic source of income for one million Syrian refugees,” Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides said at a news conference.
They are providing free salaries to 1 million Syrian refugees. Bear in mind, most of them are probably not Syrian, most of the money is probably being seized on entry and going straight into some elite’s personal bank account (after Erdogan takes his cut), and migrants are still coming, so it doesn’t even buy a complete cessation of migrants. And on top of all of that, a Turkish passport will allow anyone in Turkey free travel throughout the EU, so obviously Erdogan intends to get rid of the migrants by simply turning a blind eye to the market for fake Turkish passports, and letting them fly in.
But the idea – buying what you should really be killing for – is the thing of interest. In times of K, migrants would be sunk in their boats, Erdogan would be assassinated if he didn’t stop it, and nobody would think twice about it. The number of times in history that Turks or Persians headed toward Europe proper, and were killed with nary a thought is beyond comprehension.
But not today. Today, Erdogan threatens to let migrants leave, and Europe will send all sorts of earned European taxpayer money to him, for a solution that will only make the problem worse later. That can only happen in times or r-selection, when the brain adapts to avoid conflict at all costs, and assume resources will always be free.
The great irony is that Brexit is the one thing which will save Britain from the migrant flood that will sweep in on Turkish passports, so the elites just increased the advantages to secession from the EU by quite some measure. As Erdogna opens the floodgates, look for a rush for the exits in the EU.
All we are waiting on is one small burst bubble in China, and all of this will suddenly appear as the insanity it is.