When K-selection Begins, the First to Fight are the Rabbits

Minority Wars: Why The Next Ten Years Will Set Everyone Against Everyone

This is what the future of progressivism looks like: blacks fighting gays fighting lesbians fighting trans fighting everyone else. It’s the iron law of victimhood-driven identity politics. Someone has to win, and everyone else has to lose…

But it also pits minority group against minority group. If the last ten years in the public square were defined by women ridiculing, criticising and demeaning men, the next ten are going to be even more depressing, and even more socially divisive. Welcome to the era of Minority Wars…

The future of the progressive movement will be akin to the nightmarish community of grievance-bloggers on Tumblr, where minorities, both real and imagined, engage in an endless competition for supreme victimhood status…

What’s really happening is that the self-described social justice icons of our generation are driving people apart and pitting minority against minority for profit and for their own twisted amusement.

It is an epic article that has to be fully read to be enjoyed. It details how the transexuals now hate the drag queens because they think the drag queens are just trivializing the transexual struggle. And so on. Gays vs pedos, illegals vs blacks, feminists vs gays, the pansexuals vs everyone, and on and on.

This is the angst. It builds in society as K-selection approaches, leaving us like the animals whose ears perk up right before a tsunami. We are the smart animals who head for higher ground. We buy guns, convert to precious metals, and invest in technologies like welding, or machining, or gardening, that will yield value after the collapse.

Then there are the dumb animals. You can’t find a correlate in nature, because nature has already killed all the animals that dumb, but imagine the deer who begin fighting next to the beach. Or the rabbits who run around in circles in low lying areas, because it is easier to run downhill. Or the humans who see the sea go out and walk out into the tidal pools, because gosh I’ve never seen the tide this low.

In our society, these are the guys whose amygdalae go bonkers until they pick up a gun and shoot up a movie theater. They fly gyrocopters onto the front lawn of the capitol, and expect the prosecutor to give them community service. Or they are the grievance pimps who go about setting on fellow grievance pimps because they are afraid that the grievance cred is getting sparse, and their group won’t get the most.

If it looked like r-selection were going to go on forever, it would feel like laying under a palm tree on a beach in the Bahamas, and nobody would fight. However increasingly it is beginning to feel like our politics are a steel cage death match straight out of Mad Max. Rabbits don’t do so well under those conditions.

I suspect rabbits may even feel the angst first, given that what makes them rabbits is their acclimatization to ease, and their utter inability to tolerate even the most minor of discomfiting stimuli. When you refer to even the mention of some vague idea as triggering and traumatic, you will notice the rise societal angst even sooner than everyone else.

Apocalypse cometh.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Do you think we’re approaching an age of technology/pharmaceuticals where a K-shift can be thwarted and the dopamine thrill ride kept going? Basically, sedated serfs made numb to any significant drop-off in their standardof living.

Could mandatory vaccinations just be a step towards this?

Robert What?
9 years ago

“Victim” is the most coveted status among the Left and they guard it jealously. As the number and output of the producers decreases, the Victims will have no choice but to turn on each other. That’s the problem with relying on your Victim Status. Eventually some other group comes along and outranks you.