What Would The God Emperor Do? – A Daughter Dating A Douche

The God Emperor is a living, breathing inspiration to anyone who wants to do good in the world, so it is only natural to look at his actions as a model on which to base our own.

First, the story of Bring Da Movies Man, told as only Heartiste could tell it. Click the link and read it, to get some background, then come back here.

What does the father say?

He referred to Josh as “the rat.” He kept telling her, “That boy is no good.”

“But she was in love,” Charlie Ludemann said. “You can’t do nothing about a teenage girl in love.”

People sometimes are surprised I support game, and that I like to promote Heartiste’s brilliant site, as well as Vox Day’s Alpha Game, and books like Krauser’s new Daygame Infinity and his classic on the subject, Daygame Mastery. Game seems so anti-K. But here was a father whose daughter went r and died because he did not know game.

Now this post is based on a speculative account in a book which undoubtedly contains numerous falsehoods, but this one account contained game of such epic scale it could only have come from the God Emperor himself.

Suppose your daughter one day brings home a douche, who you know is a loser, just like Camacho. How would you handle that situation? Lets look at how a master would play the situation. In other words, What Would The God Emperor Do?

This is Hope Hicks, White House Communications Director:

A solid 8, maybe 8.5, and that’s even more impressive as she is starting to exit her period of peak fertility. According to reports, President Trump views her as his third daughter and loves her dearly, and she sees him as a father figure. Unfortunately, like many girls, she is weak when it is time to judge men for deeper qualities, unlike the God Emperor who can see into the very souls of men.

Hope ended up hitched to Corey Lewandowski, who as we all now know, was not destined for wild success in the God Emperor’s regime. Worse, the relationship was said to be rocky, and on again/off again. This may have troubled the God Emperor, who wanted her to marry as successful a man as possible, so he reportedly offered a little intervention:

Donald Trump told his communications director Hope Hicks, who reportedly sees him as a father figure, that she was “the best piece of tail” Corey Lewandowski would ever have, an explosive new book about the president claims.

I am not a master of game, but I am beginning to more clearly see a lot of cognitive function as it relates to amygdala. Amygdala comes from many directions, and operates many ways, based on how it contextualizes incoming stimuli, but I feel there is a central aspect to it. My amygdala-understanding right now is jumbled, revealing to me many disparate parts that I just know all are springing from a more central cognitive root which I just haven’t developed the ability to see yet – sort of like r/K changes how you view the disparate parts of politics and unifies them under one simple metric. There is something there with amygdala. I even sense figuring it out will better allow you to construct artificial intelligences one day, perhaps even some unlike anything we can imagine, designed for environments where we would not now think they would exist.

So as my understanding has progressed, I see it coalescing into a simpler, more unified model at some point. I suspect Trump may have followed this cognitive path to its end already, which is why he can roll something like this out on the fly, almost effortlessly, while the best I can do now is just see the brilliance after the fact. Until I can unify all facets of amygdala-operation in my mind, I must work with what I have, and as I look on this I am seeing many different pieces of a technique that is beyond brilliant, so lets cover them.

Think about an alternative way of handling this. You say, “He is no good, you should dump him.” What would your daughter’s immediate reaction be? “I can’t dump him, we are in love. That focuses her amygdala on the love, which reinforces the idea in her mind that she is in love with him, which triggers her at the thought he is no good. Because that thought triggers her, she will defocus on the stimuli you present, and put it out of her mind to escape the unpleasantness.

Even worse, like George Costanza, he is now the bad boy, and their relationship is a forbidden fruit of which you do not approve. She and he now have something special they need to keep away from you, and since that is a pleasure existing under threat, the amygdala is prioritizing the threat and amplifying the pleasure’s intensity with focus. It will change her whole image of him. Now he’s the bad boy, and you are fighting a unified tide of amygdala pushing her in that direction.

The God Emperor took a different path. Lets examine how it is different, from the perspective of a daughter’s amydgala.

“You’re the best piece of tail he’s ever going to get!”

It is almost the exact opposite, from the amygdala-perspective, pushing her amygdala in all the opposite directions.

First it is slightly crass and shocking, in a way she didn’t expect. You would try to be nice, and pleasant as you eased your daughter toward dumping the loser, right? Suppose you did that using Trump’s very technique, and said she is “the prettiest girl he would ever date.” It lacks that amygdala-zing to get it in the mind, and the niceness prevents you from imbuing negativity. She might even stroll around town with him on a date, feeling good about herself and how pretty she is on his arm. You’ve linked her prettiness and their relationship. It is pleasant, and nice, just like you intended to deliver it.

The crassness, the somewhat shocking nature, and the violation of expectation flags Trump’s version in the amygdala, and focuses the mind on it. Now she is thinking about it hours, and even days, later, as the brain strives to turn a surprising stimulus into an expected one through repeated contemplation. That amygdala activation, and repetition of thought, will also make it be remembered better, as amygdala activation enhances memory. It will stick in her head for some time. And it has just a slight niggling quality, for reasons she will not understand. It feels negative, even as it is a compliment.

Second, it has a positive, ego-feeding emotional valence on the surface. She is the best, ever, in a way. It is a compliment, so her brain will want to think about it, and will feel no pain when doing so. She is hot, she is attractive, and she is awesome.

Suppose you said she was a slut for banging such a loser. That would be openly negative and insulting to her ego. It would trigger aversive stimulus when the idea was contemplated, and that might lead her mind to avoid contemplating the thought to avoid the negative emotional sensation. Each time she would think about it would be like a little shock, or snapping a rubber band on her wrist. And soon she would put it out of her mind.

There is no such force here.

Here Hope was just complimented by a guy she loves like a father, and who happens to be the most powerful man on earth. She’s the best! Her brain will have no negative emotion when it contemplates the thought, so it is now burned into her memory, she is focused on it, and her brain will exhibit no aversion in thinking about it – and may even like it. She will think about this again and again.

And when she does, she will probably feel it reinforced by her ego. “She’s the best piece of tail he will get.” This is a genuinely striking girl who spent time as a model, and who now has access to the most elite corridors of power. Her ego must be off the charts. “Of course I am the best piece of tail he will ever get,” she will think to herself when she contemplates it. “O…M…G…!!!It’s true! I am!”

But it is also slightly negative. She is just a piece of tail, in a way. This is less powerful than the compliment, and it relates more to her relationship with Lewandowski than to her personally, so while she wants to think about the compliment, and the surprising nature of the statement, and revel in her ego, it is attaching aversive stimulus to the idea of that relationship. She wants to think about being the best, but when she does, there is that little stink that picks up over the relationship. She wants to replay the unusually crass aspect to reconcile it as normalized, but there is her relationship that is so base and demeaning hitting her each time. She’s just a piece of tail.

It is also something that will make her want to be more than just a piece of tail. It is a force driving her to change something. And if that niggles at her amygdala, and it will, it will drive her to seek a new relationship, where she is more than just a piece of tail, and where she is the best, period.

Finally, and most importantly, it lowers Lewandowski’s mate value in her mind, massively. He is punching way above his weight, almost fooling her, and she is punching way below hers, and could do much better, and is almost stupid not to. He is not even with her, or loving her. He is “getting” her, like a thief who got a flat screen TV by breaking into a store at night. And when he does, she is just an object, a piece of property he won. And what is she getting?

It lowers his value it in the most insidious way. When will she think of this comment most certainly? When she is about to hit the sack with Lewandowski. It is like a little voice in her head. As she is about to jump in the sack, she will look at Lewandowski, and hear the God Emperor’s voice in her ear, “You’re nothing more right now, other than the best piece of tail this loser is ever going to get.” And she will think about it. “You are giving this loser the best piece of tail he will ever get.” It is demeaning to her at that moment, and doubly demeaning to him too. That is amygdala-triggering, at exactly the right moment. Imagine if right as she is thinking about him getting over on her, and getting tail he doesn’t deserve out of her, she sees him smile widely at how he is about to fool her.

From that moment, every niggling thing Lewandowski did that irritated her would doom the relationship, because it would reinforce that she could do better. There would be no recovery, unless Lewandowski was genuinely the best guy in the world, and someone who was honestly deserving of her. If he wasn’t, the scales were just stripped from her eyes, and it would be a matter of time before she figured it all out and found herself dating a guy who was more on her par. She would now be looking for reality, unblinded by love.

One day, Hope will probably be married to a genuinely loyal, high status, loyal man who is tearing it up in the world. One day, she will probably be old and frail, on a porch, sitting in a rocking chair with that guy next to her, watching their grandkids play on fresh cut grass. And it will trace back to one sentence dropped in her ear by a guy who knew game and wanted her to do better.

Now compare that to the effect engendered by the father of the girl who was murdered chasing after that skinny little scumbag in the first story. He was powerless to save his daughter from being murdered, and he just accepted that as he buried his daughter. Meanwhile Trump swiftly protected his girl’s mere happiness, and made it look effortless. He may not have even given the sentence a second thought after dropping it, and changing the course of her life. He dropped that one sentence, knew things would change on their own, and went on to other problems. That is power.

This is why Donald could raise a beautiful blonde girl like Ivanka, in the bright light of celebrity, who spent time modeling, with celebrity men all around her, with billions of dollars of opulence and attending ultra elite parties. He never had to worry she would end up a vacuous bimbo with a list of notches a mile long, several abortions, and a recurring drug problem. Could you raise a daughter in that kind of opulence and celebrity, and know she would grow up to be a reserved, proud mother in a two-parent family, and never have gone off the rails, even once, under the close scrutiny of the paparazzi? Could you do it while amassing and running a multi-billion dollar multi-national empire on your day job? I’ll bet Donald never had a doubt. That is the power of game.

It is awesome. The cognitive hack. One sentence that completely reprograms a brain, calling up its programming line at exactly the right moments, pushing the brain in exactly the right ways. Only the God Emperor could leave me in utter awe this often. And the media would tell us he is an illiterate who is going senile.

This is game, and this is why I feel every K needs to study it. In this age of r, young girls are bombarded with r-messages at every turn as r-guys are trolling for them with no remorse. If they are your daughter, this is how you protect them. If your son is a young K, and wants to maximize the number of possible mates for him to chose among, and he wants to keep the best girl he finds happy so he can end up happily married to her for his entire life, he needs game. If you are a girl looking for mister right, you need to recognize these techniques, so you can insulate yourself from them – and recognize your own weaknesses when these techniques are rolled out against you. And game goes beyond reproduction. It infuses every social interaction, be it at work, among friends, on the street, in the political realm – it is everywhere.

Game is vital, and when disseminated to you it is like putting Zeus’ lightening bolt in your hand, so you can force K wherever you happen to see things going astray. You cannot develop this ability until you dig into game, realize the two sexes think radically differently from each other and are instinctually programmed differently, and you learn through experience how to press these buttons in each other.

Visit Heartiste, check out Vox Day’s Alpha Game, read Krauser’s blog and books for the real life transcripts and breakdowns of what he is doing, and learn the techniques. Then begin applying game, at the office, in the bar, on your family, and when with your friends.

And during it all, begin trying to feel your own amygdala triggers, learn what draws your attention, what makes you want to look at one thing, what makes you want to look away from another, and feel how the amygdala is softly guiding your very thoughts and behaviors. There is gold there, it just needs to be uncovered through rigorous self-analysis, intensive study under the experts, and practice.

Every asshole you meet needs to know about how politics evolved, because the amygdala focuses on the unexpected

This entry was posted in Amygdala, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Can’t compete with the God Emperor on so many fronts, yet have a similar story of making a lasting difference in a girl’s life with 1 sentence. I lived in Japan for 13 years, met my wife of 20 years there. Her younger sister had just graduated from college and was living at home in their small town, working at a bank. Her college sweetheart, and 1st boyfriend , a soccer jock who also just graduated and had a good job 4 hours away, was working a typical hard “company Freshman” schedule and was visiting her for the 1st time in 3 months for dinner at her family’s home, my wife and I were invited, having just married the summer prior. I knew prior to coming she missed him terribly and was totally devoted to him – she was and is one of the finest women I’ve met.
We showed up a bit late and dinner was served right away. We sat down, and I saw from body language he was an arrogant jock and something worse – already playing her. He had never met a foreigner prior and was a bit put off-balance. I sensed the chance and struck immediately – first words out of mouth to him, abrupt, perfect “off”-timing, in Japanese – “So you must have missed her terribly”. Caught him off-guard, just right – he skipped a beat, his face said it all – everyone saw it – he hadn’t missed her a bit and had a local piece already – he managed to say something that struck false – awkward silence – I smiled and changed the subject – but it was over – the evening had changed. The sister was near tears for a moment. They broke up within 2 weeks. Little else was said, as this was Japan, but she thanked me a couple years later when she became engaged to her current husband. He is a great guy and they own a small shop and work together, 2 kids, doing great. I think this is part of Game – which I interpret as Psychology played to Win.

7 years ago

Don’t overlook Rational Male (book series and blog by Rollo Tomassi) for the reading list. He covers behavior psychology of intersexual relations, where you can observe quite a bit of r/K behavior.

Undercover Lover
Undercover Lover
7 years ago

Derek Rake’s Shogun Method is better for seduction and romance than any of these pickup artists will ever be. That’s not to say Heartiste, Roosh, Krauser, etc. don’t have their strong points and their good advice, but there’s just a fundamental wrongness to them with the player-type goals. Shogun Method doesn’t have that drawback, PLUS there are techniques in SM that are far beyond anything that PUAs talk about. Fractionation, for example, should be in the arsenal of any man who wants a woman to fall in love with him. Just as you can make a leftist have a neurological meltdown with verbal amygdala hijacking techniques, you can make a woman fall in love with you madly in about 20 minutes if you know Fractionation and the rest of the SM. Unsurprisingly, searching Heartiste’s blog for “fractionation” yields a whopping 0 results. Someone’s behind the times.

7 years ago

With great power comes great responsibility. Only K’s have that responsibility.

7 years ago

I just hear him insulting her. Clearly his contempt for her boyfriend is implicit. If he’s such a looser, then he can’t do well in the girlfriend department, and if she’s the best he can do then she’s not that great.

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

Understood – many will see it that way, Rose. Yet I agree with AC, it was actually brilliant tough love. Stately crudely, because he’s a rough-n-tough K thinker, yet at heart genius and meant to help her…and effective – it worked.
Remember, we are so r-shifted in thinking as a culture that this just seems like a cruel, crude bluster, yet it is a comment that speaks to her deepest K nature and K-girl “r-radar” – it subtly shames her for her own behavior in putting out. She is more K at heart, he knew that and tried to wake that up in her. He would not have wasted the comment on an r.