What Happened The Last Time Philly Held A Parade During A Flu Outbreak

It wasn’t good:

Pennsylvania’s influenza death toll rose by 26 last week, bringing the total number of deaths in the state to 91 since the season began Oct. 1, according to the state Department of Health…

The headlines are scary, but exactly a century ago, an incredibly virulent flu killed some 50 million people — perhaps as many as 100 million, some estimates say — around the world. The so-called Spanish flu is the benchmark against which all other pandemics are measured.

Still, on the eve of a Super Bowl victory parade that may draw 2 million people to Philadelphia, some find it a bit unnerving to look back on that epidemic and discover that a giant parade was one of the ways the flu took hold in that city…

Despite reports that the dangerous flu was spreading in the fall of 1918, about 200,000 people lined the streets for a parade to publicize war bonds.

Days later, 635 new cases of flu were reported. By the time the pandemic faded, about 13,000 residents of the city had died of the illness.

You can’t write this flu off yet. All it needs is the right mutation to hit in this parade, and spread out from there. I would still steer clear of large groups, and I would never go to this parade with my family.

But although more likely than not it will peter out, notice how our encountering a potent disease seems to parallel government’s total refusal to recognize risk and limit public exposure to try and contain it. That is the amygdala atrophy of peak r, and it is one constituent of the K-shift.

When K comes, it will not just come in one form like conflict, or pandemic, or economic collapse, or crop shortage, or sudden ice age, or geologic catastrophe like volcanic explosion. All of these are probably linked somehow, either by some master thread which periodically triggers a collapse into K, and then reverses and fuels a gradual rise into r-selected levels of resource availability, or by the interwoven nature of our environment, resource availability, human psychology, human immune resistance, and solar activity.

When K comes, expect all of the horsemen to ride in together, and prepare to deal with multiple problems at the same time.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because you need to be ready for everything

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Decline, K-stimuli, Pandemic, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

At the same time as the Olympics too. It’s amazing we haven’t had another 1918.

7 years ago

There is correlation between all the factors. Cold correlates with pandemics, which correlates with crop failure, which feeds subnutrition and helps spread disease, etc etc.

All my research lead me to the same conclusion, when SHTF its all going to hit at the same time.

7 years ago

I’m not sure I’m ready to switch from “soon” to “NOW”