Was There A Motive to Kill Antonin Scalia?

You could say that:

As the nation and official Washington prepared to mourn the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, watchers of the high court began to assess the immediate impact of his death on several pending cases whose decisions might have had momentous political implications.

Among these is Friedrichs v. California Teacher’s Association, set to have been a landmark case regarding the mandatory collection of union dues and their use for political purposes. The ruling could have meant the death knell of collective bargaining and the political might of America’s unions…

Had the Supreme Court ruled that union dues could not be used for political purposes, it would have dealt a major blow to one of the Democratic party’s most powerful assets.

Basically he was at the very edge of destroying all unions across the nation, forever. With his death, the unions will probably stand, as will the financial support they offer the Democrat Establishment. Of course union officials have never been known to do violence, so…

One thing intelligence officers are noted for is paranoia. It isn’t a trait they acquire by chance. When several disparate variables come together to provide an entity with a perfect outcome, most people see the chance that plays out in their lives. When an intelligence professional sees several things play out by chance to produce a perfect outcome, they see previous operations where they, or other intelligence officers, used all available intelligence to mold all events from behind the scenes, to create such a perfect set of circumstances.

It is the drug runner who just happens to get a flat tire on the interstate right after loading his van with 400 pounds of drugs. Maybe it was chance, maybe his surveillance team put a screw in his tire, so a patrol officer could discover his haul by accident. It is the mobster who finds the hotel has only one vacancy left when he shows up for a secret meeting. Maybe that was chance, or maybe the FBI rented every room but that one room, which they wired like a sound stage. It is the serial killer about to dispose of evidence, when a patrol car just happens to pull him over for a broken tail light. How did that light get broken? Normal people think bad luck. The intelligence agent sees somebody setting a stage.

To me, Scalia was probably invited by a friend to a Democrat donor’s ranch, where 35 friends of the Democrat were staying, by chance. That he crossed paths with a friend who just happened to be heading to the ranch for a quail hunt, which Scalia was known to love madly, was also by chance. That the Democrat-run ranch was in a Democrat-run jurisdiction, known for lax investigative practices, was also chance. His son, who Scalia invited to join him, had something come up by chance, preventing him from showing up. When Scalia died at that Democrat ranch by chance, a Democrat discovered him by chance, and it was by chance that a Democrat Justice of the Peace ended up pronouncing him dead of natural causes over the phone, with no evidence. I assume it was just by the chance of circumstances that no autopsy will be performed, and the fact that unions, which were poised to be destroyed had Scalia lived, will instead survive is also by chance.

But things would look different to an intelligence professional, who knows how intelligence operations target the friends of their principle targets for compromising, so they can control the behavior of their principle. An intelligence officer has actually compromised friends of his principle, then used them to alter the principle’s behavior, and watched as the principle blindly went exactly where the intelligence officer wanted him to. An intelligence officer has used the tastes and preferences of a principle to manipulate his behavior. An intelligence officer has probably stalled and diverted associates of the principle from actions many times, which makes Scalia’s son having something “come up” at exactly the wrong moment instantly trigger suspicion. The array of people from the Democrat party who were involved will trigger curiosity, as will the refusal to do an autopsy, and the rush to label it natural causes, without any idea of what happened. The truth is, even homicide detectives, who see the game from the other side, see the same things:

Veteran homicide investigators in New York and Washington, DC, on Monday questioned the way local and federal authorities in Texas handled the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

“It’s not unreasonable to ask for an autopsy in this case, particularly knowing who he is,” retired Brooklyn homicide Detective Patricia Tufo told The Post.

“He’s not at home. There are no witnesses to his death, and there was no reported explanation for why a pillow is over his head,” Tufo said. “So I think under the circumstances it’s not unreasonable to request an autopsy. Despite the fact that he has pre-existing ailments and the fact that he’s almost 80 years old, you want to be sure that it’s not something other than natural causes.”

Bill Ritchie, a retired deputy chief and former head of criminal investigations for the DC police, said he was dumbstruck when he learned that no autopsy would be performed.

“I took a look at the report and I almost fell out of my chair,” Ritchie told The Post from his home in Maryland.

“I used to be an instructor in the homicide school. Every death investigation you are handling, you consider it a homicide until the investigation proves otherwise,” Ritchie said.

“How do you know that person wasn’t smothered? How do you know it’s not a homicide until you conduct an investigation? You have to do your job. Once you go through that process, you can conclude that this is a naturally occurring death.”

This is the problem with running intelligence operations domestically, and why we sought to keep the CIA operating only on foreign soil. If you are under coverage, you will get foot surveillance covertly trailing into your doctor’s office on the pretext of the operator’s own visits, to gather what can be gotten on your health condition that way, and if they can safely turn staff, they will get your full medical records as well. It is Standard Operating Procedure – leave nothing about the target unknown if it can be gathered. If Scalia had been a target, have no doubt that even if they had to get their own operators hired on at the doctor’s office as secretaries, under non-official cover, they’d have gotten his full medical records, showing a cardiac issue. They would have known smothering him would have left little to no evidence because of that:

Obstruction by bed clothing, a pillow, a cushion, etc., applied with
skill, may not leave any external signs of violence, especially in the young and
the old, except signs of asphyxia… In some cases, death is rapid due to reflex cardiac
arrest, and asphyxial signs are absent…

Homicidal smothering is extremely difficult to detect. The autopsy may reveal
asphyxia, but there may not be any corroborative medical evidence to prove foul
play. The pathological changes must be interpreted keeping in view the medical
history of the deceased, the scene of death, and the specific circumstances
surrounding the death.

To us that is chance. It even fits together in a way that feels right. To an intelligence officer, it could mean something entirely different.

Combined with technical and phone monitoring (which would yield detailed travel itineraries), detailed records of associates, surveillance of associates, personal preferences, etc., they could easily have set up an operation to use a friend turned as a CI get him to end up at that resort, controlled by a liberal in the machine, in a Democrat area where the law was known to be enforced so laxly and investigations were run so shoddily, with the idea of making it end this way – and nobody could ever prove it, and nobody would ever know. Think about how easy it would be for intelligence professionals. Are you content with the likes of Valerie Jarrett and Hillary Clinton having that ability domestically, under their purview? That is the problem, because they are seeking to use SJW entry-ism to take that machine over.

I don’t say this because I actually see a conspiracy here. There likely isn’t (though the fact it can’t be completely ruled out in our free society is troubling). Rather, I say this to encourage the reader to understand that the risk may arise one day, and to begin practicing thinking in such paranoid ways, to harden themselves to external manipulation in the ways intelligence professionals are hardened. This may be important as the collapse approaches. If events unfold which you think strange, lurk on the possibility of the nefarious longer than you normally would. If two possibilities present, one benign and likely, one nefarious but seemingly unlikely, ruminate on the nefarious, because the people who mold events will mold them so that the nefarious way will seem unlikely, and the benign seems much more possible. Wonder, “What if all of this didn’t happen by chance? What would that mean?” Hold both possibilities in your head, without dismissing or adopting either. Don’t take sides if you don’t know for sure.

If you expect to run into an intelligence operation, and a friend whom you happen across by chance tries to use your favorite activity to suddenly move you in directions you haven’t planned for, recognize how a professional would view that with curiosity. If trusted friends around you are strangely diverted away from you, know how a professional would view that with suspicion. If chance events suddenly disfavor you out of the blue, understand how a professional would instantly see potential ghosts all around him. If someone accidently lets out that they have information they should have had difficulty acquiring, know the fireworks that would set off in any spook’s brain. Yes any of this could be innocent chance. Your mind wants to dismiss it as chance, to clear it’s mental deck. It is almost always innocent. But those things would be viewed differently by a spook. Think like a spook, even if you never act on it.

When combined with the normalcy bias which afflicts all of the normal, you can see how the world is putty in the intelligence professional’s hands. Nobody they target can see what they do, precisely because they have been trained by society to blind themselves to it. Indeed, we have been conditioned to not think in ways which would protect us, lest we become that dreaded word, paranoid.

Paranoia, properly controlled however, has little downside, even in its extreme forms. Properly controlled, it will do little more than keep ominous possibilities forefront in your mind. The benefits to it though, are an ability to potentially keep at bay even the most dangerous individuals in the world. As a K-strategist wolf in a dangerous world, when the collapse comes, those dangerous individuals are the biggest threat you will face, even if you are expecting them, be they PI’s targeting your business advantages, government targeting your activism, or high end criminal gang’s targeting you.

In truth, during K-selection, Darwinian selection does not favor that individual who is right about their environment most often – it favors that individual who is always right when the worst is about to happen. The individual who is right 99% of the time, but wrong that one time somebody set him up to be killed will be less adapted to K-selection than the individual who is right only 20% of the time, but who is always ready for action when the shit is about to go down, because he always thinks the shit is about to go down, even when it isn’t. Don’t let anyone kid you – paranoia is highly adaptive under the right circumstances. If you’re going to face a threat be paranoid, whether you want to win, or you just want to live.

As the Apocalypse unfolds, make a conscious effort – don’t let yourself or your behavior be molded easily. The right circumstances to favor paranoia are rapidly approaching.

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9 years ago

That’s why I like reading you, as sometimes it feels like you’re writing about me. I think like that.

Never ignore that gut feeling, it may save you from a possible beating, jail or your life.

Just like this gut feeling. If the system screws Trump, as it is now, he should declare early a new media, GNN, Global National News, pun intended for nationalist news… Many platforms could be built straight out of the alt right…