Was Speaker Of The House Candidate Kevin McCarthy Having An Affair With Renee Ellmers?

Maybe. Personally I find this aspect of the case more interesting:

On Thursday, the Wikipedia entries for both McCarthy (R-Calif.), who has two children, and Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), who has a son, were changed to allege the two were having an affair. They were later taken down.

The Internet address from which the changes were made originated from the Department of Homeland Security in Springfield, Va., according to the Washington Free Beacon.

So McCarthy fell out of favor for some reason, and the machine decided to take him down.

I’ll bet the use of a DHS server wasn’t accidental. Somebody wanted congress to know that top-level US state security will trash them and release their secrets if they don’t play ball. This will also serve as a lesson that DHS can do this, and there will be no consequence. Remember what this blog has said – everybody who is anybody, and many people who are nobody, are under the coverage of an in-person/technical surveillance machine that is beyond the comprehension of most Americans.

It was built post-9/11 to perform the function that interning the Japanese served in WWII, only without actually interning our Muslim populations. Now the machine is out there, and since terrorism kind of petered out as a threat, that machine is being put to all kinds of interesting uses.

If McCarthy was banging Ellmers, they knew, and he was followed with a nearly invisible vehicular and foot surveillance to each encounter, probably using the phased coverage that normally blankets DC 24/7, and is for all purposes undetectable. If it was in a hotel, the team at least secured a common wall and installed through-wall mics that touched interior drywall, catching all audio. They may even have arranged for it to occur in a prepped room, with video. If it happened in a house, they at least had triangulated audio targeting inside the house courtesy of carefully positioned vehicular units, or maybe from pole mics, and at that level, with a Speakership in the mix, they may even have done a surreptitious entry and put cameras in the house.

This is applied at all levels of government and media. I assume the official rationale is the Russians/Chinese/Israelis would do it if we didn’t, and better “we” control our politicians and influencers than them. But don’t think the machine is all fuzzy and warm and wants to help. I suspect a large part of the reason we have such shit leadership is because the machine prefers people it can control.

Government is changing, right before our eyes.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

The problem is the timeline. DHS made the edits after the story was already out in the alt-conservative media. I think it was more to signal to McCarthy that they were done with him now that he had been burned.

I see this a little more ominously — someone outside the Deep State has gotten to a bunch of the Deep State secrets and is using it to slow-burn the GOPe. Frankly, I’m fine with it — enemy of my enemy and all — but it behoves us to be aware that this is happening.

Someone let out that Boehner was being blackmailed, and they had to burn him. Then his man Friday was exposed, which made them have to burn another. Right now there is certainly a hot and heavy mole hunt going on in the Deep State right now (which does double-duty for the new Nemesis if there actually ISN’T a mole and they are getting the material from a parallel source.)