Was Hitler An Illuminati Agent?

Interesting article, even if it appears outlandish in spots. Obviously I do not blindly accept all of it, but there are tidbits, like Hitler’s sister saying he was in Britain, which I would like to see examined:

According to the CIA, Adolf Hitler was a British intelligence agent tasked with cultivating fear and terror in Europe to justify the creation of Israel.

Following the revelations contained within the JFK files that proves Hitler escaped to Colombia after World War 2 with the help of the British and Americans – new information has come to light that suggests the German leader had trained at the British Military Psych-Ops War School at Tavistock before being sent on his secret mission to lead Germany into war.

Henrymakow.com reports: Greg Hallett’s book “Hitler Was A British Agent” (2005) depicts war as a ghoulish illusion conjured by occult magicians in order to degrade and eventually enslave humanity in a world government.

Hallett’s claim that Hitler was a “British” agent is based on the testimony of a shadowy network of retired intelligence agents. While he fails to provide documentary proof, Hallett does offer persuasive circumstantial evidence.

For example, Adolph Hitler was in England in 1912-1913, a fact supported by his sister-in-law’s book: “The Memoirs of Bridget Hitler”(1979). Many historians including Hitler biographer John Toland have ignored this startling information. (If Hallett is right, historians like Toland are guilty of creating the matrix that has cost millions of lives.)

Hallett says Hitler spent February to November 1912 being brainwashed and trained at the British Military Psych-Ops War School at Tavistock in Devon and in Ireland. “War machines need war and [that means they need] funded, trained and supported double agents to be their patsies, their puppets and their puppet enemies,” Hallett writes (38).

His sister-in-law describes Hitler as completely wasted when he arrived at her Liverpool home baggage-less. “I had an idea he was ill, his color was so bad and his eyes looked so peculiar,” she wrote. “He was always reading, not books, little pamphlets printed in German. I don’t know what was in them nor exactly where they came from.” (pp. 29,35) Hallett says these were Tavistock training manuals.

“Hitler was a British Agent” is useful as an alternative paradigm. (Usually we cannot recognize truth because we have the wrong paradigm, i.e. our “education.”) When Hallett says “British”, he means Illuminati, the Masonic cult of super rich bankers who control an interlocking network of cartels. This cult is based in the City of London but uses England and most nations as sock puppets in a Punch and Judy show called history.

Hallett’s claim would clarify many improbable events in the Second World War. For example, why did Hitler let 335,000 Allied soldiers escape at Dunkirk? This quixotic gesture was explained as a peace overture, but surely England would have been more compliant if its army were in Nazi POW camps.

The Nazi triumph in May 1940 was like a knock-out in the first round. The Illuminati did not intend for the match to end so soon, nor for the Nazis to win.

In the summer of 1940, when Britain was prostrate, Nazi Military Intelligence Chief (Abwehr) Admiral Wilhelm Canaris told Romanian Foreign Minister Prince Michael Sturdza to stay neutral because England would win the war. He also gave this message to Spanish dictator Franco.

Hallett’s theory also explains why Hitler, supposedly the arch enemy of Jewish bankers, acted like he didn’t know the Rothschilds controlled England (and America) when this was practically common knowledge. If Hitler were for real, he wouldn’t have tried to accommodate these countries. England would have been invaded and conquered before Russia was attacked.

Hallett’s hypothesis explains 1)Why Hitler was able to expand into the Rhineland etc. without fear of retaliation. 2) Why the Nazi war machine was financed and built by the Bank of England and a Who’s Who of Anglo American corporations controlled by the Illuminati. 3) Why Hitler never sealed the Mediterranean at Gibraltar; and why the Spanish dictator Franco remained neutral, despite the huge debt he owed the Nazis from the Civil War. 4) Why I.G. Farben headquarters in Frankfurt was never bombed. This became CIA headquarters. 5) Why the Bank of England rewarded Hitler for taking Prague by giving him the Czech gold reserves held in London.

It would explain why Hitler gave his ridiculous racial policies priority over actually winning the war. He could have enlisted millions of Slavs (and even many Jews) in overcoming Communist Russia. Instead, he made them implacable enemies willing to fight to the death.

I like these articles mainly because they open the mind. Much in it is probably pointless speculation. But in places, it focuses you on the little pieces of evidence which have escaped the dragnet of the propagandists who were constructing the last narrative. Why was Hitler’s sister in law saying he spent time in Britain? Why has that been glossed over? Why did JFK’s files contain a report from a CIA agent with a photo supposedly of Hitler living in South America?

And look at how similar Hitler’s story is to Obama’s. Both rose from total obscurity to become ultra-influential leaders who sought to lead their nations to ruin.

I have no idea what the truth of WWII was. But I think unless you are on the inside of whatever you want to call it – the Illuminati, The Elites, the Military Industrial Complex, Cabal, Inc, I don’t think you do either. So take in every idea, every theory, and every fact, and see if something doesn’t shed more light on all of it later on.

More and more it is looking like somebody engineered WWI, and whoever it was, they were preparing act two for this generation.

I hope Q gives us a full reveal. I’d like to know who exactly holds young idealistic patriots in such low regard that they think nothing of killing them by the millions all over the world.

Whoever it is needs to get what they deserve.

Tell everyone about r/k Theory, because you need all the information to process what is coming

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6 years ago

Reviewing history through such a lens really twists my melon, man.

6 years ago

Hitler’s Y-dna was from a decidedly non-Aryan E haplogroup. That means a male in his line could very easily have been sired by a man with middle-eastern ancestry. Not an Israelite (their Y-dna is always J1 or else they’re not real Jews). Make of that what you will.

6 years ago

Read Greg Hallett’s book “Hitler Was A British Agent” as it is convincing, Also read Stolfi’s “Hitler’s Panzers East on how the War in the East was won by August 1st 1941 and thrown away by Hitler.

Dan Kurt

links: , https://archive.org/details/HitlerWasABritishAgent

Dan Kurt

English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

Re: the engineering of WW2.

Check out: Friendly Fire: the secret war between the allies by Lyn Picknett and others. The authors review documentation from that era released under the 60 year rule. Someone (((someone))) kept that war going for an extra two years.
Check out the article on the Narvik debacle by F W Engdahl. Nothing is ever what it seems. They’re not called the hidden hand for nothing.

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
6 years ago

It’s a very interesting question to be sure. I read somewhere (either Makow or on the q-anon boards) that the Warpurg banking family – Jewish to the core – continued to operate un-molested in Hitler’s Germany. This assertion is un-verified along with other theories but would dovetail with the support of Bank of England, et al. The alleged escape to South America was being explored as a possibility according to the released CIA documents, so there’s plenty of conjecture with scant evidence surrounding Hitler and his motives. Nevertheless, the Dunkirk events and other things really don’t add up to the cartoon character of Hitler we’re all familiar with for the past several decades. It would have been far more advantageous to capture the British army and hold them as POWs.

There’s another factor to consider in favor of Hitler being controlled by the Body-Snatchers: The USSR. The cabal’s golden boy Trotsky was killed off by Stalin in 1940 to cap off his ruthless purge of Trotskyite elements in the party – which became “socialism in one country”. Stalin, the ultimate Georgian gangster, double-crossed the body-snatchers – who financed the 1917 revolution with 5 million gold marks. Things were the way the bosses liked them in the Soyuz in the 1920s – Armand Hammer (body-snatcher) was on hand to help with the plundering. Once Stalin got to the top of the greased pole, he quickly saw that getting rid of Trotsky & Co. was the only way to actually run the operation there.

6 years ago

We all know there is a certain personality type which is attracted to ALL conspiracy theories. (I’m not accusing anyone, especially AC) The trick, I think, is resisting becoming one of them. IOW, or however, we also do not want to become the opposite kind either: someone who rejects ALL theories out of hand. I hate that guy.

So, naturally, a wise man (observer of human nature) of some 50+ years (a fact), asks himself, what part of this or that theory might prove it unlikely?

I haven’t been reading here that long. Maybe a month or too. A thing which pops up from time to time is “numbers”. Dr Berlinski says he gets suspicious when numbers seem to be avoided. (He is a mathematician) Intentionally or unintentionally avoidance of numbers is irrelevant.
I think recently AC said something like 1 in 4 people are part of Cabal Inc. That would mean that in my family of 4 one of us is working for them. In the interest of time, I can assure you that I could convince you to your satisfaction that this is absurd in our family of 4. Now, for the “1 in 4” to still be true (because it can), it would mean 50% on my neighbor’s house is cabal inc. Still possible, of course. But you can see where this is headed. We get to 150% in no time.

Similar to “numbers” is payroll. An enormous (if not infinite) payroll number springs to mind rather quickly. And the reaming non-cabal in this equation must be funding and literally feeding the cabal 24/7/365. All the while living (if not thriving) completely hidden from its feeder 24/7/365 without fail. With numbers like this, people falling out of the racket should be showing up every 5 seconds everywhere. People are like robots in many ways. But they are not robots.

The level of control required (infinite) would erase this blog and the books referenced with literally zero effort. So why don’t they?

I’m merely suggesting that I have a very difficult time reconciling all these types of “numbers.” So I ask myself, what kind of ratio would work? There might be a ratio that works.

Oh, the other thing I see missing many times (could be in movies, what have you — they’re all ”stories” when you come down to it) is “motive.” Is the motive sufficient to drive the person or group to do what he does vs the alternative. Apply that template (as one could if not should) to any member at any level in the cabal.

Like I said, perhaps it’s just the ratio.

Reply to  Rick
6 years ago

Very few participants have any idea. They think they’re in a neighborhood watch, a covert live-action role-playing group, a coven, a church, a study group, a left-wing protest group, a local NIMBY group, a university department, a telco, a contractor; that they’re not part of anything, just expressing individual views, just assisting law enforcement; just doing their job… The ones that think they’re part of some intelligence scheme for some particular US agency or Israel or China or whatever really have no way to verify the credentials of their handlers and will be told they are working for whomever seems most likely to ensure their cooperation and discretion. Even at the highest levels, everything is done as tacitly as as possible – implications delivered in a deniable manner. In fact there may not be anybody with a reasonably complete view of the organization, even the most influential thinkers that virtually direct significant segments of operations may not know that there even is a Cabal, let alone how closely their opinions are monitored and used.

Reply to  Rick
6 years ago

— “I think recently AC said something like 1 in 4 people are part of Cabal Inc. That would mean that in my family of 4 one of us is working for them. In the interest of time, I can assure you that I could convince you to your satisfaction that this is absurd in our family of 4. Now, for the “1 in 4” to still be true (because it can), it would mean 50% on my neighbor’s house is cabal inc. Still possible, of course. But you can see where this is headed.”

If you have 4 families of 4, with 2 parents and 2 children each… you would still get to 1/4 with only one of those 4 families involved. The children would be considered part of it as they would be groomed from the start.

Extrapolate out to the suggestions that Newton, CT. where Sandy Hook happened being more or less an entire Cabal Inc. hive village and the buffer distance between 3/4 of people and the other 1/4 increases even more. It’s also a matter of how fine you define the line.

if a Police Chief is openly Cabal Inc. with 1/4 of his officers willing to jump when he says jump (even if say… 50% of those jump officers do so only out of personal reasons)… and then those officers all have 10 reliable informants in their sectors who only know that they get protection from the officer in exchange for information… are we still talking about Cabal Inc.? I think we are.

6 years ago

Would you agree that there is value in examining what nay-sayers have to say?
Provided of course they are making compelling, well thought out, unemotional responses…
I know I find them valuable. I appreciate value where I can get it. And discard the rest.

6 years ago

I previously heard it asserted that the leftists in 1920s Bavaria liked to point out that Hitler was the illegitimate grandson of a Rothschild baron. His grandmother, Maria Schickelgruber, worked for the Rothschilds, and had a child out of wedlock: Alois Schickelgruber, later Hitler. True? No idea.

I’ve always wondered what sort of name Hitler is… Usually, names hint at your ancestors’ profession, e.g. Miller, Baker, etc. What is a hitler?

Reply to  Huli
6 years ago

He was actually a Hiller:


6 years ago

It’s very very likely indeed that every political leader, in every nation, for the best part of 2,000 years, is placed there by powerful financiers, to whom you refer as Cabal.

It’s worth reflecting on Trump’s history:


Churchill was also saved from bankruptcy by these same financiers.
They play both sides, they cannot lose.
Whilst Q may be a real insider, there’s no way Trump is a real Cabal-destroyer.
Some minor players may be eliminated (in reality they’ll be spirited away to a nice secret location, much like Hitler was. I didn’t know about the JFK Hitler factoid, will read about that next).

It’s hard to know a way to beat these evil people, I only know that God will defeat them eventually, and there are nations that have been rid of them for long periods, but only when following God’s laws and accruing His blessings.