Vox Fills In More Details On The Parkland Shooting

Two more datapoints are here.

Ten years ago, I would never have thought this shooting being organized by some cabal could be even possible. Because of that, I understand how many who read this may still be on the fence. All I can say is there is a set of experiences you can go through, a series of things you can see, which will change your view of the possible forever.

Today, I believe that everything the masses are exposed to is controlled, to a degree nobody would beleive. Vox wrote about fake conservatives being promoted by the media here. That isn’t the media promoting them. The media is but one lowly wing of the Machine, and much of it takes orders from Management. Many of the faces you see in the media are there because other assets in the media were told to hire them. It is all literally that controlled, at the chokepoints. That is the machine promoting fake conservatism, because fake conservatism serves its purposes.

The more I look at it, the more I view it as exactly like human beings evolving. If you had never seen the world, and I showed you a Human in isolation, you would be awed. There is no way such a complex, intricate, sentient, magnificent being could have just emerged, spontaneously, from the ooze.

That is the Machine. The idea that a group of powerful people, who control Intelligence, Media, Government, local services, economics, and on and on, seems so complex and massive it could never arise, and if it did there are a multitude of reasons it would end up destroyed.

As you look at the complexity of humans in isolation, you would never see the evolutionary path to it. How did you evolve an eyeball, that can capture light and turn it into a 3d representation of reality within the virtual ether of consciousness in the brain? Likewise with the machine. How could it extend tentacles into so many corners, and control so much, without being exposed along the way or running afoul of the elected government?

With humans, there would seem to be reasons it could not happen in the first place. How can chemical reactions transmit data at almost instantaneous speeds? How can they organize the data to create a virtual reality in the brain, using more processing power than most computers today? Why don’t the microbes in the GI tract proliferate and consume the host? How do mutations not overwhelm the genes over time and destroy the genome? With the Machine, how can they have so many people work toward subverting the American Dream and making a mockery of the idea of American Freedom, and nobody comes forward and talks? How is it that not one intrepid reporter has ever reported on it?

But all of it ignores that those are not reasons the complexity cannot arise – they are just selective pressures that molded the entity as it evolved. They were strictures which the entity had to adapt to, along the way. It had to select people carefully. It had to watch everyone closely for any signs of deviation. It had to control the chokepoints in the media. And most of all, it needed full control. Along the way were close calls like Hastings, but once dealt with, the machine evolved to address that vulnerability.

It is exactly like humans. It began with one overriding force – and progressed step by step to what was always an inevitable destination. In humans, it was the favoritism that a replicating pattern would enjoy in a diverse system. Once replication was beneficial to presence, replication became the force that drove increasingly complex and effective means of adapting to the environment for replication of the pattern. As obstacles arose, they were merely obstacles to be overcome, that molded the eventual complexity by selecting those patterns that overcame the obstacle.

Likewise, in the machine all that was required was the ageless human urge to acquire power. The moment you had that in a large number of humans, you would have a force that would drive the formation of complex power structures that would inevitably seek to amass control over everything. When I look out now on what is in this nation, it would have been shocking if the Machine had not formed and evolved to permeate and exert control over everything. It would be like looking out on the Universe and seeing nothing but dust, light, and barren rocks, and knowing life should have eventually popped up somewhere, but puzzlingly hadn’t.

Everything else you see, that is portrayed as unlikely, is in reality inevitable. The demeaning of those who would believe in such a conspiracy is just like a human immune system evolving to protect the organism from a potential threat. The complete situational awareness and total control using every technology at its disposal is in reality an inevitable necessity for a system that would be destroyed if ever brought to light. The ability to get hundreds of thousands, if not millions to serve their needs at the ground level is just a system that developed to compartmentalize and provide sufficient cover stories, and monitor assets closely enough, to maintain the control that such a system required to reach the next level of evolution. It was always going to happen, it was just a question of finding the way.

And unfortunately, the willingness of men at the top to kill children in such attacks is merely an inevitable byproduct of a system that would reward the most ruthless and unemotional in the Darwinian battle for power that is probably ever-present within such a Machine as it pushes the boundaries of how much power can be acquired.

The Founders were smart, in that they observed these forces all the way back at the founding. They sought to empower the individual at the expense of the machine through the Second Amendment, and to pit multiple pieces of government against each other, as a way of creating evolutionary hurdles that such a unified, omnipotent machine would have great difficulty surpassing in its development.

It is probably a testament to their wisdom that Trump is now able to offer at least a chance of destroying the machine that has formed, though I doubt it would have happened without the hand of the Divine gently pushing from behind the scenes.

But have no illusions, if we are so fortunate as to be able to destroy this machine, the forces which produced it are inherent to the human condition. There will always be ruthless evil in search of limitless power, and complacence and apathy to empower it.

Even if we win this battle, the greater war will be never ending.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because wars can give purpose

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7 years ago

Analogies always break down of course, you can only take them so far.

But I would like to extent the human development analogy.

You do not control your own body, and you do not control you own mind. It may certainly seem that way at times, but at other times it becomes clear that this is most definitely not the case.

Likewise with the machine. There is IMO no centralized power. No grand plan. Clearly there are some people who do control some parts of it. But most of that control is limited in scope.

Out of all those small centres of control and individual actions though a pattern emerges that makes it seem like there is a central control. Because all actions seem to point in the same general direction.

In a way this is what fascinates me about r/K theory because it offers an insight into how hidden primal forces can conspire and shape the macro level as if somebody is in control.

Mountain Farmer
7 years ago

Why do right-wing people not like people like Ben Shapiro? They say he is a plant of the Deep State media to discredit the right wing… Is he not right-wing enough?

7 years ago


cris hamilton
cris hamilton
7 years ago

Thank you for your posts; I look forward to them every day. You are an amazing writer. and I’m looking forward to reading your book.

Mountain Farmer
7 years ago

Yes I read you every day. It is always very insightful. Thank you.

7 years ago

Humans = designed by God.
The machine= designed by satan.
Only one winner in the long run, so get on the Right side, and best not delay either.

Jacob Gittes 🇫🇮🇳🇴🇸🇪 (@sagajake)
7 years ago

You’ve really nailed this one. I was a bit less impressed with your take on Las Vegas, at first, because it was clear to me that Paddock was a patsy. Anyway, they are getting desperate. What next?

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Here’s the kicker. Look at his car. Look how the passenger compartment is so burned up. Now look at the back where the gas tank is laying on the ground. You can tell the gas tank was NOT burned. You can see it clearly but look at the next few pictures from a video taken by one of the neighbors. Where did all the fuel for this inferno come from??? The car has to be fuel injected. There’s only two lines a feed and a return to the tank. Most fuel pumps are in the tank. You see the tank sitting on the ground unconnected and I doubt there’s at the most more than a coke bottle’s worth of fuel in the lines. Where did all the flames come from????



