Vox Day Was On Infowars, Talking About Jordan Peterson

Great video:

Even though his intel has always been spot on, I always wondered about whether Alex Jones was controlled opposition, given all his connections to the CIA. But if he will have on Vox, and take down Peterson, who the Cabal-media has been pimping pretty hard lately, Jones is either running a cover so flawless it is impossibly perfect, or he is the real deal.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the alt-right is self-policing

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Hal Gore
6 years ago

There’s something wrong with Vox Day though he does have interesting perspectives my gut tells me he’s off. He attacks Peterson but stands behind Milo, no pun intended. Hmmm. I don’t worship personalities.

Michael R
6 years ago

Alex Jones was exposed as ‘compromised’ by, I believe, a group that Edward Snowden interacted with years ago. Said group hacked Jones’s site because angry with him. And unexpectedly discovered he (Jones) had been pressured by US Feds to keep running his site under their guidance so Feds could gather info on any domestic anti-establishment types.
Doesn’t mean useful things don’t appear on the site. But … Conrolled Opposition indeed!

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
6 years ago

Vox is correct and incorrect at the same time. he calls Jordan correctly but attributes the wrong reasons and by extension fails to spot the truth.
Jordan Peterson thinks he can fix the ills on the left. that he can reason and debate them. here he (Peterson) is wrong and the danger is he gives the left a platform sometimes beside himself. usually he eviscerates the left and as you say the SJW never back down they double down.

Jordan Peterson is not right wing but he is conservative. he may not be Christian but he does believe in a spiritual higher power. I suspect he will gravitate to Christianity in time.

Jordan Peterson is not the threat nor is he a controlled asset of the globalists or cabal. the threat is that Jordan Peterson is saying what we should already know and that is because the schools and leadership of countries has failed all of us.

Reply to  General P. Malaise
6 years ago

JP once talked about his political preference as “closer to classic liberalism”.

I like JP, have read his book(12), and IMO its a fair read. Vox’s comments seem mostly religiously motivated.

However Vox is right in the sense that JP is no friend from the alt-right, and as such may prevent some people from leaving the liberal camp…

6 years ago

The thing about the CIA is that you come out red pilled, one side or the other. Either you are full on Cabal or you’ve seen the inside of the beast, you know what is true, and you categorically reject it all.

6 years ago

Jordan Peterson part of the cabal infiltration to conservative media? What is the point? He seems genuine authentic deep thinker to moi? To lead us astray where?

Reply to  ladyvigilant
6 years ago

I wouldn’t say Peterson is part of the Cabal infiltration, but he has a number of centrist prejudices that the Cabal probably would find useful to reinforce desired behavior in the Domesticated Right. That’s not all he does, and I think all things considered, Peterson is a force for good, but you can see how they could make use of those tendencies.

Take for instance, “It hardly needs to be said that although conspiracies do occasionally occur, conspiracy theories are the lowest form of intellectual enterprise” and try to imagine how you’d start a serious discussion about the Cabal.

Actually, this isn’t a bad exercise to go through periodically, with any of your more controversial views– formulate a 5-minute primer for skeptics. The goal isn’t even to persuade, just explain.

6 years ago

The Dread Lord (Vox) has been ‘taking down’ Peterson ever since he fell into the trap of saying that the reason Jews are so prominent is because of their above average IQ. It does look like Peterson was bounced into commenting publicly about the JQ question and by taking the bait has dug a deep hole for himself.

And it’s not just Vox. Nassim Taleb and others have started to pull Peterson’s work apart. Vox has now read two of Peterson’s books and, for what it’s worth, done a review and expressed his opinion on it. All available on Vox Popoli and he doesn’t hold back his punches.

6 years ago
Arthur Schopenhauer
Arthur Schopenhauer
6 years ago

A little disappointed in this post…Vox Day is a classic narcissist. I heard him say in a video Europe will be fine (massive cog. dis), obviously he was triggered and his rage was so telling. Not supporting Jp, just calling out a narc and a middling intellect.

Reply to  cosplayconstruction
6 years ago

Just for the comments.


6 years ago

I don’t entirely agree with Vox here.

Theologically I’m coming from the position that the reason we’re all here, experiencing all the suffering on Earth, is because God’s authority and moral standard were called into question. If our job here is to prove, as exhaustively as possible, that there is no viable alternative, then we have to throw Nietzsche and modern psychologists a bone for the sake of thoroughness. I would suggest that attempting to get rid of Jesus does not inevitably end in disaster, but rather the discovery that he stubbornly refuses to stay dead. Some of what Peterson has been saying sounds curiously similar to Puddleglum in The Silver Chair:

“One word, Ma’am,” he said, coming back from the fire; limping, because of the pain. “One word. All you’ve been saying is quite right, I shouldn’t wonder. I’m a chap who always liked to know the worst and then put the best face I can on it. So I won’t deny any of what you said. But there’s one more thing to be said, even so. Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things-trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that’s a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We’re just babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That’s why I’m going to stand by the play world. I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it. I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia. So, thanking you kindly for our supper, if these two gentlemen and the young lady are ready, we’re leaving your court at once and setting out in the dark to spend our lives looking for Overland. Not that our lives will be very long, I should think; but that’s a small loss if the world’s as dull a place as you say.”

Also, although it is true that the barbarians are inside the gates, the hour is late, and so forth, it’s not pointless to get people to clean their rooms and straighten up their posture. Political shifts often begin with the little things: the way you view a civilization is affected by how you view other people, and the way you view other people is affected by how you view yourself. A lot of these Millennials who are devouring Peterson’s advice are people who would be largely useless if actual war started tomorrow. So, might as well get them started on improvement. Better than ending up shot for treason.

Joe Katzman
6 years ago

Peterson is a psychologist who is discovering that carrying Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell into the deep ocean of philosophy is like trying to swim the North Sea with inflatable water wings. And no, he is not right wing.

I still appreciate all that he does for the Lost Boys of our culture, and his courage in the face of insane SJWs. His fellow psychologist Milgram told us how much it matters when one person stands up and visibly says know (spoiler: the number of people willing to kill others plummets).

With that said, Peterson’s journey is becoming Life of Brian: The Reality Show. It needs philosophical examination, and it needs Peterson himself to back off the scope of his implicit claims. Peterson will stabilized you and clue you in to the fact that real health requires a larger map of meaning. Once you get to that point and you’re awake, you’re going to have to look elsewhere for a strong and coherent map.

And that’s OK. He is NOT a Messiah, so getting people to want to be awake is already a huge service. It isn’t something to be ashamed of. Far from it.

But if Peterson reaches farther than that, his fears will become real and that “100 foot wave” he talks about surfing is going to eat him.

6 years ago

I’m not sure he’s been pimped by the Enemedia tbh…

UKs Ch4 and Cathy Newman certainly weren’t intending to big him up for one,
Neither were his early appearences on Canadian tv.


I do have issues with him with regards to the JQ, and i do consider him potentially an Alex Jones style gatekeeper, but his ability to remind people how to think, will lead him to be an overall positive force for the Right i suspect.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Peterson is just some smart guy who has views the Jews can live with and is no threat to them so they pump him up with media. Vox, while entirely correct about Peterson, is as usual a bit to dogmatic and tends to attack anyone that ruffles his feathers. Peterson didn’t attack Vox but some of his followers did and that was enough for Vox to come out guns blazing. Vox does think a lot of himself but I don’t think he’s evil and he’s definitely on the side of Western Civilization.

Alex Jones is, “I think”, the former comedian Bill Hicks who was to play a role of a bombastic Right Winger who promotes “ALL” conspiracy theories. In playing this role he must have read up on them and discovered that a lot of them were true. This, I think, is bothering his conscience and he’s become a poor shill for what the Cabal originally put him up for. To make fun of conspiracy theorist. He’s actually becoming a real life news source that attacks the conspirators. There’s of course limits or he’ll be killed. He knows this but does what he can.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

You may be right. I don’t think they control everything or even close. They do seem to set up “systems” that trend towards their control. Like the afore mentioned police testing being screened for those who for lack of a better term screen towards people who don’t give a shit and wash out the hero types.