Violence Increasing, SJWs Calling For Killing

The CEO of Guitar company Magnatone called for Trump to be killed:

Then he posted this photoshopped image of Robert Deniro’s mentally unbalanced character in Taxi Driver behind President Trump:

Then there was this BLM protestor calling for killing:

A foul-mouthed Black Lives Matter agitator in Seattle told a rally that President Donald Trump and many others should be killed.

The Daily Caller identifies the “Black Lives Matter” apparel-wearing megaphone user as female, which may not be accurate. To this writer the person appears to be a male with a high-pitched voice. But there is no way to be sure of the sex of the speaker merely from viewing the video. Moreover, the speaker may identify as something other than male or female, or human, for that matter, so this post will avoid pronouns where possible.

So much r. Leftists with such muddled sexual dimorphism, who you can’t tell if they are male or female.

The desire for free victories manifesting as calling for someone else to just kill our President for them, so they can feel as if they won, without actually investing any effort or risk.

But the most striking of all to me – the r-strategist calling for some violent lunatic to kill a K-strategist who is a fellow citizen. Process that while thinking about all the violent Muslims leftists are importing into their lands, all over the world. Think about their embrace of criminals, and desire to release them into society. Think about their love of the third world, and desire to import from the most violent corners of it.

As throughout history, the left is planning a holocaust, whether they know it or not.

Spread r/K Theory, because things will get worse before they get better

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8 years ago

[…] Violence Increasing, SJWs Calling For Killing […]

Sir Charles Pipkins
Sir Charles Pipkins
8 years ago

This is so good. Most people are not overtly political. That the loony left are acting like a combination of tantrum-throwing brats and entitled gangsters is exposing who they are. The silent majority will become ever more receptive to alt right ideas they will have found extremist.

Goad the rats into ever more thuggish destruction of their own cities! Find a taboo ‘ism’ & smash it to provoke them more.

Sir Charles Pipkins
Sir Charles Pipkins
8 years ago

This is so good. Most people are not overtly political. That the loony left are acting like a combination of tantrum-throwing brats and entitled gangsters is exposing who they are. The silent majority will become ever more receptive to alt right ideas they will have found extremist.

Goad the rats into ever more thuggish destruction of their own cities! Find a taboo ‘ism’ & smash it to provoke them more. As brats they can’t not react.

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

the lefties have driven the police into Trump’s camp. so maybe they let the local criminals know that Magnetone, and this klown’s house, are “open season” and stop patrolling by them.

8 years ago

We are about as deep into the matrix as we can be. Clear aimpoints for the Feds to hit, round up, and prosecute. Yet nothing happens. That’s all the proof you need that plush government jobs produces lazy, do nothing federal agents. They are rabbits, and natural genetic allies to the left and islam. Expect obnoxious nothing burgers right up until they stop getting paychecks, or they keep getting them and the dollar is worthless. Then its too late. Popcorn is popped.

8 years ago

Why are r’s pro abortion when it mostly culls them not k’s?

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Hey Anonymous, it is funny you say that. I have always felt negative about Abortion but have two thoughts on it and you summed it up perfectly. The type of woman that would choose to have an abortion would probably not be the type of mother you would want having children anyway. So an K society would produce r’s in it. Does that mean in say a few generations would a nation like say china which is more K than the west start to become more leading towards r’s?

8 years ago

(((Kornblum))) huh?