Victories Continue

MSNBC senses the change in mood.

NEW YORK (AP) — MSNBC said Thursday that it is canceling three of its afternoon programs, part of a network-wide shift to a straight news focus during the daytime hours…

All of the shows featured a liberal perspective.

All of this, from #Gamergate, to the Hugos, to the rise of Trump, to the rise of anti-cuckservatism, are all riding the same silent wave beneath the surface. Something in the environment has changed, and it is now changing the populace.

When amygdalae are r, liberalism is needed by the lemmings to shut off any amygdala activation, and create a sense of safety.

As things turn K, liberalism actually triggers amygdalae, by highlighting the dangers inherent to ignoring threats which are no longer able to be denied.

It is like being on a boat on the middle of the ocean, and someone asks about the possibility of hitting an iceberg and sinking. The Captain says, “Oh, that can’t happen here, the water is too warm.”

If you know nothing of the threat, it is calming. If your parents died the previous week in the same spot, because their dumbass captain didn’t keep his eyes open and hit an iceberg… Not so much.

Amygdalae are beginning to see the threat, and suddenly liberalism isn’t so calming.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] Victories Continue – […]