Veterans Prefer Trump Over McCain

Allahpundit discusses the reasons behind a poll that finds veterans prefer Trump to McCain:

One theory is that veterans tend to be conservative, which means they have many years of political grievances against ol’ Maverick piled up. If that were true, though, we should see McCain struggling among Republicans generally. We don’t. His favorable rating among GOPers is 57/36, slightly better than Trump’s at 57/39. Another theory: Maybe vets appreciate Trump for his fearlessness in being politically incorrect. McCain has incorporated most of the pieties of Beltway Republicans into his political persona. Trump hasn’t (yet). Veterans might respect the guy for going his own way no matter how much heat he takes for it. Or maybe this is simpler than all that — maybe, having watched America’s political class make a hash of foreign policy over the last 15 years, vets prefer someone who’s outside that class to someone who’s in it, even if the insider is a bona fide war hero.

I think most non-military respect war heroes not for what they did, so much as the fact that they were a notable member of a group (the military) that people recognize tends to attract an unusually high percentage of good, loyal, honest, noble people. The logic goes, if they were notable in their service, they must have been unusually good, loyal, honest, and noble. The act is less impressive than the implied weight of their character.

Those who are members of the military tend to have higher standards since they start from that baseline. They do not just take military service, or even notable actions during military service, as the measure of the man, but rather look deeper, to who they are inside.

In truth Trump, through his willingness to endure the broadsides of the outrage machine and speak the honest truth, has shown a thousand-fold the loyalty to America in the last two months that McCain has demonstrated throughout his entire Senate career. If Trump’s acts as President were to be as weighty as his rhetoric, he might actually save the nation from ruin, something nobody would expect from a President McCain.

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[…] Veterans Prefer Trump Over McCain […]

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[…] Veterans Prefer Trump Over McCain – […]