Venezuelans Turn To Street Justice

A reader pointed this out:

A witness says he stopped the man who had tried to rob a woman at gunpoint in a bakery. Then the mob took over.

“You’re lucky we didn’t burn you,” a voice yells, as police lug the man, limp but still breathing, into the back of their car.

The crowd yells in satisfaction — but not at the man’s arrest. They think they are the ones who have done justice here.

“Their aim is to kill the person before the police arrive,” says Marco Ponce, coordinator of the Venezuelan Social Conflict Observatory (OVCS).

The body says some 60 people were recorded as killed in lynchings in the first five months of this year alone.

Nice picture of a human fireball at the link.

This is a positive sign that the Apocalypse will be sudden and brutal, and not the slow decline into apathetic misery which some fear.

All of this is amygdala. If you have never been put under high amygdala, you do not understand how it changes you. You will notice things before high amygdala that you pause in response to, to assess or observe.

After you have been forged with the fire of high amygdala, you will feel an uncontrollable urge to act in the face of the same stimuli. It changes how events make you feel, in a deep, fundamental way, and it will change how you act.

Once you reach the point these people are at, where the amygdala is ever-present, there is zero dopamine to shut off the amygdala, and you, just once, feel the epic wave of relaxation at lighting up the thief whose thievery was triggering you, like in the picture, you will become a machine. You will become designed to look for such opportunities to find amygdala irritants, and extinguish them. No more observing, and a lot more acting.

It is how the brain is designed, and it marks the shift from the conflict avoidant r-psychology, to the conflict-seeking, action-oriented K-psychology.

More amygdala-talk:

“In lynchings, citizens let out their anger in the face of a state that is not defending their right to justice,” says Ponce.

“They think they are dispensing justice, and they do so with anger, so they go as far as killing the person.”

Caracas resident Damaso Velasquez recalls taking part himself in a separate lynching.

“I didn’t feel pity for that person because I knew he was a criminal,” he tells AFP.

Lack of pity simply means the amygdala-strain at the sight of the criminal’s suffering, which is the dominant force driving our society in today’s r-selection, was rendered totally meaningless in the face of the amygdala-stimulation at the thought of that criminal stealing something which should have fed your family, and which your loved ones would now do without due to his thievery.

“I felt rage and hatred towards that person… I saw him committing a robbery. That makes you feel furious, so whatever happens to him, it’s alright,” he goes on.

That is an amygdala that has developed immense strength to irritate the individual through repetitive use. How irritated would you be, seeing a guy rob someone? Would you have an uncontrollable urge to douse him in gasoline, and set him alight, no matter the consequences?

And yet, the environment can mold you that way.

Ponce sees the rise of lynchings as a sign of a “social breakdown” in Venezuela…

“The state is supposed to provide you with civil and judicial security, which we are totally lacking,” says one Caracas resident, Maria Hernandez.

“But I don’t think it is just for me to come and kill or burn you just because you have robbed,” she adds.

“That way I would turn into someone more barbaric than you.”

Meh. All of the world is Yin and Yang. Yes, a world of vigilante justice does have a lot of violence in it. Occasionally it kills innocent people, and that is unfortunate.

But imagine in the US if we killed every skell who robbed someone, or committed rape on a nice, non-feminist girl, or who tried to stop a conservative speaker from talking to people who wanted to listen to them, or who assaulted a child, or killed a cop, or started an arson. Imagine if we killed narcissists, and sociopaths.

Imagine all of that evil, wiped out at the genetic level permanently, with no second chances. Imagine what little bit that we failed to get, hiding in terror, afraid of being discovered. Imagine the taxes saved on incarceration. Imagine being able to leave your door unlocked at night.

Yes, every so often it would be a brutal world. But the brutality in the world would be focused on the evil, and the good would enjoy a much nicer world as it had its effect. In contrast, today, the government protects all of those savages, and all of the savage’s brutality is focused on the decent, as our species endures the dysgenic effects of a government which protects the evil from the wrath of the good. Look at the fifties, or the 20’s, or the Victorian age, and you can see the decline.

So personally I view this shift to vigilante justice as a wash, in terms of total violence, but one which will with time eradicate a phenotype the left wants to protect.

For that reason, I hope we see it spread throughout the world – and I believe we will.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because a violent environment is not a bad thing, unless you’re a rabbit

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Morals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Venezuelans Turn To Street Justice […]

7 years ago

Maybe it’s just me; I’d like to see those who refuse to obey the rules (including staying on the marked paths in national parks) simply executed. I’m tired of idiot rabbits who treat collectively owned assets (like delicate parkland) like their own yard and trash them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I hope so. This very day I confronted a 40-something woman in a national park who watched blythely while her two Korean adoptees approached a herd of ELK (!) across an area of delicate tundra. I wanted to photograph the animals without her totems in the frame, and signs warned everywhere not to approach the wild animals, specifically noting that elk cows were calving and should be given a wide berth.

I asked her if she read English, and and had she missed the many signs prohibiting what her family was doing. Man, I really can’t stand such crappy people. In earlier epochs such stupidity was surely fatal early.

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  David
7 years ago

I resemble that remark! I’ve long despised those who act so selfishly, throwing their refuse out wherever, satisfied that others will take care of it. Cigarette butts out the window has infuriated me since I was young (54 yo now).

Similar response to those who take things from a community refrigerator (as at a workplace) that isn’t theirs. Many make light of that and laugh at those who it angers. I can see just that kind of thing sparking violent reactions in the future as this gets going. I’ve had to hold myself back in the past. And not just when it was my property taken either. Mostly not. Just as maddening to me.

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  David
7 years ago

I resemble that remark! I’ve long despised those who act so selfishly, throwing their refuse out wherever, satisfied that others will take care of it. Cigarette butts out the window has infuriated me since I was young (54 yo now).

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  David
7 years ago

Similar response to those who take things from a community refrigerator (as at a workplace) that isn’t theirs. Many make light of that and laugh at those who it angers. I can see just that kind of thing sparking violent reactions in the future as this gets going. I’ve had to hold myself back in the past. And not just when it was my property taken either. Mostly not. Just as maddening to me.

Robert What?
7 years ago

Now if they could just turn that wrath on the true robbers, the true villains: the socialist government.

7 years ago

Vigilantism can undoubtedly be a good thing. The police only need to direct it, and step into the bigger boots of leadership to accomplish this. Their cities, towns and livelihoods will depend on it.

7 years ago

“Yes, a world of vigilante justice does have a lot of violence in it. Occasionally it kills innocent people, and that is unfortunate.”

As opposed to the world we live in now, where the most authoritarian places have the most violent crime, and the courts more than occasionally kill–or at least ruin–innocent people?

This whole vigilante thing is starting to make more sense every day.

7 years ago

Speaking of the Victorian age reminded me of a couple of things. One, a gentlemen was expected to carry a pistol in his pocket, and know how to use it.

Second, before the bobbies were introduced by Robert Peele, the only form of policing was the Hue and Cry. It is literally what it sounds like. When you were stolen from, you yelled, “THIEF! THIEF!” at the top of your lungs, and it was the duty of everyone within earshot to help you catch the thief. The bobbies were simply people who gave such help full time, instead of if they just happened to be there.

That was how law and order WORKED at the time.

7 years ago

It recalls the meaning of that french revolutionary Anselme Bellegarrigue, who said “Anarchy is order. Government is civil war”.

7 years ago

I definitely feel that rage all the time – wishing I had a tank-like vehicle with a cow pusher on the front to smash into all the idiots in traffic, or imagine bludgeoning the Chinese women with full carts who go to the express checkout in the grocery store, or the Indian at the gym who hasn’t discovered the joys of bathing and deodorant use yet.

Various HBD and historical accounts have indicated that amygdala and the elimination of chronic law breakers or civic-norm irritants account for why Europeans became a smarter and less violent race. Eliminate {or exile to a wilderness} your chronically difficult people and the rest tend to improve. Those exiled either learn to work and thrive or die off. Of course, my social Darwinist tendencies are always at war with my genuine Christian beliefs, but I can deal with that.

7 years ago

I can’t be the only one who was cheered by this article. It does seem that nowadays, most of the violence is committed against normal, peaceful people who are just trying to live their lives, raise their kids, pay their bills, etc.

Meanwhile, the mob tells us that none of this violence is the rabbit’s fault. We just need to be more understanding as foreigners/degenerates/illegals/vibrants rape our kids, steal our money, and try to harm us.

I almost can’t imagine the mob working in reverse — supporting the wolves, rather than the rabbits. But I do find it a cheerful thought.