Venezuelan r-strategist Rabbits Heading To The US

This is a key element of the K-shift:

Venezuelans for the first time led asylum requests to the United States as the country’s middle class fled the crashing, oil-dependent economy.

Data from the U.S. government’s Citizenship and Immigration Services show that 18,155 Venezuelans submitted asylum requests last year, a 150 percent increase over 2015 and six times the level seen in 2014. China was second place, with 17,745 requests coming from citizens of that country.

Venezuela first cracked the top 10 asylum-seeking nations following months of sometimes bloody street protests in early 2014 seeking to oust President Nicolas Maduro.

But back then, amid the widespread jailing and harassment of opponents of the socialist administration, fewer than 100 Venezuelans per month sought asylum. That compares with 2,334 requests in December, 2016, the last month for which data is available.

Notice how rabbits love these types of r-strategist migrants. Our entire immigration policy today is predicated around importing these r-strategists fleeing K-selection in their homelands. Propose that we should preferentally import K-strategists fleeing oppression in a rich country who are seeking opportunity and freedom here, and rabbits will go apoplectic. Propose that we should leave war refugees too cowardly to safeguard freedom in their homelands, or we should not import third world migrants only seeking to escape the poverty of their homelands, and the rabbits will scream at the top of their lungs. That is not by coincidence. Rabbits are trying to import more rabbits while barring the doors to any K-strategists – something that will eventually destroy any free and successful nation.

One of my biggest hopes is that when r/K becomes more widely known, future generations will learn that as the K-shift goes down and economic resources contract, this will first manifest in select nations that will experience economic collapse and warfare. It is vital at that point to bar the doors to any migrants or refugees, because at that point, those refugees and migrants will be r-strategist parasites seeking to leech free resources off whatever nation they land in – and at the Apocalypse that is the last thing that any nation will need.

If after the dot-com crash, Europe and the US kept war refugees and migrants from poverty-stricken third world hellholes out of our nations, the caliber of our gene pool would have been vastly better heading into the coming Apocalypse. We would have kept the r-selected predispositioning genes out of it, and that would have predisposed future genrations to be much more moral, more family oriented, less expecting of free resources, and much more likely to produce success and greatness.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need everyone recognizing rabbits for what they are

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Venezuelan r-strategist Rabbits Heading To The US […]

8 years ago

Refugees: Hey, we made our country a shithole, can we come live in yours?
Liberals: Sure, what could go wrong?

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
8 years ago


Since it is the rabbits that are in charge in Venezuela (and most regimes in the West as well), and collaborationist rabbits will be the ones keeping that regime in charge, isn’t it likely that k-strategists who have done well-thought-out cost/benefit analyses (organize, fight, die, have family decimated, no k-allies around, so resistance is futile) and who, very reluctantly decide to up-stakes are amongst those fleeing, or even a significant portion of those fleeing?

8 years ago

We’re going to need a better label to rally under than K.