Venezuela – The K-selection to Come

Great example of how the Apocalypse has affected Venezuelans, emailed by a reader:

A chilling video has emerged of the moment two alleged robbers are beaten unconscious and shot dead by an angry mob…

A female voice can be heard in the background trying to defend the men, shouting: ‘Call the police, don’t do it yourself. Hey, stop!’

But her pleas fall on deaf ears and a gunman calmly walks up to the suspects, shooting one in the head and the other in the heart.

It has it all. In-grouping/out-grouping, competition for scarce resources, looking to the future (lets kill them now so we won’t have to deal with them later), that gloriously crazy moment (if you experience it from the right side) that the energy of the mob supplants reason and caution, an angry amygdala seeking relief through violence, and the lone helpless rabbit crying for everyone to stop – and being ignored. Now who wants to try to sleep with the daughter of the guy who pulled the trigger?

Venezuela is farther along the axis toward the Apocalypse than we are right now, but they are not as far as I would expect we will go. Venezuelans had a long slow decline, supported by oil, during which people adapted and headed to where food could be acquired.

In the US, I expect no such buffer period. Here, the cities will go from fully supported rabbit utopia to Lord of the Flies in the blink of the eye, and every leftist will be playing the role of Piggy. If current estimates are right (or even vastly over estimated), and disruption of delivery systems will produce up to 90% casualties in a year (or even 20%), those will not be country boys with backyard gardens dropping like flies. Nor will it be armed K-strategists in suburban enclaves with neighbors they trust. It will be unarmed pacifist city leftists, almost exclusively. Now what will happen to the national political balance after that plays out?

Bring the Apocalypse.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

It’s our only hope, at least for my grand children not to have to deal with it.
Nobody wants to hear it though.

9 years ago

(Should I feel bad that this little tale lifts my heart?) My neighbors (whom I have been working to awaken, and form a tribe) tease me that ‘when the flag goes up’ “they’re coming to my house!” (I’ve got the armory). I tease back: “bring food and water or you’re not getting in!” It has taken several years of gentle courting and slow education to bring them around to recognizing what’s going on / coming — but they’re K-types who just needed to be put back in touch with K-life!