Venezuela Proceeds To The Looting Phase Of The Apocalypse

Phase Two:

Photos from inside Venezuela have shown people participating in mass looting as a means of survival, including stealing entire vending machines and carrying them through the streets. The recent bout of looting took place this week in Maracay, the capital of Aragua state, with images showing men carrying vending machines as well as what appears to be a refrigerator down a road with the aid of motorbikes.

Other images show people emptying supermarkets, bakeries, butcher shops and pharmacies of their products, as well as setting fires and smoke bombs as people run through the streets.

“The serious situation continues in various areas of #Maracay, people looting fridges to alcohol in various stores,” photojournalist Andrews Abreu wrote on Twitter.

This is where economic collapse goes. Once there is enough shortage that a few people begin breaking the rules (and being rewarded), everyone will break the rules. At that point, not only do you have the shortage of food and resources – you have a destruction of the very machinery which delivers those resources to everyone on top of it all.

Once the stores are unable to operate, what little food was produced cannot be supplied, and now the only source of resources will be what you can take from other people. In the cities, where the only thing allowing that density of the population is the food delivery infrastructure, things will get particularly horrific once it is destroyed.

The next phase is raiding and robbery, and Venezuela doesn’t even have the added factor of diversity and religious strife.

What Venezuela is getting is bad, but what we will get will be even worse.

Spread r/K Theory, because nobody can pick it up and carry it away

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7 years ago

Looting is a guaranteed losing strategy. There is no food production involved. And everyone will come to you. People who think they can shoot everyone in an armed starving mob are idiots. Venezuela does have diversity though, the rioters always look a little darker than the people running the country. There are also natives living in the jungle and right now they and their children have full bellies.

7 years ago

[…] Venezuela Proceeds To The Looting Phase Of The Apocalypse […]

7 years ago

The next phase is raiding and robbery, and Venezuela doesn’t even have the added factor of diversity and religious strife.

And after that, cannibalism. I predict September for that.

7 years ago

Next stop warlords galore.

7 years ago

Once the stores are unable to operate, what little food was produced cannot be supplied, and now the only source of resources will be what you can take from other people, have in secret storage, grow for yourself, or forage for. Know your options for your locale ahead of time. Be prepared, be safe, be level headed. OODA.