Venezuela Approaches Full K

This is serious:

Anti-socialist protesters flooded Venezuela’s capital in one of the largest mass protests against President Nicolas Maduro’s rule in over a decade – and one of the largest protests in world history.

Chanting “this government will fall,” millions rallied across Caracas to demand a recall referendum against Maduro amid the crippling economy in the OPEC country.

“We are going to bring down Maduro!” said Naty Gutierrez, 53, who persevered 75 miles of military roadblocks to reach the protest. “We are going to defeat hunger, crime, inflation and corruption.”

The mobs are growing in size. More and more I think most people are only constrained by the threat of immediate consequences. Though they hate politicians, and know DC is destroying the nation, they don’t do anything tangible because they feel outnumbered.

A mob, big enough, eliminates almost all threat of consequence, and the ones who determine the course of events in that situation are the ones who are willing to take advantage of that immunity from consequence. If the mobs in Venezuela grow big enough, Maduro could easily end up hanging from a lamp post until his neck rots enough to let his body drop. Then again, if history is any guide, he probably already has four billion in a bank in Geneva, and a jet ready to take him there at any moment.

This may very well be coming to Europe. If the mobs grow large enough, Merkel had best either have her life insurance paid up, or a private jet hot on the runway and ready to take her to some remote bastion of safety. I’ll bet the German mob, when it breaks out, will be considerably more capable than the one that will eventually take out Maduro.

What will emerge from such chaos will be a much more K society, mainly because the rabbits within will, at least for a while, remember the lesson of Merkel.

UPDATE: Maduro was chased from an event:

President Nicolás Maduro was chased at a routine political event by a crowd of angry protesters banging on pots and yelling that they were hungry, just days after thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets to call for his ouster, local news media reported on Saturday.

Scenes from the confrontation late Friday, which also appeared in videos uploaded to social media, captured the attention of Venezuelans, many of whom blame the unpopular president for the country’s food shortages.

In one video, Mr. Maduro tries to calm the pot-bangers by walking among them, only to be surrounded as the furious crowd yells obscenities.

Leftists lack the amygdala functionality to perceive threat. He will either correct that or die. Truth is, I am surprised he wasn’t killed. I can only assume the media down there is not giving the people the full picture.

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8 years ago

[…] Venezuela Approaches Full K […]

8 years ago

That is a pretty pitiful angry crowd . Either very much poorly informed or not hungry enough yet.

“The mobs are growing in size. More and more I think most people are only constrained by the threat of immediate consequences. Though they hate politicians, and know DC is destroying the nation, they don’t do anything tangible because they feel outnumbered.”

Is that a subject switch in the above paragraph.