Like I have said, things are worse than people would believe.
Don’t fret it Cleve, this would never have happened if you hadn’t done things right. Take solace in the fact that the baton you carried so well for so long will never be dropped.
It does make me think things are coming to a head in one form or another.
Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because if I get smoked, it will be up to you
I didn’t follow this guy. Never heard of him in fact. What was his angle? Why do you think he was “asked” to shut his website down? Who do you think “asked” him to shut it down?
Wild times, these.
Short answer: Texas Arcane was Qanon’s John the Baptist.
Deleted from the Wayback machine as well? Your reference is somewhat arcane though to anyone just reading. What is (was?) Vault-Co and what was there on the site that was so damning to the cabal? Not familiar with them at all….
Vault-Co was like this blog, only funnier, more succinct, and more focused on things relating to prepping, like building vaults, hacking old technology to produce survival tech, and so on. But he was actually completely wiped from search engines, as if he never existed. And the Wayback machine as well.
There was only one major way he diverged from all the other survivalist/right-wing blogs. He ardently asserted that there is an ancient race of extremely tall (8-9 ft) redheaded hominids with unusually large skulls that were protruding in the back, which has existed through human history in secret, and ruled via conspiracies with regular humans, from behind the scenes. He called them Melonheads. He often pointed out articles from the past where their skeletons were found, and photographed, and produced news articles about the finds, only for the Skeletons to disappear, with nobody ever knowing what happened to them.
The theory also seemed to indicate they interbreed with humans, but that they maintain their perceptions of themselves as a sort of master race designed to manipulate the rest of us, and they control our governments to this day. He also, as part of this maintained the Neanderthals were a breed of hominid that had evolved past humans, having been culled by Ice-Age conditions, and that humans were some sort of construct of the Melonheads, designed to genocide the Neanderthals, who were the only real threat to Melonhead power.
At some point he felt the Melonheads had tried to use a pathogen to wipe out their competition but it backfired and killed most of the Melonheads off, forcing them to interbreed with humans to save their race. And today, they are the Cabal.
One, Vault-co was always eerily prescient on a lot of things. He was a sharp guy, who read a lot. He made assertions about Neanderthals and anthropology years before you saw journals breathlessly relate what he had been saying for years. Two, there was something about his site that the powers that be wanted to stifle. And three, as crazy as that theory sounds, it one of only two things I see that could possibly explain the closure.
The other was he took a walkaround some Costco’s in Australia, and noticed vents from some subterranean structure, and then began probing his way down into it, ultimately finding a big tunnel leading in the direction of a military base, and some guards. I did a post on it, explaining at the time he would have triggered surveillance and government attention. Apparently Costco is being used as a giant Government Prepper warehouse, with the food kept date-current by the plebes coming in and buying the old stuff at a discount. Underground, the government has already prepped the tunnels to sweep all the Costco stock away to bunkers when they shutter the stores as the mushroom clouds rise.
It is possible the Australian government wanted that post taken down, so their intel people posed as British Royal Family Satanist Pedophiles, and threatened him to take his whole site down because of his posts on the Royals’ baby buggery, when in reality they wanted the Costco posts down. But strangely he was getting banned from Google for long before that, so I am not sure it was just the Costco. Maybe he had stumbled on something else even before that, since his archives went back 17 years. I’d love to pour over his archives, looking for the nerve he hit.
Sad, he was a bright light in the world. But as with all good, the Cabal did away with that.
It was a great site and a real loss. The guy is brilliant. Learned a lot from him. A little eccentric to be sure, but so am I.
Just FYI, I tried to add a couple of feeds to my wife’s firefox, moonbattery worked fine. Your site (this site)… firefox will not allow “click to subscribe” live bookmark to add your rss. Tried repeatedly. Had to add it manually.
You are getting attention as well apparently.
Do you know anywhere his articles can be downloaded?
Maybe a torrent archive can be created if you have them.
Best regards.
I do not believe they were saved, and the machine seems quite eager to see them disappear.
Reminiscent of the r/K wikipedia war……..
Re: the Melonheads. That really stretches credulity, and that’s coming from a guy who’s coming around to believe that the Cabal’s scope and power is both real and difficult to fathom—thanks mostly to you, AC.
Although, it sounds like a variant of what are called the Nephilim in the OT scriptures.
I thought so too, but then you see the old newspaper articles with a photo of a guy standing next to a skeleton that is eight or nine feet tall, with red hair, pulled from some burial mound in south America, and nobody knows what happened to it. If I was an anthropologist, I would devote my life to that, but everyone drops it and all evidence disappears, and nobody ever talks about it again. Who knows?
I can’t say either way. The machine is quite good at memory holing those concepts it wants to disappear. I increasingly recognize I have to approach the world as if I know nothing.
Holy moley.
I’m not saying I believe this.
But – I have just finished reading Kon-Tiki, the classic adventure tale (highly recommend it if you’re looking for something non-political to read), in which the narrator, a sometime archaeologist, makes the point that the Easter Island heads are clearly modeled after ancient giant white men with red hair.
See here, e.g.:
Drew says,”…the Melonheads. That really stretches credulity…”
Actually it doesn’t at all. There’s lots and lots of mummies of these in Peru. I can’t personally vouch for the brain capacity but people who have measured it say they’re much higher than humans. There’s also baby mummies of Melonheads in Peru. Proving it’s not boarding or binding to cause it. These things have been found all over. Lots in Malta, some in Mexico, lots in Peru, one found in Russia. One found in the USA in conjunction with the ancient Michigan copper mines. All over. King Tutankhamen was a Melonhead. Look at the x-ray of his head. It’s very likely that they ruled the Earth during the last Ice Age. Somebody did. There’s maps and all kinds of artifacts related to Ice Age world civilization and possible canals which might include the US Intracoastal Waterway System.
Tex covered a lot of this stuff. I had read about a lot of it but he synthesized it into a useful framework. My only beef with him was I don’t think Neanderthals were some kindly wonderful race that were wiped out by the evil Cro-Mags. I think the Neanderthals were very much lacking in empathy and attacked the Cro-Mags until the Cro-Mags said, “Enough” and wiped most of them out. What’s left of the Neanderthals are the Jews and other Middle Eastern races(That’s what I believe anyways).
As for giants there’s a ton of info on them. I read a book I found browsing through a University called appropriately, “Giants”, that listed thousands of instances of Giants throughout history. I can’t say they were all true but in the USA there’s hundreds of newspaper reports of Giants dug up form Indian mounds. I happen to live near where the Spanish, Hernando de Soto, saw a Chief that was 7-1/2 to 8 feet tall. Giants in the US are very well documented.
AC says he thinks it likely that there’s some group we never see behind the Cabal. If I was to be forced to bet I would bet on the Melonheads being those behind the scenes force.
This reminds me of conspiracy stuff I heard ages ago. 1.) Supposed eight foot tall red head mummified bodies with two rows of teeth were found in the Americas dating long before the arrival of Native Americans. It was covered up. 2.) The one I keep hearing is that Melonheads are Kenites, as in descendants of Cain, lineage of Eve and the Serpent. They made up the old families in Rome you posted about, and also the higher up Jews. My brother worked with a Russian Jew who said he traveled to Israel and saw leaders he claimed were not real Jews, so he left. What do you think of those?
I don’t know. I can’t separate reality and impossibility these days. Everything in reality is far crazier than I can imagine.
Anunnaki or Nephilim could also be terms that refer to the melonheads. Of course, what’s mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 6), apocrypha (1st book of Enoch), also mentions something like that. Vault-co’s theory would also mean, if “melonheads” interbred with humans, that all humans would have some “melonhead” in them by now. Similar to how nearly all humans have a little bit of Neanderthal DNA. Without sounding too much like David Icke here, it would not surprise me if there were tribes of humans in the ancient past, nearly forgotten, that possessed strangely high IQ genes as well as psychopathic ones (like a smart reptile). Cabalites, with all their nastiness, just inherited more of these traits, while normies have less. Nationalists/Patriots of all stripes would probably have the least.
Some good background reading material too,
One additional focus of Vault-Co that I would add to what Anonymous Conservative has described is the following (which AC has alluded to in the Cosco story).
Namely, he didn’t just talk about prepping and survivalism for _us_, he exposed much of what the Elites were actually doing in terms of prepping. For all of Neoliberalism’s surface optimism, the Elites know that something is going to happen and they are acting on it.
Vault-co exposed a lot of this stuff. And in the context of Texas Arcane’s other writings, it had a power and truth value to it that was frightening.
Sure, Vanity Fair or places like that will run puff pieces that humorously write about luxury bunkers for the rich, but that was a kind of sleeping pill designed to actually turn us off the scent: “Nothing to see here; just some wacky rich guys who don’t know what to do with their money!”
Texas Arcane filled you with dread when you realized that it was much much darker and deeper than that.
we need to start making backups of all the good sites and keeping local copies. Or rather we all need to find out how to make those backups and store sites we like. It should be simple enough to do, but the problem is doing it without slowing down site traffic and being a nuisance.
Another thing that might be useful is creating tools that allow bloggers to make html archives of their sites and automatically update off site servers to store those archives for the public.
some promising links
in particular:
Re: backups of all of the good sites.
Did anyone else follow the Journal of American Greatness 2015-16? It was authored by a team of classically educated intellectuals within academia (the best of whom went by the pseudonym “Decius” of the famous “Flight 93 Election” article) who were cautious but certainly pro-Trump. They produced solid and sophisticated material—the best pro-Trump arguments available online at the time in my opinion.
It got shut down. They just closed up shop one day, wiped all the material, and left a weird post explaining why. It was kind of normie-tier, but edgy enough (and becoming increasingly popular—WSJ started talking about them) that it makes me wonder if someone “asked” them to shut it down.
At the time I would’ve thought that was kind of nuts, and it may still be. Maybe they just didn’t want to be associated with Trump as academics with careers and respectability to maintain. But these days, given Q and AC and Vault-Co, who knows?
You don’t get asked, per se. Rather your neighborhood has a sudden mass change of families all at once, you begin to notice strange threatening things all around you while you are out, and your neighbors begin releasing strange clouds of thick white gasses which smell like a mix of pesticides like Malathion and acids, and fill your neighborhood with a cloud that kills the plants on those rare occasions when the foot traffic dies entirely down. I have also heard if the houses are close enough by, you get sprayed with microwaves, and/or ultrasound, and/or other EM stuff, though I haven’t seen that. My guess is Tex never actually met anybody, if he was genuinely asked, nor did this site you mention. It is possible he saw threatening things, and somebody else threatened him openly, and he freaked, mistakenly thinking the two were linked.
Cabal generally doesn’t create an official record, from what I can see. Instead they find subtle, deniable ways to get their message across in such a way that if you ever said you were asked, people would call you crazy. But as a general rule, there will be little confusion. Like Q said, it is bigger than you can possibly imagine. Really, massively, massively, bigger than anybody would believe.
“Melonheads”, sounds like the Nephilim from the Bible.
Whichever side he’s on, Alex Jones was right when he said that the cabal will lash out as they go through their death throes. He could have been saying it as a warning to us, or a warning from them, but either way, it is going to be painful.
Yeah, I agree. We’ve got six months to make it, if Q is real, so until 11/11, everyone should be unpredictable, crazy, paranoid, and ready to go as if it is D-Day.
I would not rule out them thinking they can preserve their own remnant, and trying to take as many of us as possible to hopefully ease their return in the future.
Crazy to think in 6 months we might, might, be able to just ditch the hyper-paranoia, and go back to how things were when we were just clueless plebes, living quietly in peace.
So, Vault-Co is accessible on the Wayback Machine. It captures 114 entries as of a few minutes ago. I spot checked a few of them and there are actual blog-entries by “Arcane Texas” discussing various topics. I didn’t come across any Melonhead content though.
I wasn’t able to access it on Google searching, but I was able to do so via Duck Duck Go (my go-to search engine). However, it shows that is in fact deleted. The fact that it has been deleted and blogspot is a Google outfit is probably the reason it doesn’t show up on searches.
It was actually wiped off Google for years. You couldn’t even put in the domain and come up with anything. I had never seen anything like it.
Well that is damn odd.
I’ve spent a bit of time reading his blog on Wayback Machine. In all honesty, I’m not really seeing anything that far out or inflammatory. He seems to be a prepper/ancient-alternative-history guy.
Other than hating the political situation of (then) current year, the politics are pretty mild Ron Paulian. Pretty ordinary stuff.
I’ll keep reading though, I do enjoy a good mystery. His blog certainly wasn’t ripped down from the Wayback machine, though its possible that only certain posts were cleansed.
I always wondered if he put a block on google spiders. Then was, like, Google is blocking me… If anybody would know how to do it, it’d be him. But after reading a blogger for a while, you get a feel for him; and I don’t think he’d do that. I’ll miss him. It’s a bit like a death in the family or going senile, there’s just a big gap there where personality and information used to be. He really cracked me up with the links about Einstein being a phony or Hawking being a body double. And I guess we’ll never see CD-OS come to fruition. In conclusion, I’d like to quote the Big Lebowski:
“The Dude abides. I don’t know about you but I take comfort in that. It’s good knowin’ he’s out there. The Dude. Takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners.”
Yeah, I don’t think he cared enough. Somebody genuinely looked at his site, and saw a threat. Which is strange, because I would think they’d attack Vox, way before him. Even this site I would see as more of a threat than him, which means he knew something, and there was something on his site which I was blind to, which was the real threat. Melonhead theory? The plan for Nuclear Apocalypse? Something that went entirely over my head? There was something there which was a dogwhistle to the elites, and they went all the way to Google to try and shut it down.
I reached out in his comments, offering to explain to him stuff I thought might help, but either he saw it an never published it, or it was intercepted and deleted before he saw it.
But yeah, it is nice to know he is still out there, prepping for the Apocalypse. And likely he and his family will be popping the hatch after it is all over, and stepping out into a world cleansed in nuclear fire of degeneracy, leftists, and all the bullshit of this age.
God Bless him.
Have you ever been “asked” to take down your blog AC or been contacted/threatened?.
. What would they threaten anyway?
Probably. It is tough to say with 100% what was going on. I am certainly not popular with somebody, and they clearly made an effort to intimidate. Now I have looked it up a lot, and I do see a video, which seems credible, interviewing one of the guys who organized that sort of thing for a government contractor, and he says that as far as he knows, they target high IQ “independent thinkers.” He said he didn’t know why. It just seemed to land on them as they were noticed for some reason.
I see a lot of people online who get it who seem to fit that profile, of high cognitive function, independent thinkers, not looking to crush anyone beneath them, but not prone to want to be pushed around either. It is a self-selecting pool, because they are all rebelling, if you will, by trying to expose it, but they almost all feel like me.
But I met a guy who said he knew a talk radio guy who got it with his partner in DC. I saw six people on Free Republic who got it because of their conservative activism. There was Bauerle, and there is now Vault-Co. It is possible it is business-based, sort of Conservatism, Inc. staking a claim on the microphone and trying to scare everyone else off. But with Q, if there are three, or four, or five families running everything politically, corrupting all of the machinery, and holding all the power, it isn’t that far out they would want to make sure that the alternative-right bloggers who people follow are their bloggers, and everyone else just gives up and goes away.
So if I didn’t have the site and wasn’t pushing r/K would they have let me know they were displeased? I tend to think not. The timing was perfect. And I have a feeling if I had immediately knelt down, or started pushing establishment memes, I might have been the next Jordan Peterson.
Regardless, my impression is it is different now, starting back when Nunes released his memo. I hope things are changing. So I am hopeful in six months or so, whatever it is will be occupied keeping an eye on the people who corrupted it in the first place, and the rest of us can go back to doing our thing in privacy and freedom.
But I’m not about to count my chickens before they hatch. Until then may be a wild ride and I would encourage everyone to watch their asses.
I actually went and looked at his robots.txt file myself when it came up, thinking it was just a technical issue and I could shoot TA an email on how to fix it. My eyeballs on what the website was serving. (I even spoofed my user-agent as google’s spider thinking maybe he was targeting google himself.)
There was nothing wrong with his robots.txt. He should have been archived like any other site.
You guys might be interested in this video by Mark Passio:
“Mark Passio – Cosmic Abandonment”
Description from youtube:
In this two-hour presentation, Mark links ancient accounts of extraterrestrial visitation to our planet with the manifestation of the psychological conditions in which the human species currently finds itself. Questions explored include: Were we actually created by non-human entities as a hybrid slave species? Did our extraterrestrial “parents” inadvertently create a slew of genetic anomalies in the human species, including primary psychopathy, as a result of their imprecise genetic modifications? Did our extraterrestrial forbearers provide to us our systems of government, money, and religion; and to what ends did they do so? What effect did our “cosmic parents” sudden disappearance have upon the collective human psyche? What does humanity need to understand to rectify the deeply-seated psychological trauma that it has amassed over eons, as a direct result of our troubled origins?
I have watched it, and he goes into the melonheads really deep, and makes good arguments on why it might be a realistic possibility.
Here are some snippets of his writing left over on another blog. I am not in a position to archive it at the moment, but would encourage someone to do so. Interesting reading, bizarre but thought provoking.
RE: Costco
I’ve read several nuclear warfare strategy books dating from the 1950’s and 1960’s. What’s surprising to contemporary readers is how clinical and detached they are when discussing the apocalypse. Now, you expect this to a point from professionals who are doing their job, but I also wonder if that tone was the product of the authors having an out, e.g., The Greenbrier for Congress, so they had less “skin in the game” than all the plebs who’d die.
(Interestingly, Walter Matthau plays a detached, Whiz Kid professor in “Fail-Safe.” Due to similarities between that film and “Dr. Strangelove,” Stanley Kubrick filed a lawsuit…and of course “Strangelove” mentions survival bunkers/tunnels for the elite, per the theory that Kubrick exposed facets of the Cabal in his various films.)
Anyway, if Q is correct about NK and Iran being Cabal client states that were developing nukes for the purpose of false-flagging WW3, it makes sense that survival infrastructure for the elites would be developed. And while the Costco story is hard to believe, the Feds did manage to keep Greenbrier under wraps for decades.
Wasn’t Greenbrier where that trainload of GOP Congressmen and their families were headed for when a lone dump truck with a dead driver just happened to derail them?
It’s hard for the Cabal to get good help these days.
David Wilcock’s video “The Ascension Mysteries: Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil” covers some of this ground (melonheads by another name). If you can find the video, archive it while you can.
Damn shame. His work was fantastic.
For those who aren’t familiar with him, Texas Arcane lived in California at one point. Below is his take on living through the LA riots. Chilling stuff.
His entire archive has been archived, so watch this space, if it is shared on a torrent, I will link it here.
Tex is a great Neanderthal man. The scientists lie when they sat we have maybe c.2% Thal DNA. Many of us probably have c.30-40%. We are different. Truth-tellers and truth-seekers. I will miss Tex greatly, and look forward to the day he can safely return.
As for the melonheads, they’re very real, they are the very top tier of evil. There are also hybrid melons everywhere, the sociopaths. Here’s a great picture of a near pure melon, look at the size of his skull, the depth, as well as his height:
Yep, he’s a Roth.
One day, I pray, humanity will rid itself of these leeches.
And that’s why Tex was forced off air, that and all the deep truths he discovered decades ago in old books.
Stay safe brothers. God is with us.
The attitudes are what strike me in that. You can see how low in status the Prince feels next to this guy as he pokes the Prince in the chest for fun, violating royal protocol entirely. It reminded me of this picture, where the Pope looks deflated, and entirely inferior and helpless compared to everyone around him:
The others in this photo (not the Pope) would literally slot easily into any 79s horror movie, with no make-up or changes needed. Vampires, or worse, they all ooze evil from every pore.
Their ancestors killed the son of God remember. Big stakes, all of nothing.
Nuclear war will come I feel, but it’ll be Revelation.
Speaking of low in status…I was under the impression that a member of the British Royalty was not to be touched by a commoner. My grandfather was assigned as a hasty Army escort/liaison with the Prince of Wales in France in the immediate aftermath of WW1. He was instructed that in no circumstances was the Prince to be touched — no handshakes, no backslapping, nothing — without explicit permission from the man himself. To me, that makes that photograph even more telling.
“…Tex is a great Neanderthal man. The scientists lie when they sat we have maybe c.2% Thal DNA. Many of us probably have c.30-40%. ..”
I think this is wrong for the simplest of reasons.
1. mtDNA comes from Women and is passed on to all children. There seems to be NO Neanderthal mtDNA in existence. Tex says the Neanderthal Women were raped by Cro-Mags but the actual evidence of no mtDNA from Neanderthals says just the opposite. Neanderthal Men raped Cro-Mag Women because all the mtDAN comes from Cro-Mag Women.
2. I was strongly influenced by the book “The Iceman Inheritance” by Michael Bradley. (warning he’s dead and I’m not sure if the book now says the same as it did). They’ve wiped a bunch of his content off the web. Michael Bradley used archeological evidence to show a huge number of attacks from what he believed was Neanderthals. He didn’t start out to think this but he soon began to believe that the Jews and a lot of Middle Eastern peoples were the inheritors of these aggressive genes.
The scientist that said we have around 5% “average” Neanderthal genes is Jewish. It simple to point out that if the Jews have 40% and they are put in a pool with many who have next to none the “average” will be 5%. Bradley pointed this out and said he contacted some of the people who helped on this study. He said he could not get direct confirmation but got enough run around that he believes that the scenario of the “average” being a lie is actually the truth. He believed the Jews and Middle Easterners had the high percentages and were averaged in with Europeans and Chinese who have next to none. They’re lying to us…again. Your average White guy has little to no Neanderthal.
3. The Jews look exactly like Neanderthals. The more Jewy they are the more they look like Neanderthals. Notice the Jews went to great effort to wipe out scientific studies on morphology or how the shape of skulls and body shape had something to do with personality or lineage of the persons. This is now coming back a little because…well it seems to work.
Tex said Jews are a cross between Melonheads and their Neanderthal guards after civilization collapsed. Maybe they are?????
I don’t understand one thing, if the people with neanderthal DNA are better at maths and abstract reasoning, then are they not very K-select? Are the melon heads K-select?
If so, then are they not the ones we should try to emulate/join?
I am serious, I do not see the logic here in ‘outing’ the melon heads if they are the ones with the most neanderthal DNA. What am I missing?
The melons aren’t Neanderthal. Whatever they are, it’s entirely different, not of this planet in my opinion.
There’s all sorts of speculation about what happened in the dim and distant past, no one knows.
But the Thals were bright, family-orientated, spiritual, and developed advanced technology for their time, they also painted and made music.
Somehow they were pretty much wiped out by savages, as the ice age ended. Those savages were likely controlled by Melons. It was a genocide. The saps were from Africa. Anyone see the parallels with what’s happening in Europe today? The Melons are bright, but evil. Thals (Europeans especially) are bright but open to God and being better.
Melons know that Thals are good, whilst they are evil. Thals are a threat to Melons, as we tend to seek the truth, we’re smart, and we don’t take shit. Also, we tend to find faith in Jehovah, and some believe Neanderthals were the first hominids that God gave a soul to (i.e. injected His image). Maybe the Melons are downstream of something else that fell down from Heaven, something horrible?
All of this is beyond r/k in my opinion.
Didn’t Q mention something about the ‘Pindar’, the King of these people, being killed recently which had caused panic among the minions? The Anons on 8Chan were picking up images of what appeared to be humans with elongated skulls and linked them with several Cabal families.
David Wilcock has done a lot of research on these skulls and what they might represent. One of his collaborators was reputedly a forensic pathologist who was co-opted into a Black Ops scheme and claims to have autopsied a number of different ‘alien’ hominids, some from off planet! DW and a number of his closest allies have experienced potential hits to kill them, which does seem very suspicious. Cabal trying to silence as many whistleblowers as possible.
Damn. I loved him. Great blogger. Helped lead me to the truth.
[…] Vault-Co Is Gone. […]
Already went on a rant about this over at Aeoli Pera. If we back down now the baby buggers win. Someone has an archive of his site. The fact it hasnt been posted publicly shows everyones too scared to take the globalists on. Decrys of family are null and void because the Founding Fathers all had families. So wheres this supposed archive? I dont think it exists and the left (including the globalists) just scored a big win and no one is willing to admit it.
I wish we could figure out what piece of his site it was that made getting it taken down such a priority.
These are the possibilities I see:
Neanderthal admixtures today are practically a separate species, and should act like it by fighting all other species.
Melonheads are real, alive today, and are running the world from the shadows.
Genetics is such that given the right environment and stresses on an organism, much of the ancestral DNA could be reactivated, perhaps through things like epigenetics, bringing back out old traits that were thought lost to mutational degeneration. Hence bring back an ice age, and human Neanderthal admixtures might revert to Neanderthals.
The government has built secret subterranean linkages to warehouse stores like Costco, which are in reality elite prep stashes kept date-current by mind numbed plebes who buy their old stock thinking they are getting a deal.
The elites plan to nuke the world with Cobalt to cull back the population because of reasons we do not grasp.
Every family should have an underground vault to try and survive said Nuking.
An Ice Age is about to hit.
Every family should have an underground vault to try and survive said Ice Age.
Shadowy Elites who live in the City of London run everything, and they are pedophiles and pure evil, as are most of Britain’s elites/leaders.
The world is heading for a collapse that happens every ten generations.
Does anybody else remember anything I missed?
It would seem it has to be an idea they fear, because I do not remember him laying out some complex blueprint, or even a fact, beyond him naming the Costco with the underground tunnel heading toward some military facility, and talking about the new place he moved having a pretty deep subterranean infrastructure he was exploring. Where was he again?
The only other two possibilities I see are he found something online he wasn’t supposed to and they worried he would publish, or he was poking around, and just like he found the tunnel under the Costco, he found other secret elite Apocalypse infrastructure things, and the elites were worried that him having that knowledge, and publishing to such a wide audience interested in that stuff was too much of a risk.
Then again, I think most bloggers who are not Cabal will be threatened at some point, perhaps just to see how they react. I think he would have known the difference, but it isn’t entirely impossible he mistook the standard threat as a real, unique, personal threat that reflected imminent violence, and just feared too much for his family to chance it. Then again, the unique treatment by google would lean against that. Something got him special treatment.
I’d love to know what they did, and what it means to him in his head, in light of his knowledge.
Archive for anyone reading :
The free host only works for 23/24 hours, so check back in an hour if it doesn’t work. Check Aeoli for more.
Vault-Co Rigorous Dump ||
I can’t help but notice that the articles that he links to on many posts are gone. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
You people are insane. Seek help
Gosh, you are so right! I should stop doing what I’m doing and listen to an unnamed drive-by piece of advice from the internet!
How could I have been so blind?
First time poster, long term lurker. I might be heading to Texas in a couple of months. Does Texas Arcane live in Texas? I’d love to hear the guy’s side of the story.
No, he fled the US for reasons unknown and landed in Australia. As a general rule, if somebody has been scared enough by the machine to do what it wants, if you ask them about it their eyes will go wide, they will physically tense up, and then they will claim they don’t know what you are talking about. At this point they have some sort of control over him os even if he was there, he would not talk.
What are your recommendations for people who’ve apparently come under the attention of the machine, have no desire to fight it, and just want to live some semblance of a normal life? Right now, I’m on the verge of transient living, going from odd job to odd job. Which means no normal human life at all. How does one communicate to the machine that they aren’t a threat?
I do not know, I’m sorry. When they showed up at my door, they went full intimidation, and my psychology has always been the bigger the enemy, the more I am uncontrollably driven to fight, so it went more hostile until I figured out that the only way to hurt it was to expose it. So I looked for ways to expose it, and then made it clear I have no problem with any consequence from doing it. I think it is the only reason it backed off somewhat. I still get vibrated periodically, if I write something it thinks is too much, but my response is go harder, and polish the next piece that will expose it even worse, so the next vibration I am ready to drop it. I have the advantage of r/K which is genuinely historic, so this site will be well read by somebody someday, and I think for that reason they also tend to want to avoid too much exposure here. Though it is not without risk. I’m probably very near to John Lang territory, maybe even crossing over into it. So if you go that route, you need to realize where it potentially leads and be ready for that. My nature is cool with that, but if you want to avoid it, you’d need to calibrate carefully if you go that route.
The bottom line is they are like robots. They will do whatever they are told, unless it threatens to destroy their machine, in which case they seem to just as happily shift gears and go in another direction. Tom Bauerle found a way to expose some of it, and they came up with a story about being goofy college kids who were doing shit they weren’t cleared to do with research tech they were developing (I assume Bauerle was a goof in college, so the story caused him to not want to bust them and he backed off). But I really don’t think you will get peace unless you come up with a way to threaten to become a much bigger pain in the ass, and then try to leverage that into being left somewhat more alone. If you just leave things the way they are, it seems a lot of the ground level people get a kick out of fucking with people who can’t do anything back, and that can deteriorate fast.
But temper your expectations, because I don’t think, once somebody has given them your name, you will ever really be left alone. The only possibility now of that is the Storm. I was sent a message by somebody who seemed to know about my predicament, way back, basically saying those who are under this will eventually sue and be rich, so they should be happy to be under it. I assumed it was them at the time trying to get me to live with it, but now with the Storm, I wonder if it was one of Q’s people telling me to hang on, because that was part of their plan, and it would eventually be destroyed. Events certainly have made what seemed impossible at the time suddenly seem entirely possible. If that is right, at the very least, we may actually find ourselves enjoying the privacy which today is almost unimaginable. I listen to people talk about American privacy and freedom and the Constitution, and am just awed at how they are either totally clueless, or entirely full of bullshit. But it may come back. They fear exposure for a reason – this is not what the country would tolerate, if it knew, and they must be too small to assert themselves by force, if it came down to it.
But even if the Storm didn’t happen, I am convinced this was heading to exposure. It just got too big, they were fucking with too many people, and there were too many people posting videos on youtube and linking up on facebook, and telling friends and relatives. Sooner or later it was coming out.
So hang tough. It does look like Freedom’s coming, whatever happens, and with Q it may be a lot sooner than I would have hoped.
Looking through many of Texas Arcane’s writings, it’s abundantly clear why he was taken out and who was behind it. He spoke the truth of too many things, and the truth is the most dangerous thing to Cabal because Cabal requires secrecy to function. In order to maintain secrecy it is essential that people believe falsehoods. The truth becomes hate speech, and really hate speech is primarily anything that they don’t want people to hear or believe. The really offensive hate speech is the speech that’s closest to truth, as someone uttering nonsense is really not a threat. Cabal punishes what it views as “hate speech” most mercilessly.
I don’t think being non-threatening matters. They don’t operate on what normal people would consider rational reasons. Also, remember that there are a lot of low-level, vindictive idiots who have their hands on the Cabal’s weapons. Being allowed to abuse people like you is their payment for carrying the cabal’s water.
I would say rather than trying to communicate non-threat, just find peace with your life. Nothing burns their ass more than just shrugging yours shoulders at what they do and still living a happy life.
Most importantly, remember Ephesians 6:10-20, written by Paul when he was literal prisoner of the Cabal himself.
(My emphasis.) At the end of the day, that machine is nothing but the human minions of Satan. Don’t concern yourself with the flesh and blood — Satan is the real source.
He was right about the neanderthals years ahead of everyone else and after the epstein revelations he was right about the powerful pedos going ten years back. He was a prophet God bless him