There is one idea I hope Donald is contemplating using against Hillary at some point.
The entire nation of over-forty voters has an extremely strong amygdala pathway laying dormant, linking the Clintons with the chaos and disorder of the impeachment fiasco. Nobody’s amygdala linkage with regard to that is positive. On the left, this was an extended period of upheaval and threat which terrorized them for years and kept their amygdala in high gear, waiting for each new shoe to drop. On the right, that memory is a sort of aspiration quashed, forever linked with the idea of being frustrated and thwarted in a noble cause by the corrupt machine, and the Clintons in particular.
On top of that, I suspect all voters secretly assume that if Hillary were “re-elected,” she would probably do something stupid which would result in another round of impeachment hearings and the resultant chaos and upheaval. Pointing out all the corruption and turmoil that already follows her, and linking it to the nation certainly having another round of impeachment would trigger a lot of negativity in the minds of a lot of people. Hillary is almost a guaranteed period of governmental failure and chaos.
Just as Hillary, on hearing the words “special prosecutor” will begin to twitch and convulse, so too will the nation, being reminded of the “Clinton Impeachment” in the past, and the Clinton Impeachments of the future.
I do not see how people, even leftists, would not subconsciously recognize that they do not want to go down that road again.
[…] Using Amygdala Against Hillary’s Support […]