US Intel Warned Jared Kushner About Murdoch’s Ex-wife

Kind of interesting:

U.S. counterintelligence officials in early 2017 warned Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law.., that Wendi Deng Murdoch, a prominent Chinese-American businesswoman, could be using her close friendship with Mr. Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, to further the interests of the Chinese government, according to people familiar with the matter.

U.S. officials have also had concerns about a counterintelligence assessment that Ms. Murdoch was lobbying for a high-profile construction project funded by the Chinese government…

The project, a planned $100 million Chinese garden at the National Arboretum, was deemed a national-security risk because it included a 70-foot-tall white tower that could potentially be used for surveillance, according to people familiar with the intelligence community’s deliberations… The garden was planned…near downtown Washington, less than 5 miles from both the Capitol and the White House.

Ms. Murdoch in 1999 married Rupert Murdoch, who is the executive chairman of News Corp… Mr. Murdoch filed for divorce in 2013. Ms. Murdoch still uses her married name…

It is common for counterintelligence officials to warn senior members of a new administration about interactions with people with foreign connections, and such briefings sometimes refer to specific people…

A spokesman for Ms. Murdoch said she “has no knowledge of any FBI concerns or other intelligence agency concerns relating to her or her associations.” He added that she “has absolutely no knowledge of any garden projects funded by the Chinese government.”

A representative for Mr. Kushner and Ms. Trump described Mr. Kushner’s interaction with officials warning him about Ms. Murdoch as a “routine senior staff security briefing.” He added that Mr. Kushner “has complied with all ethics and disclosure recommendations and has played a helpful role in strengthening the U.S.-China relationship so as to help bring about a better resolution to the many issues the countries have.”…

Intel always knows more than they say.

As Trump’s son in law, I’m sure Kushner had free access to the private intelligence army his father-in-law probably kept on speed dial during his business days, and nobody was going to be playing him. So the story itself is not that interesting, beyond the fact that US intelligence is monitoring everything, even garden planning at the National Arboretum. It is quite impressive.

What is interesting is that Murdoch was married for years to a potential Chinese government asset, as Lame Cherry noted almost a year ago:

Oh wow, her [Chinese] name means Cultural Revolution, and if you showed this profile to someone at the CIA, the alarm bells would go off as this woman looks like a PLA intelligence asset who infiltrated America like Birther Obama, by first being a homewrecker and then moving up to Rupert Murdoch some way, and then Tony Blair and then Vladimir Putin.

No woman is playing Putin. I wouldn’t be surprised he got involved with her just to see if she reached out to some handler while she was in Russia, so his surveillance could make them and he could burn them.

I am surprised at Murdoch though, who had kids with her. Personally, I find the Chinese facial expressions are normally harder to read for some reason, perhaps due to seeing their faces less often and being less acclimated to reading them, but a google search of her face jumps out at even me as evil incarnate filled with ulterior motives. There is something about that flexed lower eyelid while smiling that just says, “Will I get away with this? Are they buying it?” There is none of the ebullience you often see in Chinese females’ eyes.

If he had been professional, I would have assumed Murdoch would have had her investigated before marrying her as well, and definitely before having kids with her. Once he saw her use of sex to secure a green card and move up the ladder, followed by her immediate cuckolding of her new husband, that should have been a flag.

Her story was very much like Anna Chapman, who reportedly was dropped off in the US with similar orders to use similar methods for similar objectives. If I were Murdoch, I would be replaying in my head exactly how she got into my company, and who introduced us, as I tried to reconstruct how a foreign intelligence agency might have arranged all of those circumstances, and who they may have been using to arrange them. Because when these thing happen and intel is involved, nothing has happened by chance. Every meeting, every friend who helped innocently, every chance encounter, it was all carefully planned. Even all the success she had as News Corp’s girl in Hong Kong was probably PRC government-mediated to get her noticed and promoted up the ladder.

I just find it fascinating that not everyone at the highest levels of business and government is operating in a paranoid frame of mind. The billionaire head of the most powerful news organization may very well have been married to a PLA intelligence agent and had children with her.

I suppose Donald Trump’s savvy is something one cannot expect to encounter regularly. It just goes to show how lucky we are to have such a competent leader at this moment in history.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because intel is not going to arrange circumstances for us

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7 years ago

Disproportionate face, too long.
Dissection eyes, “More blood!”
There are many with the sneer added, as well.

7 years ago

Pictures of her show she is kind of big for an Asian female. She looks taller than most Asian men.

Anyways, there is something disgusting about having children with a member of another nation that you’re spying on. It just reeks of r-strategy.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Six feet tall, and evidently worth the climb.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
7 years ago

Meh. Done better.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Look how far and fast she rose. These Men must have been fascinated by her intelligence and she probably knew just what it took to make them happy and I don;t mean just sex. And what a ruthless bitch she was.

Clyde Pointe
7 years ago

Very Hillary and Bill of her.

Clyde Pointe
7 years ago

Wait: If I’m waiting for ‘moderation’, then why is WrongThink, different from ‘hateEuuk’?