UKIP To Upset In Labor Stronghold

This is really a combination of K-shift and peak rabbitry:

The future is looking bright for Britain’s populist and patriotic U.K. Independence Party. According to a new poll, the party’s new leader — Paul Nuttall — is on track to win the by-election in Stoke Central on February 23. That’s significant because Stoke is one of Britain’s most important Labour strongholds. If the socialists lose their parliamentary seat to UKIP, it’s a sure sign that a populist revolution is coming in the next national elections.

According to the poll, Nuttall is currently enjoying a ten-point lead over his competitor from the Labour Party…

Stoke had one of the strongest Leave votes in the referendum with almost 70 per cent of voters backing Brexit.

One of the main reasons for Nuttall’s (and UKIP’s) rise is Labour’s opposition to Brexit. Stoke Central traditionally votes for Labour, but 70 percent of its constituents voted for Brexit in last year’s referendum. Labour, of course, was campaigning for continued EU membership.

Mr Nuttall, who took over from Nigel Farage as Ukip leader in November, has said he wants to turn it “into the patriotic party of the working class”…

That is a very smart move.

Lower resource availability, such as among the working class predisposes them to K, and imbues them with K-urges, such as the urge to in-group against an enemy and fight. The only way rabbits can exploit that urge to appeal to working class K’s is to try and in-group them with the leftists in a conflict against their own countrymen. Normally, that means pitting the working class in a fight against the ultra-rich who are somehow transgressing against them, ala Marx’s proletariat vs the bourgeois, or a racial fight, or a religious fight.

If it were the middle of a resource glut, and UKIP made this a fight between Brits and Brussels while Labour tried to argue for conflict avoidance and embrace of out-groups, Labour would win. When times are r, human brains are programmed to try and keep the good times going by avoiding fights and creating peace through pre-emptive appeasement.

But if things are turning K, Labour won’t stand a chance with UKIP if those are the strategies being employed. Add in the migrant vs British battle, and UKIP should win it running away.

In a way, this is peak rabbitry meeting the rising K, as the K-shift occurs. Initially, rabbits are going ultra r, and focusing on doubling down on conflict avoidance, preemptive appeasement, and sexual liberation. But the whole populace is not going more r like the small subset of hyper-r’s are. As the K-shift progresses and K-selection becomes more unavoidable, expect the rabbits to smarten up, and abandon the Kumbaya messaging, to begin exploiting those K-urges as they turn citizen on citizen – anything to keep people from looking at them and seeing an out-group.

It was conditions approximating these, which caused a young socialist in a worker’s party which couldn’t get a foothold, to realize he could really gather the working class behind him, if he could only in-group them against a subset of fellow citizens, and then lead the charge himself.

We need to guard against that, and make sure in the next purging, the only criteria of judging is rabbit or wolf.

Spread r/K Theory, because this is the K-shift

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Europe, Immigration, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] UKIP To Upset In Labor Stronghold […]

8 years ago

As a paid member of The UKIP I am under no illusions that they haven’t already been co-opted into the role of “controlled opposition” with the rabbits taking the [labour] Lie-more Party to collapse as expected…
We have too many questionable in positions of exposure.. in particular our 1 MP and Ms [7 years at rabbit central…aka the BBC from 92-99!!

5th column in UKIP… no doubt in my mind “actions speak louder than words”

Reply to  180degreesout
8 years ago

… sorry just the thought of Ms Suzanne Evans kicks my Amygdala into action and I couldn’t initially type that damned woman’s name!