One Interesting Shot From Bush Senior’s Capitol Ceremony

I forgot to include these in the News Briefs. They are from around 22 minutes in, here.

When Mike Pence began speaking, Jenna Bush assumed this body position, which appears quite hostile to him:

I thought that was interesting, because if she assumes that position toward Mike Pence, who is genuinely non-confrontational and hyper-polite to the point of self-defeating, how do you think she views President Trump, who calls a spade a spade. That is unnatural in a family which is supposed to embody the epitome of decorum in politics.

I always look for touchstones these days, because so much of what we know is manipulation. I know George Bush hated the Reagans and the Trumps. I know he loved Bill Clinton. And I know when he met a young girl for the first time, he enjoyed grabbing her ass against her will, and watching her discomfort as he commented on it to everyone else with a joke. That is extraordinarily aberrant behavior, and requires a much different psychology than most people have. Among the maybes is he might have been in on a plot to have a family friend kill Reagan, he may have done even worse in the CIA, and he might have been allowed into power because he did unimaginably bad things and allowed them to be documented so he could be certified as a controlled member of the Cabal.

I’ve been thinking back to Q saying everyone was free, and that North Korea was a denied area with some sort of advanced computer network set up personally by Eric Schmidt of google. Around the time North Korea suddenly changed its tune, there was a major seismic event, which some thought might have been some type of attack. I wonder if Cabal stored all of its blackmail there, to keep it from ever possibly being stolen, and that was what was destroyed in the attack. Because after that was when Q began saying everyone in Congress had been “freed,” and we began to see people acting out of character, like Lindsey Graham.

Spread r/K Theory, because the differences are there, if you look for them

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6 years ago

It was mutual — after Hinkley, Reagan stopped appearing in public with HW, and Nancy refused to be in the same room with him or Barbara.

6 years ago

Noteworthy as well to what you posit, AC, is the corresponding “doubling-down” by those in the cabal. The instant I heard Graham questioning Kavanaugh specificall about Military Law as opposed to Constitutional Law, knew there had been some major, major shift in gears. Perhaps (I greatly suspect) Q-Team or the Donald or both told Lindsey flat out –

“Graham – We know all. You have no ‘out.’ We want you to send an indisputable message through your line of questioning with Kavanaugh, and this is what it shall be. And from now on, you shall follow our orders. End of subject.'”

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

In the advent that, this time, there really is something happening on Dec. 5 we need to cue up a theme song. I suggest this one.

6 years ago

How can you be sure that Jenna was reacting to Pence? If you look around, there are a lot of people in that room, including her own family members. We presume they all get along, but what if they don’t? She could’ve been reacting to someone else she is uncomfortable being in close proximity to, someone in the crowd around her.

Anger Management
Anger Management
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Forget abt the crossed arms, that’s greasy kids stuff. Its the stone face and well captured, thanks.

6 years ago

I’ve been watching the funeral coverage and we’ve already had two emergency broadcasts interrupt it. Coincidence?

6 years ago

Why is it terrible for Bush to grab women, but fine for donald to do the same repeatedly and brag about it??

Mister Quigg
Mister Quigg
6 years ago

Unrelated, but A/C you may enjoy Douglas Hill’s Last Legionary books, military sci-fi for teenagers about a Cabal who orchestrate war & conflict throughout the galaxy but are not so much detected as intuited, deduced, by a NSA-style organisation of old chaps. First to read is Galactic Warlord. Although I read them as a wee young ‘un they stand up to time well and Hill as an old-school Leftist may have had a sense for a master hand behind our various conflagrations. The ultimate bad guys hide themselves behind layers of subordinate goons and apparent but in actuality servient masterminds.

Anger Management
Anger Management
6 years ago

It was commented that dame Clinton gave the stone face to Trump at the same event.

I know we have been expecting this forever but it may be tht they are moving on the Clintons at last. If they go deep enough the Clinton can of worms leads to the Bushs. So perhaps Pence has given the thumbs down at some decisive event in the Trump camp.

6 years ago

Charge the immigrants market rates for everything – rent, school, hospital. They’ll leave!