Twitter Briefs – 11/20/2020

No Q. 

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Tucker decries Powell for not giving him evidence to back up her claims in this next one. She may just be protecting the case she is going to make, and not revealing it to potential enemies (and if you are in the game, a guy like Tucker, on FOX News, who has never talked about his own surveillance, and who is now hammering her when this is clearly a critical period in a war is a potential enemy). Or Sidney herself may just be acting as a distraction while DOJ moves behind the scenes. Or, she could also be a saboteur, who Trump is allowing to play games, because she is acting as a distraction. We only know three things for absolute certain really. There is no way a candidate like Biden won against Trump without fraud, Trump has been in control for four years and known such fraud was coming so he could have and would have prepared, and it looks as if he is fighting and thus will reveal what he knows, which should be substantial. But I highlight this here simply as an example that if you end up in the game, you should not, and indeed can’t trust anyone:

Then we have conservative Ryan Saavedra, who either knows about his own surveillance and has given in to them and is covering for them, or he is running coverage for them himself, or he is absolutely clueless (about a 1-2% likelihood):

Sometimes, when somebody has a short fuse about one thing, it is because something else going on has their amygdala jacked up. Cuomo may be worried about something more than just the Chinavirus:

I thought this tweet by Emerald Robinson was funny. Dana Perino said Dominion should sue Rudy and Sidney Powell, and Emerald pointed out Perino’s twitter account shows her having 2 million followers, but her tweets only get like 200 likes, which shows those 2 million followers are not people or fans. But Perino is in the Secret Society, so those follower numbers will just appear:

Spread r/K Theory, because there is a lot of amygdala going around.

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4 years ago

Where does Scytl’s website IP address take you? Frankfurt, Germany.

Confirmed. The first DNS-A entry in their lookup resolves to an IP address in Frankfort. Second address DNS-A resolves to an non-specific US server.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

ahhh, our betters at the CIA. came from all the right families; went to all the right schools; never once in any doubt as to which is the correct fork or which wine to serve with the meal.

fun facts, apropos of nothing I’m sure:

1) creation of OSS, which later morphs into CIA: 1944ish-1947
2) dominant political party at time of CIA creation: democrat
3) stunning shocking highly not-what-everyone-thought-was-gonna-happen: Dewey Beats Truman! 1948
4) time between CIA creation and massive fraud in Presidential election: 1 year
5) party that most benefited from that election fraud: democrat
6) % increase in CIA budget from creation in 1947 to 1949, say: unknown. CIA says that budget has been “lost”
7) date of next highly-suspected-to-be-fraudulent Preezy eleckshun: 1960
8) party that benefited most from that election: democrat
9) date of CIA/FBI-led Presidential coup: 1972
10) party that benefited most …. etc etc etc

I believe the truth will out, and Trump will be rightfully re-inaugurated. but when that happens, it’ll be concrete proof of a miracle: the CIA has been at this shit for a loooong time. I don’t know how or even if he can do it, but Trump needs to burn the CIA to the ground.

or guess how the 2024, 28, 32 etc etc elections will go?

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

The CNN moment was great. Even *other* reporters laughed. 😀

You know what I hate the most about the cabal? They changed me from a happy, loving person into someone who is ready to put every leftist in the ground. Some might argue that is what is required in times like these against as enemy like this, but I don’t have to like it.

Maybe becoming a mother earlier this year adds to it. I have a child’s future to fight for as well, something I wish the older generations had remembered better.

I’m sorry if that offends, but, FFS, look at the world y’all bequeathed us. Elections were probably hopeless before I was born (1990). Most cultural institutions were Left dominated by then as well. Is it any wonder a lot of my generation, sent to ridiculous Marxist indoctrination camps you had the gall to call schools, are telling the old ways to eff off, and they are looking for high ranks in what they think will be a new world order? So what do people do? After being the ones that sent them for brainwashing, they now relentlessly s*** on them for being brainwashed.

And, honestly, what’s the counter argument? The great and powerful old system everyone said is the envy of of the multiverse was, cabal or not, conquered by people who wake up confused by their own genitals every day, by people living in cartoon universes in their heads. I’m not sure what we’re saving, but it can’t go back to what it was because it’s a proven, vulnerable failure.

I was lucky to have a hyper based family- my parents took months off from their careers to work for the 1992 Buchanan campaign- but not many people had that.

Anyway, so I’m not totally negative, I still appreciate you and this site, AC. It’s kept me more centered that I otherwise would be.

4 years ago

Tucker is an enemy, that is made clear by the fact that he defiantly refuses to leave FOX as it turns openly leftist.

That means Saavedra is an enemy too.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I was disappointed but not surprised. Fox News told Glenn Beck that 3 things were forbidden to discuss:
Soros, God and Israel.


Add to that the verifiable fact that Fox News is owned by a Jew that said Biden was going to win:

When 2 or 3 days ago Cucker said that Fox News was going to expand his program, that made me suspicious.

Also, Flynn has now called Cucker out:

Flynn also said this:

Who are the 2% that Flynn is warning Americans about, you ask? Well, just another coincidence, I am sure:

1.7–2.6% of total U.S. population, 2012

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Secret combinations Bro, they really are everywhere.

4 years ago

There have been many fake quarrels within the Trump team over the last few years. The Tucker episode might be a distraction so that Tucker preserves a modicum of independence.