Twitter Briefs – 10/06/2020

No Q. 

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

This next one would make me wonder if one, Danchenko was always an asset. And two, they had calculated Page might be hired by a future non-Cabal Republican candidate, and Page was sent in to spy on Danchenko as US intel had Danchenko somehow create compromising coincidences around Page, so later he could be spied upon. So awful, using Page’s patriotism to fuck him over, with the goal of destroying an even bigger patriotic target in the future, in the form of our President. Something along those lines may be what is coming out in the new classified Danchenko interviews Meadows said are going to be released. Maybe Danchenko will say he was a US asset the whole time they had sent Page in to spy on him, which would raise the question of why Page was asked to go in, if he was spying on another spy (ie actor). My trust level for US Intelligence has dropped well below zero, into the mid double-digit negative numbers at this point. The only thing worse than a US spy offering to help you is a US spy asking you to help them. I am really getting blackpilled on all service. Even if you join the Military, it seems your best service is just keeping the glowies from getting the other naive good Americans at your side killed for their own personal gain, in make believe wars that had no purpose other than to keep the population disoriented so they can be better controlled and spied upon as the nation is fucked over. I am pretty good with feeling systems, and given I’ve gone from CIA is just like the Marines, to that feel, I believe Q when he says all of US intel is going to have to be rebuilt from scratch:

That theory might be bolstered by this, which points to Cabal membership, since you never get a position like that on merit. It is, are you in the club, or not:

My guess is here as they mapped out the future, they had calculated Manafort could be drawn in by any Republican with serious aspirations, as he was a noted specialist in the whole Iowa Caucus system. So they needed him to be an asset, but they needed to get a financial review of him, and a cover for why there was a financial review of all his assets and how he got them, so McCabe had the Russian asset hire Steele to hire Simpson to do the review, looking for blackmail:

This is interesting. Hypothesis one, and perhaps most likely is Isikoff is lying, ad never sent the emails. But hypothesis two is those emails were intercepted, and it is not that unlikely. I sent Sharyll Attkisson an email on a small step she could have taken to help her lawsuit which was interesting enough I think she would have responded, but I never heard back, although surveillance poured it on with theater the next day. So either she reported me up to her Cabal handler, or the email never arrived:

Again, note how this is a simplistic analysis of what may be a much more complex scheme. I think the guy they investigated either was their asset and was opening the door on another target he purposely made contact with (on FBI’s orders) so they could expand onto the secondary target through FISA hops, or he became their asset after what they acquired, as I assume most surveillance is not for national security purposes these days, but rather is to fill out the little intelligence informant network that became their empire of assets. Don’t assume intel was doing anything noble or patriotic by the time we get to under Obama:

The dude who shot two Police Officers as they sat in their cruiser had hallmarks of being a Cabal ground asset:

What happens when you are under Cabal-ground coverage, and you try to do man on the street interviews:

Our glorious God-Emperor is not only immune to the Chinavirus, he got it and it made him feel better than he has felt in 20 years:

Spread r/K Theory, because our God Emperor is literally indestructible.

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3 years ago

Even if you join the Military, it seems your best service is just keeping the glowies from getting the other naive good Americans at your side killed for their own personal gain, in make believe wars that had no purpose

All the high-speed/low-drag guys I’ve known (multiple generations) all hate all glowies with passion. MI is tolerated but kept at arm’s length.

3 years ago

When Trump walked through the doors, Walter Reed had a stellar reputation. As he walks out 72 hours later, its reputation is in tatters.

Trump had nothing but good things to say about Walter Reed. Trump did not ruin Walter Reed’s reputation.

Reporters did. The real point here is that in 72 hours, they (think they) ruined the reputation of an otherwise reputable institution because it didn’t kill the president.

Chris Eastlund
Chris Eastlund
3 years ago

Better than in 20 years? That is likely the dexamethasone. Corticosteroids do that. Likely accounts for the extra appetite, too. Nasty stuff if used for very long.