Twitter Briefs – 09/21/2020

Q’s Posts are here.

Headline Briefs are here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

I thought this one was interesting in that Cabal operators always accuse everyone else of what they do regularly. So Strzok may very well be describing Cabal as he accuses President Trump:

Watch the pauses in AOC’s video, where she stops talking and looks away for a moment, and ask yourself if she might be pausing to get lines through her earpiece. It is not nearly 100% clear, like the video with her and her friends all breaking out laughing, but it could fit:

Spread r/K Theory, because God gives you what you need.

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4 years ago

The suggestion you made that Comey and other Management layers in the Cabal really believe the directions they are receiving to perpetrate their sinful acts are coming from “mental telepathy” makes perfect sense! They’ve been told all their lives, after all, that God and angels and demons are just fairy tales for the ignorant masses who can’t handle scientific thought. No… don’t worry. It is all high technology. Very sophisticated and scientific. It is a bit odd that these Cabal communication officers all have weird names like Screwtape and Wormwood and Mammon, but those are just code-names… you know, like how we name planets after the Roman pantheon.

4 years ago

Comey receiving “telepathic” messages from Cabal HQ: codename Morningstar

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

The actions of the police in Australia is absolutely frightening. They are pushing as hard as they can and totally oppressing the Australians.

After seeing what happened on 9-11 I could totally believe that they are going to demand that everyone get vaccines but the vaccines will have some sort of glitch in them that at a later time it will kill them all off. There’s an actual thing called “Pathogenic priming ” where a vaccine can make a second exposure to a virus very deadly. Much more than the original.

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity

It’s too bad they don’t have guns anymore. The reason they lost them was they were taken when a seriously dubious false flag supposed mental patient killed a bunch of people. If you read the info about the act it makes no sense that this guy was capable of doing what they said he did. It caused such a outrage that they were able to confiscate most all the guns. The US is fucked but I am proud that when all these false flags, shooting children and all kinds of people started up people just dug in their heels and refused to give up their guns. If we could get the right Federal judges it might be that we could finally get a ruling that would hold off the gun grabbers for a long, long time. Guns rights people have refused to sue because the courts are so pozzed they didn’t want the president if we lost.