President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):
Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):
BREAKING: In CNN interview with Jake Tapper yesterday, Joe Biden at first claimed Trump's lost "5,000" manufacturing jobs in Michigan since becoming president, but later in the interview, Biden supersized that figure by a factor of 10, claiming Trump's "lost 50,000 of those jobs"
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 11, 2020
BREAKING: Justice watchdog Horowitz made no mention in his 500-pp report of Mueller deputy Weissmann and the 17 other SCO prosecutors/agents who wiped their cellphones "accidentally" in the exact same manner just before the IG's investigators sought to inspect their phone records
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 11, 2020
Here is Chairman Lindsey Graham's Senate Judiciary hearing docket showing no #Spygate hearings scheduled before the election. Nada. Graham has subpoena power and the power to create news cycles. Meanwhile, Democrats continue to control the narrative …
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 11, 2020
BREAKING: Just months before Strzok in 2016 assured his mistress Lisa Page that he and the FBI would "stop" candidate Trump, Glenn Simpson's partner at FusionGPS emailed a DNC operative and used the same language: "He [Trump] has to be stopped"
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 11, 2020
How Robert Mueller helped Saudi Arabia cover up its role in the 9/11 attacks
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 11, 2020
The Mueller team intentionally wiped their phones to thwart an investigation into their work. Stunning revelation about something that actually happened, as opposed to debunked claim from anonymous sources. Note disparity in media coverage.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) September 11, 2020
Some non-citizens and illegal immigrants are registered to vote in N.Y., election officials say | Just The News
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) September 11, 2020
Fifty House Republicans sign letter asking DOJ investigate violence in cities | Just The News
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) September 11, 2020
Just In: Trump Admin Hints Saudi Arabia Could Be Next to Make Peace with Israel
— Adam Kredo (@Kredo0) September 11, 2020
This morning, I noticed the AG looked tired. I chalked it up to the end of a taxing week on the road. But then I learned he had been up since 5 am personally writing the remarks he delivered at today’s funeral for Det. Skernivitz. His love for our police is second to none. ?
— Kerri Kupec DOJ (@KerriKupecDOJ) September 11, 2020
Remember this. He gave when needed, without being asked.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 11, 2020
Spread r/K Theory, because the whole of politics now is good vs evil.
The link to this twitter brief at the top of the main blog and the Q brief doesn’t work.
Got it. Thanks.
“How Robert Mueller helped Saudi Arabia cover up its role in the 9/11 attacks”
A total lie. The Jews did 9-11. Even the most cursory look will tell you that. If the Saudis did 9-11 how did they get the explosives past the Jew security forces in build 7 which fell with NO SUPPORT other than air for roughly 108 feet. It’s impossible for a building to lose all support for 11 floors without some sort of demo. The fires in the building didn’t vaporize all 11 floors where there was no support but air. Since the Jews owned this whole complex how do they explain this?
Think of how completely corrupt our whole entire government is that Jews can blow up buildings in the center of our cities and nothing is done.
Saudis in Cabal may have funded it though, even if only by letting Cabal money flow through their accounts.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
And I have seen good arguments that the Saudi royalty are crypto-Jews.
You might find this interdasting, Sensitive fren:
This one is really funny:

Most excellent links. Jews=betrayal from the beginning. Always.
I would love to get some genetic samples from the Saudi family. I bet someone has taken them.
Arabs and Jews are genetically close.
Look at pics of both, you’ll see it.
“…I have seen good arguments that the Saudi royalty are crypto-Jews.”
Ok I’ll buy that and I have wondered much the same myself but it doesn’t change the fact that saying the Saudi’s did 9-11 is a ruse. It totally deflects the trajectory that the Jews controlled the situation from the beginning, which they did, onto some vacuous wisp of a point of no end, beginning or middle. . In my opinion this means it should be shunned as a complete fabrication.