Twitter Briefs – 07/27/2020

No Q today.

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title)::

Satire? Or real life? :

Notice, these are not losers with nothing, fighting out of frustration. This guy is a Google Engineer. This is the entirety of the network, called off the bench, for the last big game. And note, they got those jobs because they were in the network:

Nor is their operation the disorganized mess you would expect, were it organic. This is what you get from an organized intel operation offering groups planning, training, direction, and intel support:

And they have support from agents within the justice system and government to get them out if they get busted:

Also understand, the machinery is out there in this government to ID who these assholes with the lasers are, who is supplying the explosives, who is throwing them, and who the leaders of these organisations are. But Federal Agents are getting blinded, cops are getting blown up, they are literally trying to burn down Federal Courthouses, and that machine is not availing its abilities to Law Enforcement. And if you tried to stealthily take out one of the guys lazing the officers, or burning down the courthouses, unless you were extremely good AND extremely lucky, that machine would take you down, and fast.

Spread r/K Theory, because this is not your father’s Democrat party.

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