Twitter Briefs – 01/11/2021

WordPress fails to render these tweets right on the front page of the blog, so click the headline above to look at this post’s dedicated page, and all these tweets should render correctly, complete with videos and pictures.

No Q.

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter is suspended.

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):


From Lin Wood, at Parler :

Over the next 10-14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials & wealthy elite.

Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the worldwide pandemic.

Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more.

I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive.

This truly is the battle between good & evil.


A great deal of evidence deals with pedophilia & child sex trafficking. Laws prohibit it from being transmitted online. So the evidence can only be brought to light in court.

You will also be shown evidence at the proper time and through proper channels about the conclusive evidence of election fraud & acts of treason by many against our country.

Perhaps most shocking will be the masterful actions of President Trump in ridding our country of debtor-state status. Our financial system is a paper fraud. Time for bankruptcy & a fresh start. Just think – no income taxes!

Good time to own gold, silver, land, etc. Real assets v. paper.

It is 1776 again. Stay tuned.

Interesting the cop who was killed in the violence, in a crime they have still not arrested anyone for despite it happening in the global seat of surveillance,  with every idiot live-streaming or posting it to their social media, was one of our own:

Spread r/K Theory, because things may not be as random as you think.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
doesn't matter
doesn't matter
4 years ago

Lin Wood needs to deliver the goods or shut the fuck up.

This constant stream of hints about secret, but world-changing information got old and stupid back when Kim Dotcom was doing it during the 2016 election.

4 years ago

Democrats in both the House and Senate are planning to draft legislation to classify MAGA rallies

That’s a Bill of Attainder. They really are just going down the checklist of the Intolerable Acts.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago