Twitter Briefs – 01/02/2021

WordPress fails to render these tweets right on the front page of the blog, so click the headline above to look at this post’s dedicated page, and all these tweets should render correctly, complete with videos and pictures.

No Q.

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

No Mike Pence?”

Hhhmmnnn… Mike Pence?”

To be clear on Pence, I have no idea. I wrote six months or a year ago on some piece which had a few data-points which made me think his wife was a Cabal agent sent in to wrangle him. Or this could be Lin dropping smoke on orders of Trump, so nobody knows who is who on Jan 6th. The important takeaway that applies to all of these cases is this. One of my neighbors seems like a nice guy. His wife rescues dogs, and if you met them you’d like them. But if the order comes down, I’m pretty sure he will microwave you in your house like a chicken dinner. This whole thing, probably all of the world of intel, is very strange if you come from a normie background. I don’t know if it is as weird as Joe Biden probably fucking his daughter in the shower, or his son fucking his dead brother’s daughter while smoking crack with her and posting a video to Pornhub, But it is close, because it is all part of the same world. Don’t expect to understand it easily if you didn’t come up in it, and never think you really know who is who.

Trump did rush back to the White House from Mara Lago early for something on New Year’s Eve:

This next one is the biggest argument against the surveillance state. So long as the surveillance/informant net is up and watching everyone 24/7, and Cabal assets know they cannot possibly be touched by plebes, tyranny will increase incrementally until there is no freedom left. Like it or not, even the most craven, corrupt, and tyrannical are constrained by the possibility of an irate populace returning to the spirit of 1776. Even China/Cabal’s infiltration would have been curtailed in the absence of the surveillance state. Truth be told, tell me we can have FBI counter-intel with surveillance, or we can eliminate FBI counter-intel and eliminate surveillance, and it is no contest. No surveillance and no FBI would have resisted the Chinese/Cabal better, maybe on both counts, given Comey, Strzok and McCabe were all comped. Opposing surveillance with every fiber of your being is 100% patriotic:


Spread r/K Theory, because you never know who is who.

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Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
4 years ago

Pence has been a tough one to figure out. I thought he was just another Zionist Neocon Cuckservative. He seemed to be a decent VP to GEOTUS. He served in that role well by all appearances.

I’ve been listening to Robert David Steele a lot lately. Steele says there are people who claim Pence is involved in the pedophilia. Also says during Flynn’s short stint as National Security Advisor, Flynn got a list of top pedohiles from Holland, and one of Pence’s friends was on that list. Pence got pissed off and ran Flynn out of the WH before the President could know about it.

Steele thinks Pence was forced on the President to lock in the Evangelical Christian vote, which he says is how Israel controls us. Most of us Christians are taught that protecting Israel is God’s will, which they can use to make it illegal to criticize Israel and let them steal from us, put dual citizens in important government and security positions, and so on. (Schumer, Feinstein, Schitt, etc.)

For now, it’s all fog of war. Did Pence resign? Was he arrested? Why was his aircraft flying without the official callsign “Air Force 2”? But I guess if we don’t know, they don’t either so it’s confusion on the battlefield, which is a good thing for our side.

4 years ago

dunno for sure on pence the bushbot and I don’t trust him. but the idea behind the NT is that believers in Christ are the new Israel. the old one is gone, the one “created in 1947” is fake. And they act like it…